Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    Is BioShock Infinite The Last Gasp For The Triple-A “Art Game”?

    When it comes to video games, the death knell is rung loudly and frequently. In an industry so intrinsically tied to technological innovation, we won't stop hearing any time soon about what former trend or gaming mainstay has its head on the chopping block. The most recent forecast from worried gaming...

  • Mobile
    Forrester CEO Thinks Apple Needs To Build A Foldable iPhone

    Everybody can agree that Apple’s next couple of iPhones need to be more than just iterative updates. From the design to the hardware to iOS, Apple clearly needs to do… more. But some people like to take that idea of "more" to ludicrous extremes. Usually it is some obscure blog trying...

  • Web
    Fool Us Twice: More April Fools’ Tomfoolery [Videos]

    As All Fools' Day continues, more reports of tomfoolery are coming in, so here's a quick video update.Scope Releases Bacon-Flavored MouthwashWestJet Loves The PetsAerLingus: Flight Boarding By ClanSony Features Products For Non-BipedsWomp Rats Are EasyIf you find any more humorous attempts to tickle, post them below in the comments!Lead image...

  • Mobile
    Will BlackBerry Be Able To Win The Battle For No. 3? [Poll]

    BlackBerry appears to be back on track. It has stopped losing money like a Hollywood starlet with a crack addiction, finally has new products on the market and a roadmap to grow in 2013 and beyond. Thorsten Heins and company appear poised to stake a claim for what has become...

  • Mobile
    Does Firefox OS Have A Chance? Maybe

    Firefox OS, the mobile platform being developed by Mozilla, is not something I'm not convinced will ever matter, although I could be wrong — and I kind of hope I am. After all, another platform, more developers, more competition and the promise of truly open web standards for mobile devices are...

  • Mobile
    Lessons From Samsung’s Chairman Lee: Sometimes It Takes A Match

    Samsung can teach us a lot of lessons. Sometimes, you just need to change everything you are doing. In 1995, Samsung chairman Lee Kun Hee piled 2,000 inoperable cellphones on the pavement at the company’s manufacturing plant in Gumi, South Korea. He then burnt them all to the ground. What was...

  • Work
    Why Intel TV Is Just Another Doomed Lunge At The Consumer Market

    Over the past dozen years or so, Intel has repeatedly demonstrated that it has a tin ear when it comes to consumer electronics. Despite a long trail of failure, the tenacious chipmaker keeps coming back with one bad idea after another.Its latest scheme has Intel going toe-to-toe with... wait for...

  • Work
    No More Wild West For Bring Your Own Devices

    In June 2007, Apple launched the first iPhone, marking a new era in corporate mobility. Before the fashionable mini-computer, people used smartphones for voice, texting and email. With the iPhone and its remarkable touchscreen users could also be entertained with music, video and games. Corporate executives became so attached to...

  • Mobile
    10 Things Google Could Have Bought With The $12.5 Billion It Spent on Motorola Mobility [Gallery]

    Last week, Google's Motorola Mobility division axed 1,200 jobs - about 10% of its workforce. These latest cuts were in addition to the 4,000 job reductions Motorola announced last August. In a statement released to the press, Motorola glumly stated:These cuts are a continuation of the reductions we announced last summer. It's...

  • Mobile
    The Indestructible Smartphone: Why It Could Be Closer Than You Think

    A smartphone is probably the most advanced piece of technology most people own. We take these devices with us everywhere, we use them all the time. Odds are high we will drop them - onto the floor, into water or even onto hard pavement. Even if you got the phone for free...

  • Entertainment
    Music Companies Won’t Play Ball With Apple – Gee, I Wonder Why?

    Apple wants to roll out a streaming music service like Pandora, reports The New York Times, but can't get it done because the music companies are dragging their heels.Funny old world, isn't it? Apple used iTunes to basically take over the music business, setting prices and dictating terms. And Apple ran...

  • Entertainment
    Game Consoles Are Already Dead — And Developers Know It

    Still blasting away Halo's Covenant hordes on your Xbox 360, or ripping out guts as God of War's Kratos on your PS3? Your days are numbered — and I'm not talking about how far you're going to make it in these games.Game developers, it turns out, are abandoning the venerable video-game console even faster...

  • Entertainment
    Ouya Is Finally Set To Ship To The Game Console’s Backers

    Ouya, the $99 Android game console that racked up more than $8.5 million in Kickstarter funding last August, will finally begin shipping to backers next month. The big date: March 28, according to CEO Julie Uhrman in a Kickstarter update this morning. A full launch in retail stores is still set...

  • Mobile
    Why Samsung Could Be Heading For A Fall

    In January, I wrote a story for Forbes called Is Samsung Invincible, predicting that the South Korean manufacturer might just have carved itself a defensible Number One spot in electronics, achieving an ambition that has eluded Sony, Panasonic and many others.3 Reasons Samsung Is On TopSamsung has been one of...

  • Social
    Microsoft Could – And Should – Eradicate Facebook. Here’s How.

    [Editor’s note: Joachim Kempin is a former top Microsoft executive and author of a new memoir, Resolve and Fortitude: Microsoft’s `Secret Power Broker’ Breaks His Silence. It’s a fantastic book, and I’ve asked Kempin to write a few columns for us sharing his perspective on Microsoft. In this, his second column for...

  • Mobile
    Mozilla Unveils Firefox OS Smartphones At Mobile World Congress

    It started with a gecko, of sorts. It then became a fennec, a type of winter fox. Now, it is a smartphone, and soon it will be available all over the world.We are, of course, talking about Firefox OS, the open source, Web-based smartphone operating system created by Mozilla. The...

  • Entertainment
    Nvidia Plans New HQ For Its Expansion Beyond The GPU

    We're only two months into 2013, but it has already been a big year for graphics-processing giant Nvidia. At the Consumer Electronics Show in January, the company unveiled Project Shield, its first foray into console gaming hardware. And in February, it was revealed that Nvidia is helping the team behind...

  • Entertainment
    The PlayStation 4 Is Here, But We Don’t Know What It Looks Like

    Throughout the entirety of Sony's two-hour PlayStation 4 event Wednesday night, everyone from gaming luminaries to publishing executives plugged the system's many features, from its social integration to its primary focus on player experience that spans the living room and mobile devices.The one thing we didn't get was a look...

  • Web
    Hotmail Users, It’s Time To Move To, Like It Or Not

    "OK, people, listen up. Seymour, pay attention. Elsie, turn on your hearing aid. It's time to move your Hotmail accounts to Hey! No, stop complaining. Don't use that language, Ethel, it's un-ladylike."Yes, the the time has come - the hundreds of millions of email users who are currently using...

  • Entertainment
    Leaked Pictures Of PlayStation 4 Controller Reveal Mysterious Black Bar

    It's no surprise that the PlayStation 4, code-named Orbis, is going to debut at Sony's big event on February 20. But until gaming blog Destructoid got its hands on a leaked image of the controller and published it on Thursday there wasn't much concrete information on what any component of the...

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