Results for "iot ecosystem"

We found 706 results for your search.
  • Developer
    Samsung adds RF/IoT and Fingerprint Segments to its 8-inch Foundry Services

    Samsung Electronics has announced the addition of more value for its foundry customers by adding RF/IoT and fingerprint technology solutions to its  8-inch (200mm) technology solutions foundry services.  All of Samsung’s 8-inch offerings, ranging from 180nm to 65nm are being processed from Line 6 in Giheung, Korea a facility specially...

  • IoT
    SmartThings and Harman to work together on IoT acceleration

    Samsung owned Harman International has announced a strategic collaboration with Samsung SmartThings. Through the collaboration, Harman will work with SmartThings to accelerate the growth of the latter's Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem.   Harman-SmartThings Collaboration This partnership is between the Samsung SmartThings R&D team and Harman Connected Services (HCS), a division...

  • Readwrite Sponsors
    Introducing IoT Marketplace from AT&T

    Until recently, scalable IoT solutions that could transform businesses were only available to those with large R&D budgets or those with connections with manufacturers. Now, the IoT Marketplace makes the benefits of this transformative technology accessible to everyone. The IoT Marketplace represents a first in the IoT industry. It’s a...

  • IoT
    After Samsung, LG announces its own new smart home ecosystem

    As the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2018 unfolds in Las Vegas, one thing that seems prominent is that 2018 is going to be the tipping point for smart home technology. We've already seen Samsung claiming to take the connected lifestyle to the next level with SmartThings. Now another South Korean tech...

  • Technology
    TV-TWO Taking Smart TVs to Blockchain to decentralize TV ecosystem

    Smart TVs are one of the most popular gadgets you can find in the IoT industry. And if you've read our IoT predictions and anticipations for 2018, you'll know that blockchain is set to play a big role in the IoT industry this year. Several blockchain startups will be bringing...

  • Rules - Digital Home
    Connected Devices
    Meet Some of the Women Building Comcast’s Next-Generation IoT Experiences

    By Ashley Reed, Human Resources for the Digital Home Team at Comcast Cable For Internet of Things engineers, there’s a lot to be excited about these days, but one thing that’s been particularly inspiring to me – as a woman who is continuously on the lookout for talented software engineers...

  • Technology
    IoT Gadgets, the new home for Tizen Experts

    Where has the time gone? Once upon a time (seems appropriate) I was fascinated with an Operating System (OS), that powered the Nokia N900, which was called Maemo. The N900 was a Linux based smartphone that the iPhone could not compete with on many technical points. This device could actually...

  • News
    Samsung and Yandex.Market collaborate to develop a Bixby ecosystem

    Samsung Electronics is partnering with Yandex.Market, one of the largest Internet trading company in Russia to develop Bixby's intelligent assistant functionality. This relationship makes Yandex.Market the main platform for searching for products using the Bixby Camera. Bixby was built based on artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms which makes it a useful tool for taking care...

  • Blockchain
    Cybersecurity in IoT: Achieving Digital Security in an Age of Surveillance

    In the 2006 science fiction thriller Déjá Vu, Denzel Washington plays a government agent who uses novel government technology to fold time and space back onto itself so that he can retroactively prevent a terrorist attack. It’s a creative interpretation of the concept of déjà vu, and, of course, Washington’s character...

  • IoT
    How Samsung Is approaching the IoT Market

    Samsung is looking beyond selling endpoints into securing IoT (Internet of Things) systems. As a leading global consumer electronics company, selling IoT endpoints (or devices) appears to be Samsung's natural market. IoT security involves safeguarding connected devices and networks. With the growth of IoT adoption, there's been a rise in...

  • microsoft iot in action
    Readwrite Sponsors
    Distinguished Microsoft Engineer, James Whittaker, on IoT

    There’s a lot of talk about the internet of things (IoT) these days and savvy businesses are jumping on the IoT bandwagon. And for good reason: IoT is a competitive differentiator that can add real value. But understanding what IoT is, what the opportunities are, and how to get started...

  • Smart Cities
    6 Reasons Why IoT Leaders Are Focused on Tampa

    Recently leaders from technology and the multifamily gathered in Tampa, Florida for an event called “Building Cities of the Future”, A CRE and Urbantech Summit. Tampa is already on its journey to becoming a smarter city, and thus was the perfect setting for this event. The one day event was...

  • Blockchain
    BlackBerry Coming Back Stronger As It Moves From Mobile Devices to Blockchain and More Secure IoT

    Recently, we all got the news of BlackBerry discontinuing its mobile device production. Well, that was obviously to make way for its shift from mobile devices to dealing in software and securities, including blockchain. Further highlighting the new shift is the statement of John Chen, BlackBerry's CEO, made at the...

  • Energy
    [Interview] Industry Experts on Choosing Your IoT Network

    Jason Elliott, 5G market development manager Samuele Machi, marketing manager, 4th industrial revolution   ReadWrite: When we talk about networking around IoT there’s a lot of smaller networking models e.g mesh networks and protocols. Everything from that to large networks talking about 5g deployments. So, there’s a lot of issues for...

  • websockets and iot
    Websockets and IoT: Why don’t the two go together?

    After running around in the realtime tech world for a couple of months since I started working for deepstreamHub, I think a lot of people have many misconceptions about a lot of concepts within this world. is an open realtime server that let’s you build realtime functionality right into your...

  • supply chain iot tweaks
    Connected Devices
    How tweaks to IoT’s supply chain can close security gaps

    When it comes to the Internet of Things, traditional cybersecurity approaches are difficult to integrate and can’t keep operational devices secure. Many embedded device approaches isolate systems, offering only partial protection, and only against known attack vectors. Could all of our IoT security issues be resolved through a simple tweak...

  • wpa2 krack security vulnerability
    Connected Devices
    What does the WPA2 vulnerability mean for IoT?

    Researchers at a Belgian University earlier this week revealed the discovery of a break in the security protocol used to protect the vast majority of Wi-Fi connections (WPA2 based).  Mathy Vanhoef of imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven University, released his findings explaining that an attacker within range of a victim can exploit these weaknesses using...

  • Developer
    Samsung Shares Vision for an Open and Connected IoT Experience at SDC 2017

    Samsung's annual developer conference also known as SDC, held at Moscone West in San Francisco has often focused on things like Tizen app development. However, this year, the company has also focused on a new topic, launching a new platform for IoT.     The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of...

  • Hacker Boards
    The ARTIK family is about to get bigger with “The New ARTIK™ secure systems-on-modules” and a new catch-them-all IoT platform

    With digital manufacturing and Industry 4.0 practices increasingly becoming more popular, edge computing emerges as the new standard in smart factories, and with that the necessity to ensure maximum end point security. To tackle this problem Samsung is working on a new set of IoT modules for the ARTIK family,...

  • Industrial
    Dell Technologies commits $1b to the future of IoT

    Dell Technologies this Tuesday announced the formation of a new IoT solutions strategy, a new IoT division and a $1bn commitment in IoT R&D. Chairman and CEO Michael Dell called IoT "the infrastructure of the next industrial revolution. And that's what we're co-inventing with our customers and our partners," The...

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