Results for "8"

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    PubSub LinkRank

    I came across PubSub's LinkRank feature for the first time today. It's an interesting new measurement... Here is the official blurb, comparing it to Google PageRank:"Unlike Google's PageRank system, LinkRanks are not iterative. Rather, we base LinkRanks on a simple formula that only looks at local links - links which...

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    Schwartz on Network Services

    Listened to the latest Gillmor Gang Show, with Jonathan Schwartz as guest. Sun's Schwartz is one very smart cookie and a very effective speaker. The following quote in particular stood out for me:"We [Sun] want a world where there are tons and tons of interesting, interactive iPod equivalents - where...

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    First eBook Purchase

    A couple of weeks ago I was bitching that none of my favourite authors had their most recent books available in eBook format. Well as luck would have it, Tom Wolfe just released his new novel I am Charlotte Simmons and it is available as an eBook!I went to 3...

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    Branding Microcontent

    Well here I am blogging in my pyjamas. Not literally, but metaphorically. Chillin'. Taking stock. Thinking about goals for next year. I've also been thinking about my Design for Data theory and while I've been doing that, a few posts elsewhere have attracted my attention...First a "in a nutshell" re-cap...

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    Blog Aid Successful

    To wrap up what has been a busy week, yesterday I finally got some momentum going in the blogosphere with the O'Reilly interview. Thanks to Jason Kottke, Robert Scoble, Phil Pearson (btw welcome back Phil!), Lucas Gonze and all the others who kindly linked to it.What happened was, I published...

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    Summary of Bill Ives’ KM Storytelling Posts

    I recently did a dump of content from my PDA to my linkblog - things I'd been reading offline and not yet recorded in my 'Ideas Database' (aka my linkblog). One batch of links is from a single person, Bill Ives. So I thought I'd dump them into one R/WW...

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    Tim O’Reilly Interview, Part 2: Business Models & RSS

    This is the second in a 3-part interview with O'Reilly Media CEO, Tim O'Reilly. In part 2, we discuss business models for Web 2.0 and the future of RSS.Business Models for Web ContentRichard: There's been a bit of discussion amongst bloggers recently about monetizing weblogs - making money off one's...

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    Tim O’Reilly Interview, Part 3: eBooks & Remix Culture

    In this final instalment of my interview with Tim O'Reilly (see also: Part 1 & Part 2), we discuss eBooks, social networking, collaboration and Remix culture. This is probably my favourite segment of the interview, because we explored some interesting new ideas here about Web publishing.Books and Social NetworkingRichard: eBooks...

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    Don’t all link to me at once…

    In a recent post I floated the theory that Content Creators need Media Companies to help them attract mass eyeballs to read their carefully-crafted content. It would be a symbiotic relationship - the Media Co's get compelling content and the Content Creator gets mass readership. It's win-win and I think...

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    Gettin’ Paid: A Future for Content Creators?

    UPDATE 12/11/04: An interesting conversation has developed in the comments to this post, spurred on by Phil Jones who disagreed with my position. Joshua, Liam and Matt Scofield also contributed thoughtful comments that are well worth reading. I'd like to get other opinions too... do you think there is a...

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    Living Data & The Momentum of Webfeeds

    I'm exploring the Design for Data thread and later in this post I'm going to get arty on ya'll. I think tomorrow I'll begin to investigate Atomflow, but for now let me give you an informal overview of my thoughts so far: - it's about movement of data/content (in time); not...

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    Design for Data: Thoughts

    Nearly a month ago I left a comment on Jason Kottke's weblog, in response to a post about his upcoming Web 2.0 conference workshop called Design for Web 2.0. He had listed 15 questions that were to be discussed in that workshop and one in particular caught my eye. It...

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    US Elections – Global Mind

    My fellow bloggers: like a lot of you, I'm disappointed that Kerry lost. FWIW here are some quick thoughts from a non-US citizen:- I watched the coverage on CNN and BBC yesterday (yes we get both tv networks in New Zealand). CNN seemed to be very cautious about predicting results......

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    How to build a Web 2.0 company

    Jeremy Zawodny has written a terrific post about what makes a successful Web 2.0 company. It all comes down to ubiquity, according to Jeremy. The themes he covers dovetails with my next Web 2.0 interview (coming soon!), so I'll review his main points here in anticipation of that.Jeremy starts by...

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    Asymmetrical Analytics

    Interesting line of thought inspired by Ross Mayfield's post Blog-based Research Model, where he talks about research services shifting "from the end analysis product (.pdf) to the open process of research". That is, instead of relying upon bulky and expensive PDFs from the traditional analyst companies (Gartner and so forth),...

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    The Larry King of Blog Interviews?

    Nothing like a Slashdotting to bring out the warm fuzzies. Marc and Lucas both have nice things to say about my interviewing style:Marc: "The process is fascinating - an interview where you get to decide what's talked about, an intelligent discourse happens at your pace and you even get to...

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    Joel’s Best Software Essays of 2004

    UPDATE 6/11/04: I decided to nominate The Fractal Blogosphere and Evolution of Corporate Web Sites for the Best Software Essays of 2004 book that Joel Spolsky is editing. If you enjoyed either one of those articles, please leave a comment on Joel's discussion board to support my nominations. Click here...

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    Interview with Lucas Gonze of Webjay

    Welcome to the first in a very special series of Web 2.0 interviews I'm conducting on Read/Write Web. My goal is to interview at least half a dozen people in the Web community who are building or shaping Web 2.0 - i.e. the Web as Platform.My first guest is Lucas...

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    Us and Them

    This is about as political as I'll get here on Read/Write Web, but I couldn't resist posting this cartoon by fellow kiwi Tom Scott. It also reminds me of the Getting paid for blogging controversy that is polarizing bloggers right now. For the record, I think it's a worthy experiment...

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    Web 2.0 book idea update / Moneyball review

    This post doubles as an update of my writing goals and a short review of Michael Lewis' book Moneyball. First, my goals. Lately on Read/Write Web, I've been exploring options for my future. eBooks and Knowledge Management storywriting are a couple of things I've been researching. And one thing I...

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