ReadWriteWeb is looking for a part-time, late-afternoon/evening news writer. It’s a great opportunity to make a name for yourself, to work with an awesome team and to learn a whole lot about the web and new media journalism. We’d love for it to turn into a full-time job, if you prove successful. Your geographic location is not important. Your work will be syndicated to the New York Times technology page online, so your family will understand what you’re doing. (To some degree.)
I (co-Editor Marshall Kirkpatrick) wrote up this job description and Founding Editor Richard MacManus said, “We’ll do it live!” So here you go. Read on for our description of what we’re looking for in the next addition to our team.
50% of Team RWW, gathered in Portland, Oregon. Founder Richard MacManus is 2nd from left.
We’re looking for someone who’s very competitive, hard working and self-directed. As one of the top blogs on the web, RWW combines a powerful research infrastructure, an unusually collaborative virtual newsroom, smart people, integrity, thoughtfulness and speed. We’re looking for good writers with a respectable knowledge of and definite interest in emerging web technologies. We write more about the tech and culture parts of tech than the business part, but an ability to write intelligently about all of the above is what we’re looking for.
Basically, we’re looking for someone who can kick ass. Someone who can develop and work contacts, scan thousands of feed items daily, communicate well with the rest of our team, select their own stories (with some help) and write 2 or 3 fantastic short to medium length news posts 5 nights a week. Our philosophy with regard to our competitors is that it’s best to be first and best, but it’s second best to be best. In other words, we try not to sacrifice quality for speed, if we have to make a choice. We would like you to strive to do at least one incredible thing every day. As a news writer, that usually means writing something well, before our competitors do, that we’re all proud to have on our site.
We’re looking for someone who can make themselves a star – through humble, smart, hard, fast and skilled work.
Monetary compensation is standard for the industry; non-monetary compensation in the form of thrills, skills and experience is among the best you’ll find. People love working for ReadWriteWeb.
If you’d like to be a part of one of the leading technology blogs on the internet, email me at [email protected] with the words “awesome news writer” in your subject line. If you know someone that could be a good fit for this position, please send them our way.