Home Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses can now upload photos straight to Instagram Stories

Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses can now upload photos straight to Instagram Stories

The latest update to the Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses means you can share photos directly to Instagram with just one push of a button.

While posting to Instagram Stories isn’t a laborious process usually, the Meta team has made it even quicker and more spontaneous for those looking to share in-the-moment snippers with followers.

The Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses are a collaboration between designer Ray-Ban and Meta. They have a HD camera installed, along with open-ear speakers, a touchpad, and a power switch.

Once you’re wearing the Ray-Ban Meta glasses you just have to hold down the button on the frame until the white light flashes.

Now, the Meta update means you can simply say ‘Hey Meta, share my last photo to Instagram’ or even ‘Hey Meta, post a photo to Instagram,’ and it’ll do so hands-free.

The feature may not be available to everyone straight away as it’s being rolled out gradually.

Other hands-free capabilities have been added too, like the addition of being able to play Calm’s guided meditation or self-care content directly to the glasses. Again, this works in a similar way to the new Instagram feature as you just speak it into existence.

Audio from Amazon Music can be streamed directly to the smart glasses too, with the wearables being able to play a recommended playlist curated to your liking.

Could Meta soon be bringing out AR glasses to add to its current line up?

At the end of February, a report surfaced from Business Insider which suggested that Meta could showcase and demo its first true augmented reality glasses at the fall developer conference later this year.

These are different from the Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses and the Meta Quest headsets and are known internally as ‘Orion.’

In 2023, Meta announced a roadmap ahead of its plans to release AR glasses in 2027. But before then, there could be a third generation of Ray-Ban smart glasses in 2025 which could come complete with a ‘neural interface band.’

Featured Image: Via Reality Labs at Meta Account on X

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Sophie Atkinson
Tech Journalist

Sophie Atkinson is a UK-based journalist and content writer, as well as a founder of a content agency which focuses on storytelling through social media marketing. She kicked off her career with a Print Futures Award which champions young talent working in print, paper and publishing. Heading straight into a regional newsroom, after graduating with a BA (Hons) degree in Journalism, Sophie started by working for Reach PLC. Now, with five years experience in journalism and many more in content marketing, Sophie works as a freelance writer and marketer. Her areas of specialty span a wide range, including technology, business,…

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