Results for "user data"

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  • Featured
    FAKE Coronavirus Tracking App Demands Randsom from users

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been all over the news with several countries going into severe lockdown. During all of the panic and confusion, people have tried to benefit. Prices are going up and up and (mainly) antibacterial cleaning products have become scarce. Additionally, an Android app on your smartphone could...

  • data
    AI Startups Need Data, and the Government Needs Help

    Due to their unique oversight, governments have a surplus of data at their fingertips. Used properly, this available data could enable them to create beneficial programs that tackle problems in economics, policy, transportation, and civic life. Unfortunately, the majority of that data is untapped. Here are the facts about AI...

  • intelligent virtualization tech
    Intelligent Virtualization Technologies are Eliminating Data Silos Forever

    In an ever-accelerating information age, the companies most likely to succeed glean the most profitable insights from their data, faster and more nimbly than their competitors. For the data-driven enterprise today, you likely have game-changing insights into your business and your customers hidden throughout your vast troves of data. Here...

  • ai and big data
    Connected Devices
    IoT Can Put Your Data at Risk, Here’s How

    IoT has progressively made its way into the day-to-day lives of both individuals and businesses. From cars to coffee makers to smart factories, the devices that surround us are becoming increasingly connected. The benefits of bringing IoT into our homes and offices are numerous. We have increased efficiency, improved communication,...

  • data detox
    Why the Data Detox Movement is Growing all Around Us

    Have you ever felt the need to disconnect? Well, you’re not alone (ever, and perhaps that’s the problem). Study shows that one in five consumers takes a break from all forms of digital devices that in what is now referred to as a “digital detox.” Minimizing one's data exposure is...

  • data breach
    How to Avoid Becoming the Next Victim of a Data Breach

    Preventing a data breach within your small business or large business is very vital. Cyber attackers and hackers targets websites, emails of an employee, and customer data mainly, as they are an easy target. Data breaches are becoming and growing more powerful. Still, even normal attacks can lead to a...

  • Website Notification Sound
    3 Ways to Add Sound to Your Site (Without Annoying Users)

    There are compelling reasons to use sound on a website – and just as many not to. Consider, for example, that humans have the ability to recall things better through sound. If you had to learn the 50 states songs in elementary school or spent your childhood watching Schoolhouse Rock,...

  • cybersecurity best practices
    Cybersecurity Best Practices: 7 Ways to Secure Your Data in 2020

    Did you know that 44% of businesses plan to increase tech spend in 2020? In fact, Gartner predicted that global spending on cybersecurity would reach $170.4 billion by 2022. Given the onslaught of cybercrime in recent years, the birth of smarter criminals, and ever-evolving regulations, there’s no surprise why enterprises...

  • How to Keep Recorded Video Data Properly Secured and Encrypted
    How to Keep Recorded Video Data Properly Secured and Encrypted

    If your profession requires creating, manipulating, storing, or transferring video files, end-to-end encryption is essential. Without end-to-end encryption, your video files are constantly at risk of being stolen. Unencrypted data is at risk no matter the size of your business. Data breaches don’t just happen to big corporations like Target...

  • ai and big data
    Evolving Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

    Find the evolving relationship between big data and artificial intelligence. The growing popularity of these technologies offers engaging audience experience. It encourages newcomers to come up with an outstanding plan. AI and Big Data help you transform your idea into substance. It helps you make full use of visuals, graphs,...

  • bIg data impact on business
    Big Data and its Impact on Business and Mobile Apps

    Today it would take a person approximately 181 million years to download all the data from the internet. You can imagine the amount of data that is out there circulating the internet. Here is big data and its impact on business and mobile apps. There’s a humongous amount of data...

  • Featured
    Galaxy Watch Active 1 users gets Touch Bezel functionality as part of latest update

    We've had quite a few happy Galaxy Watch users that have recently received a software update Introducing lots of bells and whistles. Well, today it's the turn of the original Galaxy Watch Active 1 smartwatch users to get some update love. The software / firmware version is R500XXU1DSL1 with Tizen...

  • big data in industries
    The Impact of Using Big Data in Industries Today

    With the rise of technology, Big Data has revolutionized the industry standards to a remarkable extent. The rapid increase in the use of smartphones and other ways of communication has enabled the collection of a massive amount of data every single day. Here is the impact of using big data...

  • ai surveillance data
    AI: How it’s Impacting Surveillance Data Storage

    Our thirst for data is great. Our desire to be connected, at all times, means that by 2025 an average connected person will interact with connected devices one interaction every 18 seconds. The stat includes using smart home security, smart TVs and more – nearly 4,800 times a day. That's...

  • website tracking
    Leveraging Big Data that Data Websites Should Track

    Creating a product that solves customers’ problems is not just a matter of intuition, expertise, or brainstorming. Often, marketers get so overly confident in their knowledge of the market. A marketer may believe that there’s always the option to look at the state of things. Instead of imagining what the...

  • IoT data
    Connected Devices
    Internet of Things Makes it Easier to Steal Your Data

    With IoT technology expanding its presence in our lives, we are putting them to a new danger. Internet of things brings to our house devices packed with various sensors, cameras, microphones, and capability to transfer data over the Internet. How do we know that those devices are not sending the...

  • Computers
    20 VPS Companies Shut Down Leaving Customers 2 Days to Backup their Data

    Virtual Private Servers are pretty useful. For example, you could run private analytics and manage your IoT devices pretty easy. Unfortunately, quite a few people have been affected by 20 VPS hpsting server providers planning to shut down their service out of the blue. Why? The customers of these services...

  • View of a Network connection of data with 0 and 1 number - 3d render
    Big Tech Faces Data Collection Scrutiny, but Big Insurance Might be Next

    For most of the past decade, people all around the world sat and watched as significant tech companies started to expand their reach into every part of our daily lives. In many cases, the results were positive, like bringing our favorite entertainment to every device we own. We loved being...

  • intelligent data
    How Intelligent Data Addresses the Chasm in Cloud

    Advancements in cloud technology and the proliferation of cloud migrations enables the growth of a “self-service” culture when it comes to Business Intelligence (BI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) advanced analytics. Here is how intelligent data addresses the chasm in the cloud. Self-service advanced analytics allows business users...

  • data visualization tools
    Best Data Visualization Tools for 2020 Reviewed

    Big data is often a buzzword. In recent years the big data word has preoccupied business owners and made department managers drool. One crucial prerequisite to big data is to utilize professional data visualization tools. These tools provide a better way to access, explore and communicate your data. Here are...

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