How to Buy Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) Tokens – Detailed Guide

Meme coin investors are flocking to a new presale project called Base Dawgz. Its native token, $DAWGZ, operates on Base – the trending network built and promoted by Coinbase. 

The Base Dawgz presale has raised over $217,000 in its first few hours. It offers a huge discount to early backers, with tokens currently selling for just $0.00479. 

This guide explains how to buy Base Dawgz tokens, and what factors could make it the next big meme coin. 

3 Key Points About Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)

First, let’s cover three important points about the Base Dawgz project:

  • Cross-Chain Meme Coin: Base Dawgz is a new cryptocurrency entering the multi-billion dollar meme coin space. As the name suggests, it’s operating on the Base network. Base meme coins continue to outperform Bitcoin – so there’s a lot of buzz surrounding the $DAWGZ presale. In addition, Base Dawgz offers cross-chain movements, meaning investors can access $DAWGZ from other blockchain standards. This is a unique offering. 
  • Presale Process: Base Dawgz is a presale cryptocurrency, which means tokens are being sold to earn investors before the official launch. This offers a solid advantage, as presale investors get a huge discount on the token price. There’s a 5% price increase every few days, so it’s worthwhile investing early. The Base Dawgz presale accepts wallet-to-wallet payments via ETH, USDT, BNB, SOL, and AVAX. 
  • Tokenomics: Base Dawgz’s total supply is 8,453,000,000 tokens. This is confirmed by SolidProof – a reputable smart contract auditor who has carried out an audit of the project’s smart contract. While 40% of the token supply is split between presale investors and liquidity, the balance has been allocated to exchange listings, staking, marketing, and community rewards. These are solid tokenomics that can help propel $DAWGZ tokens to unprecedented heights. 

Remember that cryptocurrencies, in general, are high-risk. These risks are amplified when investing in presales like Base Dawgz, considering it’s a brand-new project without a track record. Presale investors should proceed at their own risk.

How to Invest in the Base Dawgz Presale: Beginner’s Guide

Investing in the Base Dawgz presale is different from buying coins on an exchange. The presale is held on the Base Dawgz website, and there’s no requirement to open an account. 

All you need is a crypto wallet with some coins. The presale accepts several popular coins, including BNB, USDT, ETH, AVAX, and SOL.

Then, you’ll need to connect the wallet to the presale website, choose how much $DAWGZ to buy, and confirm. Let’s break down each step in more detail.

Step 1: Download Trust Wallet

This tutorial assumes no prior investing experience – so we’ll start from the ground up. First, you’ll need to download a crypto wallet. We suggest Trust Wallet for beginners.

Go to the Trust Wallet website and click on the ‘Download’ button. Choose between Google Play or Android, depending on your smartphone’s operating system.

How to download Trust Wallet

Open the app and click ‘Create New Wallet’. Choose a PIN and ensure it’s one that only you will know. Next, you’ll be shown your backup passphrase – write this down on a sheet of paper.

Trust Wallet will need confirmation that the passphrase was written down correctly – so you’ll need to type each word in the correct order. Your wallet is now set up.

Step 2: Buy Some Crypto via Trust Wallet

The next step is to buy some coins so that you can invest in the Base Dawgz presale with Trust Wallet. Although crypto exchanges are cheaper, we’d suggest using Trust Wallet directly – which accepts credit cards, Google Pay, bank transfers, and more.

Trsut Wallet fiat deposits

You won’t need to register with an exchange and the coins will be added to your Trust Wallet balance straight away. On the main Trust Wallet interface – click on ‘Buy’. In the search box, type in ‘Base’.

You’ll then see ‘ETH’ appear. This means you’re buying ETH on the Base network. Choose your payment method and the amount you want to invest.

You’ll be asked for:

  • Some basic personal details
  • A government-issued (e.g. driver’s license)
  • Payment details

Everything is automated, so the government-issued ID will be verified almost instantly. Confirm the purchase and within seconds, the ETH will appear in your wallet.

Note: The presale also accepts ETH and USDT (Ethereum), AVAX (Avalanche), BNB (BNB Chain), and SOL (Solana). However, we’ve opted for ETH (Base) – as this is Base Dawgz’s primary network.

Step 3: Connect Trust Wallet to Base Dawgz

So far, you’ve set up Trust Wallet and funded it with some ETH. This means you have everything required to invest in the presale.

Head to the Base Dawgz presale website. We’d suggest using your smartphone browser, which is where Trust Wallet is installed. This will make it easier to sign and verify the presale investment rather than using multiple devices.

Invest in Base Dawgz presale

Investors are required to select the network they’re using to invest. You’ve got ETH on the Base network, so click the Base logo. The red arrow in the above image is pointing to it. Then, make sure ‘ETH’ is selected.

Now click the ‘Connect Wallet’ button followed by ‘Trust Wallet’. You’ll see a notification appear on your smartphone. This is from Trust Wallet, asking you to verify that you want to connect to the Base Dawgz website. Click the notification and approve the connection.

Step 4: Decide How Much to Invest in Base Dawgz 

Even the best crypto presales are risky – so investing sensible amounts is crucial.  In other words, avoid investing more than you can afford to lose. There is no minimum requirement when investing in the Base Dawgz presale – which is ideal if you only want to risk small amounts.

The investment size should be stated in ETH, which is what you’re currently holding in Trust Wallet. If you’re planning to use the full ETH balance – you’ll need to reduce this by a bit to cover network fees. Fortunately, the Base network is super-cheap – with transactions costing cents.

