Results for "web"

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  • Web
    Lightweight browsers

    I've installed the W3C web browser/editor, Amaya, onto my PC. I've only just begun to test it. But with all this talk about Microsoft abandoning its IE browser, it may pay to actively look at alternative browsers. This article at has a good write-up on lightweight browsers, including Amaya.

  • Web
    IE is dead – long live Longhorn

    A hot topic in the blogging world recently has been: is Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser dead? Ironically, most of the good stuff to read has been via "Comments" forms - ie readers writing back to a weblog post. Robert Scoble from Microsoft said "The right question is: 'is the Web dead in Longhorn?'...

  • Web
    How to implement ENT into your Radio RSS feed

    After a few late nights, I've successfully implemented Easy News Topics (ENT) tags to my Radio Userland RSS feed. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. It involved rooting around in the Radio.root file of my weblog and upskilling myself in UserTalk, Radio Userland's scripting language. But...

  • Web
    Blogroll bug update

    I posted a question onto the Radio Userland discussion list. I asked why updates to my OPML blogroll don't automatically update my weblog menu. Nobody had an answer. A Google search came up empty too. But from my own checks it does seem that when you update your blogroll.opml file in your Gems folder,...

  • Web
    What became of the Browser/Editor

    I've been re-reading Weaving the Web by Tim Berners-Lee. As inventer of the World Wide Web in 1990 and current director of the W3C, Berners-Lee is a visionary and innovator. His current obsession, the Semantic Web, is not yet widely understood or appreciated. Just like the Web 10 years ago. Indeed one of Berners-Lee's earliest...

  • Web
    Story List macro

    Tonight I added an OPML blogroll to my menu - easy thanks to Jake Savin's instructions. Then I set about trying to implement a "Last 10 Entries" script into my weblog menu. Because I tend to write long-ish articles, I'd like to have a dynamic menu that lists my 10...

  • Web
    Building on Google’s aggregation services

    In his article "Google Aggregation Strategy", Elwyn Jenkins from Microdot News reviews three Google "information aggregations" and asks which one will be moved from beta to live first - Blogger, Froogle or Google News. Microdot News argues that aggregation is at the heart of Google's business and that Google will build on the success of their search engine...

  • Web
    Why I blog

    Dave Winer: "Much weblog writing is functional, not artistic. Jon Udell...writes about SpiderPhone because he wants to tell you about a piece of technology that interests him. The writing helps him sort it out, even if no one were to read it."One of my goals in my weblog is to...

  • Web
    RSS – Subscribing to Topics

    RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, or Rich Site Summary, depending on who you listen to. Either way RSS has become the poster child for the Publish-Subscribe protocol. RSS allows weblog and website owners to syndicate their content to anyone who wishes to subscribe to it. Usually people subscribe to...

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