Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
  • Web
    Intel Confirms Its TV Plans – There’s No Way It’s Going To Work

    Four years ago, Intel executives stood on stage with representatives from, Yahoo, Comcast, Disney and Sony, with endorsements from CBS and device manufacturers like Motorola, promising to revolutionize the television. They failed. This week, Intel disclosed that it had launched a new division, dubbed Intel Media, that would set out to...

  • Social
    American Express Starts Tweet to Buy In Twitter

    A lot of companies, including Twitter, have been trying to figure out ways to monetize the microblogging service. But now it seems American Express may have hit upon a formula that would inject e-commerce directly into Twitter by enabling AmEx card holders to purchase select items online with nary more...

  • Web
    Microsoft Has Lost Its `Audacity,’ Former Top Exec Says

    Joachim Kempin joined Microsoft in 1983 and spent almost 20 years at the company. For much of that time he oversaw Microsoft’s relations with the company's hardware partners. He helped orchestrate Microsoft’s rise to industry dominance, but also crafted some of the practices that landed Microsoft in hot water with...

  • Entertainment
    From Kickstarter to Target: Indie Ouya Gets Mainstream Retail Partners

    Remember the humble Ouya game console? Maybe it was never that humble, but considering its indie roots, the Kickstarted experiment in Android-powered gaming just scored some surprisingly huge distribution partnerships for its release later this year. Founder and CEO Julie Uhrman tells The Wall Street Journal that the console will be available through Amazon, Gamestop, Target and Best...

  • Mobile
    Will Samsung Replace Apple As Innovator-In-Chief?

    Samsung dramatically outsells Apple now, according to IDC's latest numbers, but market leadership isn't merely a matter of market share. While Samsung will almost certainly outsell Apple for years to come, the bigger question is whether the Korean giant is ready to take its mantle as mobile computing's innovation hub....

  • Hack
    Did YouTube Buy Fake VEVO Video Views?

    Last week, when YouTube thought no one was looking, it apparently removed 156 million views from Lady Gaga's VEVO channel.The removal of the views appears to be part of a broad clean up of "botted" views. Botting is the practice of artificially increasing a video's views on YouTube using automated "bots"...

  • Work
    Open Source File System Takes On Microsoft’s exFAT Patents

    One small developer says that he's readied an open-source alternative to Microsoft's exFAT file system, providing companies and individuals with a free alternative to Microsoft's file system for flash drives.Over the weekend, developer Andrew Nayenko announced fuse-exFAT 1.0.0, completing three years of development on the project. Tarball archives have been posted...

  • Entertainment
    Google/YouTube To Invest In Music Distributor Vevo?

    Is Google about to make a move to control the distribution of music videos? Well, maybe. If YouTube and its corporate owner Google take a stake in music video distributor Vevo, as has been widely reported in the last 24 hours, it would be yet another sign of the tech giant's...

  • Web
    Payola: The Dark Side of PR

    We all know PR reps work charm and tsotchkes to build "relationships" with journalists and analysts, but they're way less shady than, say, Black Hat scammers in the SEO biz, right?Apparently not. A few weeks ago, I saw the following job post on Elance. The description was a remarkably up-front...

  • Web
    Vizio: The Next Giant Or Roadkill Waiting To Happen?

    Why do I like the hardware industry?It's the melodrama. One day, you're an unheralded company with clunky, me-too products. (We're the first company to deliver a smartphone specifically designed for bass fishermen!) Three years later, a few analysts and reporters note that your company has moved from number 27 to number...

  • Entertainment
    Xbox Kinect: Microsoft’s Key To The Living Room?

    It's official. Long after the XBox 360 is relegated to scrap heaps and Gamestop bargain bins, the Microsoft Kinect – the XBox peripheral that lets you control the action with body movements alone – will be going strong.A Mediocre Game ControllerTo tell the truth, the Kinect is a pretty ho-hum...

  • Web
    Samsung’s Vision Of A Hyper-Flexible Gadget Empire At CES 2013

    This year at CES 2013, it seems that Samsung might actually be in touch with what real people are looking for in their cutting-edge new gadgets.With its "see what sticks" approach - an you name every Galaxy Tab form factor? If you said. "Yes," you're lying - the company commands a...

  • Entertainment
    Xbox 720 Already Lowering Expectations

    Start figuring your gaming budget for 2013, because the clock is ticking down to the Xbox 720's debut at the Electronic Entertainment Expo next June. Microsoft's official Xbox blogger Major Nelson has all but officially confirmed this by posting an E3 countdown to his site with a terse three words:...

  • Mobile
    CES 2013: 5 Things That You Won’t See

    2013 is shaping up to be a strange year for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the annual tech fête that invades Las Vegas for one grueling week every January. In 2011, tablets were kings of the desert, as manufacturers scrambled to get viable iPad competitors on the scene after Apple...

  • Entertainment
    Requiem For The PlayStation 2: What A Ride It Was

    After reports streamed in at the tail end of 2012 of the end to the PlayStation 2’s nearly 13-year lifespan, the predictable response might be “so what?” After all, the end was inevitable - even the most popular game consoles don't last forever. Microsoft gave its first Xbox the axe...

  • Mobile
    Extraterrestrial Technology’s Veterinary Tricorder: The Weirdest Product Of CES 2013

    The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) starts January 8, and as usual it, there will likely be all sorts of news about some truly unbelievable products: UltraHD televisions? Come on. 3D printers? Yeah, right. Like that will ever happen. But in 2013, you can forget all that. The most amazing news...

  • Hack
    YouTube Flushes Bot Views, Annoints VEVO Channels

    T’is the end of the year and all across YouTube, videos - primarily music- are being scrubbed clean of fraudulent views. Except one set of channels. VEVO, the one with a special partnership with YouTube, has remained untouched. Obvious VEVO power-play much, YouTube?YouTube has long had issues with botting -...

  • Work
    Does Microsoft Still Matter? 2013 Will Decide

    2013 will be a make-or-break year for Microsoft. Not so much from a financial standpoint, but for how the company is perceived.Traditionally, Microsoft has built itself around the PC, anchoring itself by its core operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and now Windows 8. But in the last...

  • Entertainment
    Nintendo Moves Into The Living Room, Where Apple Will Eat Its Lunch Again

    Nintendo is moving beyond Mario. To better compete with the likes of Microsoft's XBox and Sony Playstation, the Japanese gaming giant is looking to expand its role in the living room beyond video games. After some delay, it's launching an integrated entertainment hub this week called TVii, which will bring live...

  • Social
    Why Twitter Buzz ≠ Movie Ticket Sales

    Most film studios operate under the assumption that the more buzz and positive sentiment a movie has on Twitter, the better the movie will perform at the box office. It ain't necessarily so...Instead, it's quality over quantity. Or maybe, influencers over volume. That is the basic formula for determining what works...

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