Results for "internet of things"

We found 4768 results for your search.
  • Code
    Why Samsung Just Announced New SmartThings Devices And Deeper Integrations

    Some of the biggest names in the global technology industry have been busy showing off their latest wares at the IFA show in Berlin this week. Among them was Samsung, and central to its moment in the spotlight was an upgraded SmartThings Hub and range of accompanying sensors. It's the...

  • Developer
    SmartThings LiveCode Workshop – Welcome to the world of IoT – September 3, 2015

      If you're a software developer that is Interested in the world of Internet of Things (IoT) then the SmartThings meetup on September 3rd might be a great things for you to attend. You can discover what is new with the SmartThings Platform and learn how to code your first...

  • Connect
    The Internet of Reps: GymGroups Wants To Network Your Gym, a company known for its social community tools, is adding hardware and a focus on fitness to the mix with the launch of GymGroups, a service targeted at health clubs. See also: Under Armour's New "Record" App: A Potential Social Revolution In FitnessIt's a big shift in strategy, and there's...

  • News
    [Video] Amazon Echo with official SmartThings and unofficial Nest Stat Integration

      Yesterday we reported on the official news that Amazon Echo was now compatible with SmartThings. Amazon Echo is an Internet-connected speaker that responds to commands and questions that you ask it. As long as you start your sentences with “Alexa,” you can play music, hear the news, get the...

  • News
    [Video] SmartThings is now compatible with Amazon Echo

      Some more Interesting developments with SmartThings over the weekend as they announce compatibility with Amazon Echo! Amazon Echo is an Internet-connected speaker that responds to commands and questions that you ask it. As long as you start your sentences with “Alexa,” you are then able to play music, hear...

  • Code
    10 Things Developers Need To Know About The New iPod Touch

    It’s no surprise that Apple’s new iPod Touch is far better than the previous model. Tech moves fast, and it has been three years since the company lavished any attention on this device. The new version brings faster performance and better cameras, without sacrificing battery life or supersizing its measurements. That...

  • IoT
    SmartThings Open Cloud working with the ARTIK Chip

      The Samsung Strategy & Innovation Center (SSIC) and SmartThings are working closely with the newly announced Artik Platform. Yesterday Jeff Hagins, SmartThings CTO, took to the SmartThings website to update the community to what this all means for SmartThings.     SmartThings knew that they had a missing component...

  • Mobile
    5 Things You Need To Know About Xiaomi

    Four years ago, consumer electronics company Xiaomi didn’t even have a smartphone product. Now the former startup is worth $45 billion and has become one of the three top phone makers in the world.If you keep up with the job-hopping antics of tech execs, then you might have come across...

  • Web
    Things Tech Companies Do To Your Digital Stuff Without Telling You

    For all the fantastic (and fantastical) things tech companies do these days, they’re still spectacularly bad at one thing: transparency.This week, a lawsuit against Apple revealed that, between 2007 and 2009, the company deleted music off of users’ iPods—specifically songs from non-iTunes sources—without telling them. If there’s one thing we...

  • Web
    Meet The Internet’s Nasty New “Poodle” Attack

    A vicious new bug on the Internet has an innocuous name but a nasty potential bite. Meet the Poodle attack, which exploits yet another vulnerability in one of the Internet's basic security protocols that could theoretically give an attacker access to your sensitive online accounts.Google researchers on Tuesday published details...

  • Web
    Internet Outrage Is Urban Outfitters’ De Facto Business Model

    "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," goes the oft-quoted aphorism from 19th century philosopher George Santayana's "The Life of Reason."So it was on Monday morning, with Urban Outfitter's latest piece of offensive apparel, a single-edition "Vintage Kent State Sweatshirt," artificially faded, detailed with a blood...

  • News
    Could Samsung’s acquisition of SmartThings mean more Tizen?

      Samsung has acquired the home automation company SmartThings, which allows you to sync your gadgets with a Smartphone app and a hardware hub, and there is talk that the upcoming version of the SmartThings hub will be Linux based, and surely that will mean Tizen based !!! The price...

  • Entertainment
    Samsung Buys Smart-Home Outfit SmartThings, Reportedly For $200 Million

    Alex Hawkinson, founder of SmartThingsIt’s official: Samsung’s long-rumored acquisition bid for smart-home company SmartThings is now a reality. Neither company announced terms of the deal, although Recode reports that the sale price was $200 million. If that’s true, Samsung got quite a steal, considering Google blew $3.2 billion on Nest, maker of...

  • Web
    Monkey Selfies Drive Internet Ape-Sh**

    Here's another entry for the selfie hall of shame. When photojournalist David Slater got mugged by a camera-hogging monkey in 2011, he couldn't have imagined that three years later, he'd still be fighting a rights dispute over the resulting monkey selfies. Much to his dismay, the pictures wound up in...

  • Web
    Zambia Gets Free Facebook Access! (And Internet, Sort Of)

    Facebook wants to make sure everyone on the planet can access knowledge, job opportunities—and, of course, create Facebook accounts—through Internet access provided by the social network.The company announced the app on Thursday, a way for people in developing countries to use free data and access Facebook, Google search and...

  • Cloud
    CloudFlare’s Matthew Prince: Building A Better Internet

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.For a 100-person company founded in 2009, the tech firm Cloudflare certainly seems to have an outsized impact on the Internet.Shortly after the Heartbleed bug became public knowledge on April 9, Cloudflare decided to revoke...

  • Entertainment
    Why Samsung Buying SmartThings Should Have Us Worried

    These days, every tech giant of note is staking a claim in the smart home, and Samsung’s no exception. In April, the company imagined a universe of smart-home appliances and devices hooking to its smart TVs and apps for automation and control. Now it appears to be rethinking this approach. The South Korean...

  • Hack
    Five Things To Know About The Raspberry Pi Model B+

    Technology has changed significantly since the cheap educational micro-computer Raspberry Pi Model B was launched in 2012. Now, a new model will reflect the latest developments. On Monday, the Raspberry Pi Foundation introduced the Raspberry Pi Model B+. Pi inventor and Foundation CEO Eben Upton said that while the company...

  • Hack
    “Internet’s Own Boy”: The Life & Legacy of Aaron Swartz

     Editor's note: This post was originally published by our partners at bio.Aaron Swartz started computer programming at a very young age. First it was a Star Wars trivia game he made with his brother, but soon it was more than just kid stuff. At 12 years old, he created the...

  • Grow
    12 Things You Should Do Before Entering a Business Partnership

    Guest author Scott Gerber is the founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.Some of the best ideas and products come from strong business partnerships. Partnering with a company your size (or bigger) can also supercharge your growth efforts.But as with all relationships, it's important to do more than scratch the surface...

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