Results for "8"

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  • Web
    Search 2.0 vs Google’s Goliath

    The Animas Weblog has written a couple of interesting posts in response to Ebrahim Ezzy's Search 2.0 posts, featured on Read/WriteWeb recently (part 1 and part 2). In the first post, Animas frames his argument as a David vs Goliath struggle (the search 2.0 startups being, of course, David).Original imageHowever...

  • Web
    Apple enhances widgets – Dashcode and Web Clip

    Engadget is providing superb coverage of the Apple World Wide Developer Conference, currently in progress in San Francisco. I'll zero in on the bit that interested me the most - one of my hobby horses, widgets (mini web apps).At the conference Apple said there are currently 2500 widgets in Dashboard....

  • Web
    Skyrider and The Future Of P2P

    In my search for innovative web and Internet applications, I noted the buzz around new P2P company Skyrider at the end of last week. While it's hard to say whether Skyrider is truly innovative, seeing as they don't actually have a product on the market yet (it's due "in the...

  • Web
    Happy Birthday World Wide Web!

    15 years ago today, Tim Berners-Lee publicly released his WWW project onto the Internet. According to Wikipedia:"On August 6, 1991, he [TBL] posted a short summary of the World Wide Web project on the alt.hypertext newsgroup. This date also marked the debut of the Web as a publicly available service...

  • Web
    Top UK Web 2.0 Apps

    Continuing my series on international Web apps, today I'll be covering the top products in the United Kingdom market. In case you missed it, over the past week or so I've reviewed Germany, Holland, Poland and Korea. This week I've got more great non-Silicon Valley startups for you!The information for...

  • Web
    Gadgets being promoted on Windows Live Spaces

    With the launch of Microsoft's blogging and social networking platform, Windows Live Spaces (formally MSN Spaces), there has been an increase in interest around gadgets - i.e. mini web apps. People can add gadgets into their Spaces site and Microsoft is starting to promote this feature heavily. Jay Fluegel of...

  • Web
    Mitch Kapor’s new startup – Foxmarks, a Search 2.0 product

    Mitch Kapor, famous for co-founding Lotus 1-2-3 in the 80's and more recently the ambitious Personal Info Manager product Chandler (which is taking an awful long time to build - it's still in alpha after 3-4 years) has a new startup project. That's Mitch Kapor in the center of the...

  • Web
    Status And The Social Bookmarker

    Tom Wolfe could write a novel about this...or at least a short story. Cartoon by Oliver Widder, via Nick Carr's comments.Jason Calacanis also notes: "I think we have three of the top 20 DIGG users (and two from the top 10!). We also hired from Newsvine, delicious, and Reddit top...

  • Web
    Digg stats after Jason Calacanis offer

    The Diggtrends website has just done some stats relating to the Netscape owner's offer to buy out digg's top users. They found that the top 10 users contributed 1792 of the frontpage stories - i.e. 29.8%. The top 100 contributed 3324 stories, i.e. 55.28%. Nearly 30% of frontpage stories contributed...

  • Web
    Top Korean Web 2.0 Apps

    Next in my series on international web apps is Korea. I have Chang W. Kim, who runs a blog called Web 2.0 Asia, to thank for providing me with all the info. Korea is in many ways ahead of the curve in terms of the Internet. It has the highest household...

  • Web
    Top Polish Web 2.0 Apps (including Coke’s 43Things!)

    This has turned into a very enjoyable series, profiling web products being built all over the world! The latest list is for Poland, courtesy of Sebastian Kwiecien - who runs a blog at Sebastian sent me a very detailed list of Polish web apps, including information about an intriguing...

  • Entertainment
    RealNetworks lays down gauntlet to Microsoft’s Zune

    RealNetworks had their Q2 2006 Earnings Conference Call on Thursday evening (PST) and the transcript from SeekingAlpha makes for interesting reading. The two main points that came out of it, from a product and market perspective, is that 1) RealNetworks is exhibiting very strong growth in the gaming market; and...

  • Web
    Y! Messenger launches – plug-ins popular in beta

    The latest version of Yahoo! Messenger with Voice was officially launched today, a month after the beta was released. This is version 8, which includes plug-ins for the first time. Third-party developers can create plug-ins (aka widgets) for the platform. This has already proven to be very popular - since...

  • Social
    Unlocking MySpace’s Value

    The media blitz from News Corp. executives on MySpace is increasing, with two excellent articles on The Hollywood Reporter and Washington Post.In The Hollywood Reporter, Fox Interactive Media president Ross Levinsohn says that social networking is just a platform for "peer recommendation" services:"What's next for FIM is leveraging MySpace's online...

  • Web
    Search 2.0 vs Traditional Search, Part 2

    Written by Ebrahim Ezzy and edited by Richard MacManus. Ebrahim is lead developer and co-founder of Qelix Technologies, the company behind a search 2.0 contender called Qube. This is the second in a 2-part series of posts.In our previous post we coined the term "Search 2.0", in order to compare...

  • Web
    Gotuit Launches Broadband Video Portal

    Gotuit Media, an established player in on-demand video, today announced the launch of its new broadband video portal - I got a sneak peak of the new portal and spoke with Mark Pascarella (president of Gotuit Media) and David Laubner (Director of Product Marketing) about the launch. is a...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up, 17-21 July 2006

    Long-time readers of Read/WriteWeb may recall that I used to do a weekly summary of the top stories of the week, called the Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up. It ran all through 2005 and for a long time was the most popular feature on R/WW. I decided to put it to...

  • Web
    Calacanis offers to buy out digg users

    Netscape boss Jason Calacanis has offered to essentially buy out the top users on Digg, Delicious, Flickr, MySpace, and Reddit for $1000 per month: "We will pay you $1,000 a month for your "social bookmarking" rights. Put in at least 150 stories a month and we'll give you $12,000 a...

  • Web
    Internet advertising companies hot in 2006

    The June 2006 edition of Business 2.0 magazine lists the 100 fastest-growing tech companies of 2006. One trend that has emerged is that online advertising has replaced retailing as the Web sector that is most in demand. While in 2005 eBay was ranked 14 and there were two other retail...

  • Web
    Google, MS, Y!, Ask: 20%+ revenue from toolbars?

    Markus Frind is one of the more disruptive (and therefore interesting) bloggers to emerge this year. He's the guy who burst onto the scene with claims that he's making $10,000 per day off his online dating site I actually met Markus in person last month at the Supernova conference...

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