Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    Top Gaming Hardware Of 2014

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.Picking out the best gaming hardware is even harder than picking out the top games of a given year. It's difficult to say what's "the best" given that whichever console or platform is the best...

  • Entertainment
    Unleash Seth Rogen On North Korea … Via BitTorrent!

    Seth Rogen, The Interview, SonyNorth Korea goofed. By attacking and threatening Sony until it yanked its Seth Rogen film, The Interview, the nation-state turned a minor, hare-brained movie into a cause for freedom and anti-terrorism that everyone now wants to see. Some wacky schemes for alternative distribution have started coming out...

  • Web
    Hackers Take Down Another Media Target

    On Wednesday, hackers claiming to be affiliated with the Syrian Electronic Army may have penetrated the website of the International Business Times, an online business-news publication."It does indeed appear that we have been hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army," said IB Times editor-in-chief Peter Goodman in an email. "Our IT...

  • Entertainment
    The Top 6 Video Games Of 2014

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.While 2014 hasn't been a banner year for many (e.g. law enforcement, Congress, the CIA, etc.), it has produced an excellent crop of video games. The industry itself continues to grow, with revenues rising eight...

  • Mobile
    Why You Need NoSQL For The Internet Of Things

    Your relational database is great. Really, it is. But it's not going to help you with your Internet of Things project. Really, it isn't. At least, not according to a study by Machina Research, which looks at the management of data in the coming network of billions of smart devices. It finds...

  • Mobile
    Amazon Gears Up For Cyber Monday

    Amazon’s already sooo over Black Friday. The online retail giant pushes forward with new offers starting Saturday, ahead of Cyber Monday, with new deals launching every 10 minutes. For the first time, it’s also sending mobile-exclusive lightning deals through its app, so users can snag a sweet discount on the...

  • Entertainment
    TV Streaming Gadgets: ReadWrite’s 2014 Gift Guide

    Televisions weren’t always smart. In fact, given how long people tend to hang on to their TVs, plenty of so-called “boob tubes” still dominate numerous living rooms across the country. Fortunately, you don't need a smart TV to tune into Netflix and other streaming services. All you really need is...

  • Developer
    Tizen Experts at XDA DevCon ’14

    This was the first time that I attended the XDA DevCon conference and this event was an opportunity for me to get know the wider XDA Community, look at collaboration opportunities and also to let them know there is an alternative Operating System on the horizon for them to keep...

  • Mobile
    LG and Asus Plant Android Wear In Cool Wrist Gear Territory

    Pretty Geeky is an ongoing series that explores the role of style and design in wearable technology. Two new smartwatches debut this week hoping to make people forget about the bland wrist gizmos that first flew the Android Wear flag this summer.Arriving at Sprint on November 14, LG's circular $300 G...

  • Mobile
    Why You May Be Waiting A While For Android 5.0 Lollipop

    Google has finally released its new mobile operating software, Android 5.0 Lollipop. But if you're not buying a new phone that comes with Lollipop installed, it's much less clear just when—if ever—you'll see the update.Of course, Lollipop looks worth having. Google's tweaks to the mobile platform are designed to make...

  • Mobile
    10 Things You Need To Know About Android 5.0 Lollipop

    Google finally unleashed its latest Android update Monday, and it's a doozy. Not that most users will see Android 5.0 Lollipop right away. See also: Google Starts Doling Out Android 5.0 Lollipop Google’s mobile operating system updates usually hit the company’s own Nexus reference gadgets first, then make their way out to...

  • Entertainment
    Hatsune Miku Is Here To Destroy Everything You Love (And Hate) About Pop Stardom

    Tell me how you felt when you saw itTell me why it made you so happyTell me now what is on your mindI’m still gonna listen to youHatsune Miku will never, ever put on a bad show. Every night, her pigtails will cascade flawlessly into four-foot azure foxtails. Every night,...

  • Mobile
    New Android Wear Update Supports GPS And Offline Music Syncing

    Google pushed out a major update for its Android Wear smartwatch software that, among other things, supports location-tracking GPS hardware and offline music syncing. All that potentially gives these gadgets useful features that will still work, even if they're not tethered to a smartphone.That’s a first for the platform, which makes...

  • Mobile
    American Horror Story: Why U.S. Broadband Is Sooo Sloooow

    By global standards, U.S. broadband speeds are slow—and getting slower. In Akamai's worldwide ranking of Internet speeds, the U.S. recently dropped from 12th place to 14th, lapped by Denmark, Norway ... and Romania.True, in absolute terms, U.S. speeds are still edging upward. In the second quarter, for instance, average broadband...

  • Mobile
    Pebble: It’s A Real Fitness Tracker Now And Cheaper, At $99

    Pebble announced Tuesday that its smartwatch has officially become a bona fide activity tracker—and an affordable one at that.Last year, its PebbleKit software developer kit gave app makers access to the device’s accelerometer. Now that effort has born fruit with a new breed of more robust fitness-tracking features from partners...

  • Entertainment
    Ouya’s Julie Uhrman: How We Unleashed A World Of New Game Developers

    Anybody can build a game for the Ouya. A $99 console with an Android-based platform, Ouya takes the cheapness and ease of mobile gaming and brings it to the television.Just over a year ago, following an extremely successful Kickstarter that raised more than $9 million in funds, the first Ouya...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s Big Tuesday Announcement: Here’s What To Expect

    iPhone 6, AppleWhen the iPhone 6 debuts Tuesday, it will join a crowded field of brand new mobile devices. But Apple has more than new hardware up its sleeve.The New York Times, Recode, the Wall Street Journal and other outlets have published numerous—and occasionally contradictory—reports predicting giant new iPhones, Apple smartwatches,...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s Jony Ive Seems To Be Really, Really Bullish On The iWatch

    At this point, Apple's iWatch—or whatever it decides to call its forthcoming smartwatch device—had better be utterly breathtaking. Whether it's Apple's intention or not, the level of hype is starting to get a just a little out of hand.See also: Why Smartwatches Could Stand Some Old-School WatchmakingOur latest example comes...

  • Mobile
    Ahead Of Apple, A New Crop Of Smartphones Wants Your Attention

    Next week will be all about the new Apple iPhone. This week, however, is more of a free-for-all among manufacturers determined to garner as much attention for their new smartphones as possible.Maybe some of these companies want to beat Apple out the door; others may have simply set their launch dates...

  • Entertainment
    A Connected Home Is Where The Heart Is

    ReadWriteHome is an ongoing series exploring the implications of living in connected homes. This week, it is sponsored by Best Buy.How cool would it be if you had a house you could control from wherever you are? If you never had to remember to turn the lights off again, or...

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