Home 3 for the Road: Weekend Cloud Round-Up

3 for the Road: Weekend Cloud Round-Up

We do our best to tell you everything you need to know about cloud computing, but it’s hard to fit everything in every week. Here are three articles that are worth your attention: an unusual list of thinkers who shaped the cloud, a guide to cloud computing acronyms and a potential new trend in SaaS.

Cloudant Offers Better Search for CouchDB

CouchDB host Cloudant is rolling-out a new feature: full text indexing and search for CouchDB. Cloudant’s search uses Lucene query syntax and MapReduce, but unlike other CouchDB search products Lucene is integrated directly into the Cloudant CouchDB database. It also has a RESTful API.


Cloudant claims this gives the following advantages: real-time search, indexing and search using all valid JSON types, fault-tolerance and redundancy, little to no setup and configuration and scalability.

It’s implemented in couchjava, Cloudant’s own Java-based view server for CouchDB.

Rackspace Announces New CDN Provider: Akamai

This week Rackspace announced it will be replacing its current content distribution network (CDN) service from Limelight with service from Akamai. Current Rackspace customers using Limelight URLs shouldn’t be affected, the URLs should continue to work. Following the transition Rackspace plans to implement new features including SSL and CNAMES.

BMC Launches Cloud Lifecycle Management Product

Not to be left out of the cloud management game, BMC this week launched its new Cloud Lifecycle Management product. It features policy-driven access controls, a Web-based interface, compliance and monitoring tools and provisioning tools for public, private and hybrid tools. It’s vendor-agnostic to avoid lock-in.

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