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  • Mobile
    Microsoft Surface Pro Is Even Harder To Fix Than An iPad

    For all the wonder and convenience of the post-PC era, there's one big disadvantage worth griping about: As we move toward tablets and smartphones, our devices are getting harder to open up and fix ourselves.It's not just Apple products, either. Sure, Cupertino's wares have become so notoriously hard-to-fix for so...

  • Web
    Intel Confirms Its TV Plans – There’s No Way It’s Going To Work

    Four years ago, Intel executives stood on stage with representatives from, Yahoo, Comcast, Disney and Sony, with endorsements from CBS and device manufacturers like Motorola, promising to revolutionize the television. They failed. This week, Intel disclosed that it had launched a new division, dubbed Intel Media, that would set out to...

  • Mobile
    Sneak Peek: BlackBerry’s Super Bowl Commercial

    BlackBerry is going to hit the Super Bowl hard on Sunday with a new advertising campaign for its new BlackBerry 10 devices. The actual commercials have yet been released, but if the BlackBerry 10 launch event in New York City earlier this week was any indication, it will be likely...

  • Mobile
    Why Do Americans Hate Android And Love Apple?

    Why do Americans overwhelmingly prefer iPhone when the rest of the world has overwhelmingly embraced Android?The numbers tell an incredible story. Worldwide, Android has 75% market share in smartphones, versus 15% for Apple, according to IDC. But in the United States the iPhone still rules, accounting for 63% of smartphone sales...

  • Social
    5 Big Tech Companies That Are Killing It On Facebook

    It's taken for granted these days that if you run a business, you need to be on Facebook. And while any monkey can click the "Create Page" button, it takes a smart strategy to wind up with the kind of Facebook numbers that are truly brag-worthy.Of course, it doesn't hurt...

  • Web
    6 Signs Yahoo May Actually Get It (Finally)

    Disclosure: I used to work with Yahoo in my two years as an editor for the website Tecca. While I was never on Yahoo's payroll, our companies had a close content partnership and some leadership overlap. (It's complicated.)Yahoo is a strange, many-headed beast. Not often commended for its corporate vision,...

  • Work
    Bloomberg Billionaires Index Challenges Tech Assumptions

    On Wednesday, Bloomberg released a new website for its Bloomberg Billionaires Index, complete with some snappy data visualization tools. While we'd like to see a few more features added to the mix (a year-by-year progression of adds and drops would be great), it's a fun tool, and it makes certain...

  • Web
    How Mind-Controlled Games Work – And Why It’s Way, Way Bigger Than That

    While major hardware makers are busy squabbling over "4K" vs "Ultra HD", the future is quietly creeping in around the edges. A future with implications in the real world - big ones. Really big ones. Think using crowd-sourced mind control to change the color of Niagara Falls and the CN...

  • Mobile
    HTC’s Problems Go Way Beyond Marketing

    Smartphone maker HTC had a down year in 2012. That's not news, the company's troubles have been well documented. Samsung, the playground bully of the mobile industry, basically beat up HTC and stole its lunch money. Apple, that conniving and clever older sister, boxed HTC in to a corner and...

  • Work
    6 Strategies For Cracking The Enterprise Tech Market In 2013

    With all the recent teeth gnashing about startup investment shifting from consumer to enterprise technology, it's worth noting that successfully cracking the enterprise market is no easy task: 70% of the U.S. economy hinges on consumer spending. Even with the pending fiscal cliff, it's kind of hard to ignore the...

  • Mobile
    Top 10 Mobile Products Of 2012

    When it comes to the mobile industry, we talk a lot about new devices and the virtues or detriments of each one. Is the iPhone 5 the best thing ever or does the Samsung Galaxy S 3 blow it out of the water? These questions, while pertinent and fun to...

  • Mobile
    Who Are The Savviest Mobile Users? Generation Y

    If you are an American between the ages of 24 and 32, there is a fairly high probability you own a smartphone. In fact, you probably have a laptop and a tablet to go with it. You have an average of 268 Facebook friends and own a high-definition television.At least,...

  • Mobile
    7 Bold Predictions Of What The Mobile Industry Will Do In 2013

    It seems like every year, that darned rodent in Punxsutawney, Pa., predicts six more weeks of winter. Never mind the fact that Groundhog Day is technically six weeks before the official start of spring. We hail Punxsutawney Phil as the seer of seers, prognosticator of prognosticators. How can you not...

  • Mobile
    The Mobile Industry Matured In 2012 – And Grew Like Crazy

    Velocity Of Mobile AdoptionThe overall velocity of smartphone adoption may be starting to slow in the United States and other first world markets like Western Europe, but the rest of the world is starting to see extraordinary mobile adoption rates. For instance, according to analytics firm Flurry, China’s growth rate...

  • Mobile
    The Three Smartphone Business Trends That Mattered Most In 2012

    Patent WarsIt is impossible to do a year-end review of the mobile ecosystem and not mention the thermonuclear patent wars. Patents are the story of the year in mobile - with billion dollar lawsuits, injunctions, cease-and-desist letters and patent trolls all marching us down the road to chaos. Samsung and...

  • Mobile
    Top 10 Mobile Devices Of 2012

    2012 was a big year in mobile. We have never seen a year like this where there were so many quality devices from so many disparate suppliers all competing for the interest of consumers and enterprises. What were the best of the best? We rank the top 10 smartphones and...

  • Web
    Happy Birthday! The Transistor Turns 65 This Week

    On December 16, 1947, Bell Labs researchers William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain created an amplifier from a germanium crystal that boosted an input signal by 100 times. Various researchers had tried to develop a solid-state alternative to electromechanical switches and delicate vacuum tubes during the war. The Bell...

  • Entertainment
    5 Companies That Will Define The Future Of Radio

    Radio will never be the same. Like books, magazines, music and just about every other mass medium you can think of, the age-old format is being transformed by the Internet, mobile technology and a few very smart organizations. We don't know exactly what radio will look like in 20 years...

  • Work
    Ubislate 7Ci: Can This $20 Tablet Really Change The World?

    In all the competitive battles that have defined the history of the technology revolution, one essential truth almost always determines the outcome: cheap and good enough beats awesome but expensive every time.It happened when PCs beat out minicomputers (not to mention Macintosh's). It happened when VHS killed Betamax. It happened...

  • Work
    Microsoft: Don’t Get ‘Scroogled’ By Google Search Results

    On Wednesday, Microsoft began running a national ad campaign to warn users to avoid being “Scroogled” by Google search results that have been influenced by paid placement.Specifically, Microsoft’s campaign attempts to portray Google as basing its Google Shopper search results on the amount of money each vendor has paid, rather...

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