Blogged Live from DEMOfall by Alex
Ma, no charger! Today at DEMOfall, the CEO of Moixa
Energy Simon Daniel (a quirky physics PhD from the UK) dropped a bag full of
chargers on stage. He kicked them away and pulled out of his pocket the marvel
created by his company Äì a battery called
USBCell that charges from the USB port. Not only is this very cool, it’s
smart – because there are billions of USB ports in desktops and laptops that can effectively become outlets for these batteries. It is also elegant, efficient
and environment friendly.

The company claims that it takes about 5 hours to fully charge a battery, but
they are working on significantly reducing this time. There is already a version
of this battery for cell phones, which has a USB jack attached to it via wire.
Launched just last week, the site has had over 100,000 visitors already. The
battery is going to be available first in UK, then later in US. It will be sold
direct online and via major chains.

“This revolutionary rechargeable battery can charge from any USB port
without the need for any recharging devices, cradles or cables. Simply pop the
lid to reveal a built in connector and charger, plug into any powered USB port
on your desktop, laptop, keyboard or games console, to charge the battery.”