A new version of Google Chrome for Mac is now available for download and this time it has a feature many Mac users have been anticipating – extensions.

Chrome for Mac was introduced in December and, to many people’s dismay, did not support extensions. This latest version not only brings extensions to the Mac, but browser syncing for keeping your bookmarks organized and with you, wherever you may go.
Chrome’s extension gallery currently has over 2,200 extensions to choose from. Extensions do anything from taking snapshots of the website you’re on and creating a .jpg image to creating customized homepages made up from your favorite websites. They can even help you keep track of your favorite blogs, like ReadWriteWeb.
For most people, the update should happen automatically. If you’re wondering if it has already happened for you, simply look under “About”. If you have version 5.0.307 you’re ready to go.
The new extensions support makes installing extensions simple and quick. This feature should help Chrome to continue grabbing an ever larger piece of the browser market. It currently sits at about 6%, holding the No. 3 spot behind Internet Explorer and Firefox.
For some good background on Chrome and extensions, read Marshall Kirpatrick’s “5 Cool Things to Know About Google Chrome Extensions“.