Results for "LEGO"

We found 195 results for your search.
  • Web
    Kids on the Web: Innovation From Unlikely Experts

    "Advances in science and technology can launch from unassuming springboards," says a recent article in Scientific American, chronicling how brilliant thinkers "reached back to childhood to help them develop tiny transistors, study particle separation, make microfluidics devices, and fight cancer." More specifically, they reached for Etch A Sketch, Legos, Shrinky...

  • Web
    Worried About Flash on the iPad? Apple Tries to Ease Your Fears

    Will popular websites, especially those from news and entertainment companies, work on the iPad? Apple, in an arguably brilliant PR effort now has an answer: an online collection of iPad-Ready sites. The Cupertino-based maker of iPods and iPhones made a bold, potentially Internet-changing decision when it decided that the upcoming...

  • Entertainment
    NPR and WSJ Building iPad-Only Websites

    The Wall Street Journal and National Public Radio (NPR) will be launching custom-built iPad-only websites next month when the new Apple slate computer known as the iPad is made available for sale. Both sites will automatically detect when web surfers arrive via an iPad device and will then show those...

  • Web
    Augmented Reality: Passive Consumers vs. Creative Contributors

    While 2009 has been the year of the API, it's the codeless creative experiences that drive mainstream adoption. Every December, ReadWriteWeb's writers collect up their thoughts from 2009 and make predictions for the year ahead. My first prediction was that augmented reality applications would gain popularity. Part of that prediction...

  • Web
    Unity Releases New & Free Versions of Web/Mobile Dev Platform

    At today's Unite Conference, game dev platform provider Unity Technologies announced it will be releasing the latest build of its Unity Platform and making a previous version available at the low, low price of free.All platforms allow developers to create games for PCs, Macs, Nintendo Wiis, and iPhones. The free...

  • Web
    BUG Labs WiFi Release: DIY Web-Enabled Gadgets for All

    Have you ever wanted to build a better web cam, GPS device or web video pet monitoring service? Well you just might get your chance. Bug Labs recently released their latest BUGbase device module with an embedded WiFi and bluetooth solution. Best known for its Lego-like hardware blocks, BUG offers...

  • Web
    Prepare Yourselves: Augmented Reality Hype on the Rise

    Augmented reality -- or the addition of a layer to the world before your eyes (aka the "real world") using technology -- is the next big tech trend. Already making its debut in everything from mobile apps to kids toys, "AR" will clearly soon be talked about by everyone the...

  • Web
    ExpenseBay Takes the Trophy at Twiistup 6

    Of twelve competing startups selected to present at Twiistup 6 in Los Angeles, only one would go home with the prestigious trophy, which was, to adhere to strictest journalistic standards of truth-telling and integrity, constructed entirely of Legos.The victor in this contest was not the charming underdog, BakeSpace, nor was...

  • Web
    Open Knowledge Sharing for the Dynamic Web

    The EU-funded OpenKnowledge program is a smart toolkit designed to unlock the hidden resources of the web that can't be accessed by web sites and browsers alone. With a small, downloadable piece of Java code, users can coordinate and share information with each other more directly than through traditional means....

  • Web
    Most Popular Websites For Kids

    Continuing our coverage of the mainstream web, in this post we look at some of the most popular websites for kids. We've gathered information from a recent report (pdf) from Nielsen Online, via Marketingvox, which studied the online habits of Britons under the age of 23. We also polled friends...

  • Web
    How to Get Customer Service via Twitter

    There has been a lot of talk lately of companies monitoring social media, be it Twitter, blogs, or social networking sites, for mentions of their company name and responding to customer service issues. Some of this interaction has been in the Twitter community, with Comcast being one of the more...

  • Web
    HiveLive Partners With Marketer, Responsys: It’s More Enterprise 2.0

    HiveLive, a B2B social software platform provider, brings the social web to businesses by providing them with customizable tools like user profiles, blogs, discussion forums, wikis, and RSS which they can skin, edit, and secure easily, and without any coding. The platform is based on a building block called a...

  • Web
    Finding the Best Videos: A Guide to Video Aggregation Sites

    If you had any doubt that video is hot right now, chew on this: the top 10 videos on YouTube have been viewed a collective 307.7 million times. In February, Emre Sokullu identified over 60 major players in the video space in our Online Video Industry Index. Meanwhile the video...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Expo Wrapup

    Just as it's become the custom for Tim O'Reilly to open the Web 2.0 conference keynotes with a fireside chat with Jeff Bezos of, and then later for John Battelle to interview a Google exec (it used to be Sergey Brin, but now Eric Schmidt has taken over that...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 7-13 Mar 2005

    This week: Microsoft's RSS Aggregator, mobile web 2.0, open source web 2.0 (stats, adverts, topics), Structured Blogging, ETech.Well this week has been a blur of activity for me and my server. First off I launched an RSS statistics project with Jon Udell and Feedburner, then later in the week I...

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