Invest in Base Dawgz presale

Once you type in the investment size, you’ll notice the number of $DAWGZ tokens update. This is how many tokens you’ll receive. For instance, we’re swapping 1.2 ETH for 953,239 $DAWGZ as per the image above.

Step 5: Confirm Base Dawgz Investment 

Just one more step is required – confirmation of your presale investment. Similar to when you connect your wallet to the presale website, Trust Wallet will send another notification to your smartphone. Clicking it will open the wallet and ask you to verify the transaction.

In doing so, ETH will be transferred from your wallet to the Base Dawgz presale. The transaction should take less than 60 seconds to confirm. Refresh the presale website and wait for confirmation that the investment was successful.

If it fails, it’s likely because you don’t have enough to cover network fees. In this instance, reduce the investment size slightly so the order goes through. Once confirmed, you can disconnect your wallet from the presale website. You can claim your $DAWGZ tokens after the presale ends.

What is Base Dawgz?

Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) is one of the best new cryptocurrencies to buy. It’s a fun yet highly speculative meme coin based on the Shiba Inu breed. While many new meme coins have taken a similar route – Base Dawgz has some stand-out selling points. 

First, Base Dawgz has been built in the Base ecosystem. As we briefly explained earlier, Base is a network owned by Coinbase – the second-largest exchange worldwide. Coinbase has millions of active users, is regulated in the US, and has a stock listing on the NASDAQ. What’s more, Coinbase’s balance sheet is robust – meaning it has vast resources to build and promote the Base chain.

base dawgz banner

This is why many meme coin investors are now focusing on Base tokens like $DAWGZ. Second, while Base Dawgz will benefit from Base’s rapid growth, it will also operate in other ecosystems. Embodying the spirit of “base jumping,” the multi chain meme coin allows you to hop across 6 different blockchains through Wormhole and Bridging technology. This includes Solana, BNB Chain, Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche. Excluding Bitcoin, these are the five largest networks for transactional activity.

This means anyone holding SOL, BNB, ETH, MATIC, or AVAX can easily trade $DAWGZ – no matter their preferred network. Third, Base Dawgz will have a substantial marketing budget once the presale ends – 15% of the total supply has been allocated. This is in addition to its share-to-earn concept, where token holders will be rewarded for promoting $DAWGZ on social media.

Reasons Why Base Dawgz is a Strong Buy

Here’s why Base Dawgz could be the best crypto to buy:

  • Base Meme Coins Are Pumping: As per CoinMarketCap data, Bitcoin is up just 4.4% in the past week. Now compare this to leading Base coins like Mochi (73%), Toshi (118%), and Base God (145%). Put otherwise, there’s a lot of focus on Base meme coins right now. This means Base Dawgz is launching at the perfect time. An investment in $DAWGZ means you could benefit from the ongoing Base network pump.
  • 5% Presale Increase Every Five Days: Those investing in the Base Dawgz presale early get the lowest cost price. Throughout the presale campaign, there will be a 5% price increase every five days. So, if you invest today, you’ll already be up 5% in a few days. This means you’re securing an upside before the tokens have been listed on exchanges.
  • Earn Staking Rewards: The best altcoins are worth holding for several months – if not years. This is because long-term holders typically secure the highest gains as they allow their profitable positions to run. Base Dawgz is ideal for long-term holders, as it offers Base Dawgz staking rewards. This means that by staking your tokens, you’ll generate passive income – payable in new $DAWGZ tokens.

What is the Price Potential of $DAWGZ Tokens?

The price potential of $DAWGZ tokens starts with the presale. Investors have five days to secure the stage one price of $0.00479. After that, there will be an immediate 5% increase. As mentioned, further 5% increases will take place every five days until the presale finishes.

After that, $DAWGZ will be listed on decentralized exchanges. The Base meme coin hasn’t provided the exchange listing price – but we can assume it will carry a low market capitalization. This means presale investors should expect volatility – especially during the first few hours.

Buy Base Dawgz tokens

The upside potential will then depend on how much buying pressure Base Dawgz attracts. If the markets are bullish, and $DAWGZ solidifies itself as one of the best meme coins on Base, then presale buyers could be looking at a rapid price appreciation with huge gains.

However, there’s no guarantee this will happen. As such, if you do proceed, consider investing small amounts. Also, ensure your investments are diversified across many different cryptocurrencies – rather than putting all of your eggs into one basket.

The Verdict

In summary, while Base Dawgz could be the next meme coin gem for presale buyers – it’s important to consider the risks. Presale tokens can rise and fall after listing on exchanges – so ensure you conduct adequate research.

Those wishing to proceed can still get the lowest cost price of $0.00479 per token. There’s no minimum presale requirement, but you’ll need BNB, SOL, ETH, USDT, or AVAX to invest.


How to Invest in the Base Dawgz Presale?

How much do $DAWGZ tokens cost to buy?


  1. Why Base Chain Has Potential to Lock the Next Generation of Crypto Users (Yahoo)
  2. Introducing Base (Coinbase)
  3. How do Network Fees on Base Work? (Base)
  4. The Importance of Diversification (Investopedia)

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Kane Pepi
Crypto Expert

Kane Pepi is a financial and cryptocurrency writer who has written over 2,000 articles, tutorials, and market analyses. Kane's expertise in specialized domains such as asset appraisal and analysis, portfolio management, and financial crime prevention has earned him a reputation for providing succinct explanations of difficult financial subjects. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance, a Master of Science in Financial Crime, and is currently working on his Doctorate degree, which will focus on the challenges of money laundering in the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology industries. Kane's wealth of industry experience make him a valuable resource for traders and…

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