Home Solana’s Meme Coin ‘Sealana’ Surpasses $2 Million in Crypto Presale

Solana’s Meme Coin ‘Sealana’ Surpasses $2 Million in Crypto Presale

The new Solana meme coin Sealana passed through the $2 million mark today in its ongoing crypto presale. This milestone is important to Sealana’s team since it pushes them towards their goal to become the next Solana meme coin to watch.

Is Sealana the Best Crypto Presale Right Now?

Sealana is in presale phase with 1 $SEAL = $0.022, having raised over $2 million today, marking an important milestone for the project. There are two ways to buy the $SEAL coin. First, you can connect your wallet to their dedicated buy widget and purchase $SEAL using ETH, SOL, USDT, or USDC. Alternatively, you can buy into the presale using your bank card by choosing the card option in the widget.

Notably, the Sealana team has not set a hard cap for the presale, meaning there is no predetermined maximum funding goal.

This approach allows the presale to continue raising funds until a specific timeline or other criteria are met, potentially enabling the project to garner more resources and support from the community.

Sealana’s branding and imagery revolve around the chubby seal character, portrayed as a dedicated crypto trader obsessed with finding the next viral meme coin. The project’s purpose can be summarized as a meme/joke project inspired by the “Gamer Guy” character from South Park, depicted as an overweight seal obsessed with trading meme coins.

The project aims to become the next big viral meme coin sensation on Solana, following the footsteps of successful predecessors like dogwifhat (WIF) or Slothana, also a coin that went through a successful presale before hitting a $100 million market cap. Its branding, imagery, and marketing revolve around the chubby seal character and the meme culture surrounding obsessive crypto trading and finding the next hot meme coin.

Sealana’s marketing efforts

Sealana’s marketing efforts have been gaining traction, with their X and Telegram communities growing steadily. Their X account currently stands at around 4.7k followers, while their Telegram community has a similar number of 4.8k members. These are decent numbers considering Sealana’s presale was launched just weeks ago.

Of course, market conditions are not ideal, as Slothana raised funds faster, but this seems to be related to the overall market conditions and trading volume since both projects had similar marketing strategies, including campaigns on multiple crypto media outlets and collaborations with influencers.

For example, ClayBro, a popular YouTuber with over 129k subscribers, posted a video last week about Sealana, highlighting it as one of the best Solana meme coins to buy now. He emphasized that Solana-based meme coins are currently very popular, creating a favorable environment for new entries like Sealana to thrive

This popularity is driven by the success and high gains experienced by coins like Slothana, which has seen 7x to 10x returns, setting a precedent for what Sealana could achieve. The YouTuber explained the ongoing interest in meme coins and the potential for Sealana to mirror or even exceed Slothana’s performance due to similar market dynamics and investor behavior. He also noted that the active marketing efforts and the strong community support indicate a robust potential for growth similar to Slothana.


All in all, Sealana, the new Solana meme coin, has reached a milestone today by raising over $2 million in its ongoing crypto presale. With its growing community, active marketing efforts, and the current popularity of Solana meme coins, Sealana is positioning itself as one of the top crypto presales and potentially the best Solana meme coin to buy now.


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Petar Jovanović
Crypto Writer

Petar Jovanović brings years of experience in the crypto industry to ReadWrite. With a strong belief in the potential of the web3 market since 2017, he's passionate about sharing valuable insights and knowledge. Based in Serbia, Petar graduated in Economics at the University of Niš, and went on to become the Head of Content at Captain Altcoin, an online magazine covering all things blockchain. His work has also been published on BeInCrypto and German site Kryptozeitung. Feel free to connect with Petar to discuss the exciting world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized technologies.

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