In an effort to help folks searching for smartphone apps tell which ones are native and which ones aren’t, an icon for web apps has been proposed. This and more in today’s Daily Wrap.
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Mobile Web Apps Get A Dedicated Icon
Does the app ecosystem need a dedicated web app icon? At least one company thinks so, and they took the liberty of hiring a design firm to create one and shared it with the web at large. What do you think? Do we need an specialized icon to let us know when an app is a web app?
Manny Cortez, ReadWriteWeb Community Member, seems to think the icon is unnecessary for the typical end user:
Another ReadWriteWeb reader, Chris Gonzales, pointed out that if this icon gets used as directed, we’ll see tons of these on phone’s home screen, and that may prove challenging.
ReadWriteWeb commenter, Paul Gailey, agrees:
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