Home Coway Aquamega: A Smart Water Purifier

Coway Aquamega: A Smart Water Purifier

Since I tried the Coway Airmega and found it beneficial for purifying our home and office air, it influenced me to then see how Coway tackled water purification with its Coway Aquamega. Here’s my review of Coway’s smart water purifier.

A Smart Water Purifier

The Coway Aquamega 200C is an electric water filtration system that fits on your kitchen countertop or office break room counter. It is designed to reduce 10 contaminants in water. These contaminants include lead, chlorine, volatile organic compounds, mercury, and ibuprofen.

How the Water Filtration System Works

The Coway Aquamega 200C has a two-step filtration system. There is a sediment filter designed to remove infusible particles. Then, the carbon filter removes the other contaminants.  Coway Aquamega 200C’s filters have been tested and certified by the Water Quality Association.

Smart Water Purifier Features

Features include an easy touch display where you can select a serving size (four, eight, and 16-ounces). You can also choose ambient or cold for the water temperature. A filter change indicator light tells you when it’s time to replace the filters.

In terms of its “smart features,” you can sync the water purifier to Coway’s IoCare app to use its somewhat limited remote control capability. The app provides real-time water usage monitoring and reports. There is also an automatic Amazon Dash Replenishment Service for new filter delivery.


Installation is somewhat straightforward. However, you do have to have some handyman skills and knowledge of kitchen-sink plumbing. For example, to install it, you will need to know how to close the cold-water shut-off valve under the sink and separate the cold-water hose from the valve.

From there, you’ll need to attach and reattach valves and tighten all connections to make sure there are no leaks. The instruction manual could offer more detailed instructions to help those less handy. I ended up having a colleague with more knowledge help me install it.

Before drinking the newly purified water, you will want to flush the 200C’s filters with room-temperature water. After that, you will have to fill the cold-water tank to start the cooling process. This process is repeated for each of the two filters.

Water Purifier Maintenance

To optimize how the water purifier works, you’ll need to do regular maintenance beyond filter replacement. Maintenance includes regularly cleaning the cold-water tank, faucet, mesh filter, and tray.

What I Like and What Could Be Better

The pros for using this smart water purifier are the number of contaminants it cleans from the water and the high-quality water taste. Its sleek design makes it fit well in all types of spaces. Plus, you can choose the amount to dispense and use the app to track water usage and filter life.

In terms of cons, it is a little difficult to install and requires ongoing maintenance. Also, the unit and replacement filters are expensive.

Purchase Options

You can buy the water purifier from Coway’s website for $499.99. The two filter replacements cost $40 a pair. Retailers like eBay, Wellbots, Walmart, and Amazon also sell the Coway Aquamega.

Overall Thoughts

The Coway Aquamega 200C is a comprehensive, technologically advanced water purifier. It offers convenience, quality, and reliability. But, those benefits come at a relatively high price. If you invest this much money in a water purifier, make sure it’s something you will use often.

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Deanna was an editor at ReadWrite until early 2024. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind, Editor in Chief for Calendar, editor at Entrepreneur media, and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.

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