Results for "Samsung"

We found 5371 results for your search.
  • Technology
    A new Tizen Samsung NX3000 smart camera is getting ready for release

      Samsung Electronics are said to be releasing another Tizen Camera. The new Smart Camera NX3000, is slated for the Indonesian market and is currently undergoing testing from the Directorate General of Post and Telecommunication SP3, submitted on the 10th April The Tizen Samsung NX3000 is a Mirrorless camera and...

  • Web
    [Wallpapers] Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo Backgrounds – Vol 4

    Lots of people have bought the Tizen Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo, with many waiting for it to be shipped to them this week. Best Buy have began sales, but many stores keep running out of stock, so best to phone before hand. Amazon Online sales are apparently going very...

  • Application
    [Video] Hands on – Glympse App for the Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo

      Glympse is a location sharing application that is not only available as a standalone application, but can also act as an Integrated service for third party messaging applications, like BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) and Samsung's ChatON. In order for the application to work it does require for you to have...

  • Application
    [Updated] Sleep Genius App hits the Samsung Apps Store for the Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo

    As of today, the Sleep Genius App is now available to download from the Samsung Apps Store. Sleep Genius is the world's most advanced sleep program that is also available for Android and iOS, and now the GEAR 2 !!! The Sleep Genius program was developed over decades by experts...

  • Developer
    Samsung executive states second quarter 2014 rollout for Tizen Smart phone

    According to a report by Reuters, Samsung's first Tizen Smartphone will launch by the end of the second quarter (Q2) in 2014. We would be looking at two models being released, a high-end model and a "middle of the market" handset to help drive volume sales. A top Samsung Executive,...

  • Smartwatch
    [Video] “How To” Tutorial videos for the Tizen Samsung Gear 2

    If you've recently purchased the Tizen Samsung Gear 2, and your not quite sure about how to use it, then we've got a collection of "How To" videos created by Samsung UK. They cover the following: How to Connect the Gear 2 with a Samsung Galaxy Device How to use...

  • News
    [Video] Quick comparison: Samsung Gear 2 versus Galaxy Gear 1

      Samsung's first Tizen wearable device seems to be quite well received. A few teething problems, but no big show stoppers. I've had people ask for a comparison between the Samsung Gear 1 and the new Gear 2, but without access to a Gear 1 at the moment I'm not...

  • News
    Samsung and the end of smartphone growth.

    In spite of the Galaxy S5 getting a hot welcome, selling some 30% more than the S4 did, analysts are in doubt of the the S5 outselling the S4 in numbers. Both the european and US markets are slowing down whereas the Asian markets, especially India and China, are getting...

  • News
    PayPal Releases App for Tizen Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo Smart Watches

      PayPal have announced the release of their "PayPal" app, which is designed to run on the Tizen Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo, and is downloadable from the Samsung Apps store. Whilst we all love our mobile phones, there are times that we could do with keeping them...

  • News
    [Video] Full comparison between a Samsung Gear 2 vs Pebble Steel

      The Pebble Smartwatch was definitely of Interest to the Tech geek community when it first came out, but now with the Samsung Gear 2 / Neo out, how does it compare? The original pebble held the promise of letting developers unleash their app creativity in the form factor of...

  • News
    Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo are Now in Stock at Amazon

      We previously reported that the Samsung Gear 2 Smart watches were available to pre-order at Amazon, well now orders have began shipping !!! You can grab the Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo Tizen based Smart watches now, and begin your Tizen adventure. We do have to mention that...

  • Web
    [Wallpapers] Tizen Themed Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo Backgrounds

      The release of the first Tizen wearable devices (Samsung Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo), has seen some genuine, and welcome interest from tech lovers and Tizen enthusiasts. The Global rollout of the Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo Smart watches has started now, but demand is outstripping supply...

  • News
    [Slides and Video] Samsung Tizen Wearable SDK at Developers Day 2014

    The Software Development Kit (SDK) for Samsung Gear 2 was initially announced by Samsung at their Developer Day event at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2014 in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Over 500 Developers welcomed the birth of Wearables on a true Linux based Operating System. Previously we have posted the video from...

  • Smartwatch
    [Teardown] Samsung Gear 2 is build to be sustainable and repairable device!

    Cell phones, or rather the people calling me, have the tendency to do it when my cell is tucked away in a raincoat, which I'm wearing to protect myself against rain, or snow, or hail. By the time I've found it I'm wet and the caller is talking to my...

  • Developer
    [Video] How to install the Tizen SDK for wearables – Samsung Gear 2

      Tizen in Wearables is certainly heating up. We've had an SDK released, a Developers Day session at Mobile World Congress 2014 and now Samsung have released the Tizen Samsung Gear 2. The missing piece of the puzzle is for Developers to write apps for the new Smart watches. Well,...

  • News
    ‘Gear Solo’ and ‘Gear Now’ trademark filed in the US by Samsung

      We have already reported on the possibilities of there being a Samsung Gear Smart Watch with a built in 3G modem, and also that its likely going to be called the Samsung Gear Solo, a device that you can make and receive calls and texts as well as access...

  • Developer
    How to put the Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo into Download / Recovery Mode

      I've had loads of requests asking how to put the Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo into Download / Recovery mode, in order for people to be able to flash custom ROM images or leaked firmwares / updates etc. So here we have a quick video going through...

  • Application
    Samsung updates Gear Manager, Gear Operating System and Apps before Global Launch

      Samsung are "Gearing" up for their big Tizen Samsung Gear 2 release tomorrow, by releasing their official Over The Air (OTA) updates to the Gear 2 and the Gear 2 Neo, bringing them both to OS R381XXU0BND8. This now includes a "Sleep" function that you can use to analyse...

  • Application
    More Firmware Leaks, Now for the Tizen Samsung Gear 2 Neo (SM-R381)

      Earlier we reported on a Firmware Leak for the Tizen Samsung Gear 2 (SM-R380) , well now it is the turn of the Tizen Samsung Gear 2 Neo (SM-R381) to get some Firmware love, with Firmware R381XXU0BND8 going online (R381XXU0BND8_R381OXA0BND8_LUC).     We are still expecting the Global launch...

  • News
    [Exynos 3250] Under the hood of the Samsung Gear 2 wearables: Saving power by using Tizen

    Samsung introduced the functionalities of the Gear 2 series at Barcelona's MWC2014. Which makes sense as most people buy gadgets and tools to use them: The nitty gritty doesn't really interest them. We like the functionalities as well but even more what's under the hood. More specifically: Why is there...

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