Results for "web"

We found 24749 results for your search.
  • Web
    Linkblog added to sidebar

    I'm doing some incremental changes to the site. First up, I added my linkblog to the sidebar. I use my linkblog to save links, ideas and memes that interest me. Hence its name: Web of Ideas. It's a Movable Type site and the search functionality in particular makes it very...

  • Web
    First read-through of my Nanowrimo novel

    I've just finished reading my Nanowrimo novel as a whole piece for the first time. I'm pretty pleased with the story, apart from one thing right at the end (which I'll address at the end of this post). The whole point of Nanowrimo for me, as a first-time novelist, was...

  • Web
    The New Puritan Manifesto

    As I was browsing my local bookstore, ostensibly looking for a Christmas present for my Grandma, I came across a book called all hail the new puritans. It was a collection of short stories from young British writers circa 2000. So it was a few years old and probably collecting...

  • Web
    Aesthetic Morality in the 21st Century

    Morality in art has always been a fascination of mine. And by art I mean literature, music, movies - the works. Some weblogs even. A favourite artist of mine is the great Canadian pianist Glenn Gould. One of Gould's theories was that music should be judged on moral considerations rather...

  • Web
    Motivations: comparisons between novel-writing and blogging

    I had written a long post describing my motivations for writing my novel, but on reflection I won't publish it because it belongs more to my personal journal than on a public website. That is to say, it's probably only relevant to me. But to sum up in a sentence: my...

  • Web
    Reflections on writing a novel in 27 days – Part 1

    In November 2003 I embarked on a new adventure: writing a novel. I took part in Nanowrimo, an annual novel-writing challenge that takes place every November. Nanowrimo stands for 'National Novel Writing Month' and the task is to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. I first discovered Nanowrimo just...

  • Web
    Re-design braindump 2: Ancillary or Primary

    What's your primary content?I felt a bit guilty about dissing Jason Kottke's new design yesterday. I didn't mean to be negative, actually I admire that he's put all his content in one feed. It has its merits - for example readers only need to subscribe to the one RSS feed....

  • Web
    Dirtside to Spaceside – my novel in PDF form

    I've released the 0.9 version of my Nanowrimo novel, which I wrote in 27 days during November 2003. Apparently there were 3680 people all over the world crazy enough to successfully complete the Nanowrimo contest in 2003. So here's my effort:Dirtside to Spaceside (PDF - 344KB)Shortly I will begin to...

  • Web
    Dirtside to Spaceside – the novel

    I've published my Nanowrimo novel on Read/Write Web as an HTML file. The PDF version will have to wait till Monday. I tried to use the Adobe Online Conversion service, but I couldn't get the file size under 600KB for some reason (which is odd because the Word file is...

  • Web
    Nanowrimo Novel Finished!!!

    50,060 words. Completed in 27 days. The new name of my novel is: Dirt-side to Space-side. This is a NASA term for the Interplanetary Internet. I'll post a PDF version of my novel in the next day or two (once I correct the spelling mistakes).Looks like I'm the second Nanowrimo...

  • Web
    Nanowrimo Day 26 – 96% done. One more day to go…

    The penultimate day. 48,011 words (ch. 54 onwards). One more night's writing to go. I think I'm bringing together all the threads in time. I can't wait to finish now, although I'll probably miss it once I am finished. But I won't miss the late nights and early mornings. It's...

  • Web
    Nanowrimo Day 25 – 92% done

    46,253 words. Here's the latest (chapter 49 onwards). Two more nights to go and I'll be finished. Yesterday was quite difficult and I wasn't satisfied with my writing. I couldn't get in The Zone. No flow mojo. Thankfully today was easier and I was back in rhythm. I even went...

  • Web
    Day 23 – building now to an exciting conclusion

    42,448 words - nearly 85% done. The end of chapter 46 is here, then I started a new page for chapter 47 onwards.While walking in the local park today, feeding the ducks on a lovely sunny breezy Sunday with my wife and two-year old daughter, I had some ideas for...

  • Web
    Day 22 (Sat morning)

    Saturday morning as I write this. I will have more words to contribute later this weekend, but for now I'm at 39,564 words. Here's the latest (ch. 44 onwards).

  • Web
    Novel, Day 19

    36,119 words. Here's the latest (ch.42 onwards).I'd be interested to know if anyone is reading this and if so, what are your thoughts. I don't have much time to respond to your comments, but I do appreciate them.

  • Web
    Nanowrimo Day 18 – virtual worlds and avatars

    34,094 words. The latest is here. Yesterday and today was spent writing a long chapter 41, where the main character Declan is inserted into a virtual world as an avatar. I surprised myself with some William Burroughs-like imagery to descibe the virtual world. It's likely to need some tidying up...

  • Web
    Day 16

    30,125 words. Chapter 37 onwards. Two weeks to go, at 10,000 words per week. I feel I'm on the home straight!

  • Web
    Nanowrimo Day 15 – plus some thoughts on categories and topics

    27,563 words. Here's the latest (ch. 34 onwards). I'm hoping to reach the 30,000 mark by end of tomorrow. That will give me a nice round figure to aim for of 10,000 words per week for the final two weeks.I'm enjoying having two storylines intertwining now. On the one hand,...

  • Web
    Nanowrimo Day 13 – nearly halfway there

    24,662 words - virtually 50% finished. Tonight's words are chapter 32 onwards. Today was quite productive. The new storyline has energized me and is taking the overall story in an interesting direction. I'll be taking a day off tomorrow. Fridays have been declared rest days by my wife, which is...

  • Web
    Day 11 – Exhausted (as the Foo Fighters song goes…)

    Man *what* a struggle, 20,059 words - here they are (ch. 28 onwards for today). But I'm not that happy with tonight's words. I think the quality is not great. I had to interupt my writing a couple of times. Bah! Hopefully tomorrow is better. Well, later today - as...

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