Results for "8"

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  • Web
    freenigma: Encryption For Web-Based E-mail

    freenigma is a Firefox plug-in that offers e-mail encryption to a whole range of Web email systems - including Gmail, Yahoo!Mail and Hotmail/MSN. It is a product of Germany-based freenigma came out of public beta at the end of September and is now open to all - but you...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Sweden

    Written by Bjorn Fant and edited by Richard MacManus Sweden is a nation determined to be an international competitor in the IT arena. IT budgets in the private and public sector add up to 5% of Sweden's total National Growth Product; IT and entrepreneurship are a huge part of the...

  • Social
    MyBlogLog: Adding Community To Blogs

    I recently signed up to MyBlogLog, which is a kind of instant social networking system for bloggers. It enables you to set up a community around your blog and - optionally - add statistics. More details of MyBlogLog can be found at Techcrunch and A VC.I've added a 'Recent Readers'...

  • Web
    Internet Explorer 7 Review

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. Disclaimer: Alex's company AdaptiveBlue has a product called The blueorganizer, which is a Firefox extension. It is ironic, but the laws of physics apply to technology. Since Internet Explorer won the browser battle 10 years ago, it had little incentive to...

  • Web
    How Firefox 2.0 Will Be Marketed

    This week I spoke to Chris Beard, Mozilla's vice president of products. Among other things we discussed how Firefox 2.0 is going to be marketed. I was going to save this for the full write-up of my interview with Chris Beard, but reading Chris Messina's post today about IE7 made...

  • Web
    Silicon Welly

    This post may ring a bell for all the non-Silicon Valley readers. Firstly an admission: I hardly ever write about my home country, New Zealand. The reason for that is mostly down to demographics: just 1% of Read/WriteWeb's page views come from my own country. The US, UK and Canada...

  • Web
    Personalized News: A Market Overview

    Written by Guest Blogger Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus.IntroductionPersonalized Content is one of the two most popular approaches in next generation news sites - the other is Power of Masses, which we will cover in a future post. The leading examples of these approaches are reddit for Personalized...

  • Web
    SocialText Aims To Be Best Of Breed Office Software

    Disclaimer: SocialText is a competitor of Atlassian, one of our sponsors. This week I spoke to Ross Mayfield, CEO of wiki company SocialText, about "Enterprise 2.0". To put it very crudely, Enterprise 2.0 means blogs and wikis in the enterprise. According to Ross and others, Enterprise 2.0 is slightly different...

  • Web
    Pageflakes 2.0 Launches

    Disclosure: Pageflakes is a sponsor of Read/WriteWeb. It's the season of v2.0 launches! The personalized start page Pageflakes has undergone a major upgrade to its interface, which has just gone live today. Back in May I posted about Pageflakes' page publishing feature, which enables users to share their pages with...

  • Web
    Movable Type Enterprise 1.5 Launched

    Today Six Apart will release a new version of its Movable TypeEnterprise edition. I spoke to Anil Dash (a SixApart VP) and Chris Alden (EVP and GM of Movable Type - formally CEO of Rojo) about the upgrade and to discuss the future of Movable Type.Some of the more 'experienced'...

  • Web
    (RED) Web

    The Product (RED) campaign is sweeping the world, thanks to some heavyweight backing from celebrities (Oprah, Bono) and brand names (Apple, American Express, Armani). It's a great cause, because for each (RED) branded product or service sold, a part of the profit goes to the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Austria

    Written by Sebastian Moser from Austria and edited by Richard MacManus With 4.6 million internet users (a penetration rate of 56.8%) and a broadband penetration rate of 61.8%, Austria is a little bit above the average for the European Union in internet usage. Besides the Internet, 8 million people use...

  • Web
    The Social News Faceoff

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.This post looks at the main players in the Social News space, to try and identify their characteristics and understand the dynamics of the market. The sites we analyze are digg, Netscape, Newsvine, and Reddit. While there are many other social news...

  • Web
    The Marriage of Social and Business Applications

    Written by Guest Blogger John Milan and edited by Richard MacManus. John is Senior Software Architect and founder of TeamDirection, one of the companies mentioned in this post.What amount of time is the right amount of time for two people to tie the knot? Three months? Two years? One decade?...

  • Web
    Web Office Jostling: Google Docs and ZohoX

    Both Google and Zoho will be announcing new office product offerings at tomorrow's Office 2.0 conference. Steve Bryant from eWeek reports:"Google will announce tomorrow at the Office 2.0 conference a new product called Google Docs, which will merge Writely and Google Spreadsheets into a collaboration and document management solution, according...

  • Web
    2007 Will Be A Big Year For RSS

    With Microsoft's IE7 just around the corner and the other big Internet companies upgrading key information management products, 2007 is going to be the 'make it or break it' year for RSS. Fergus Burns noted these 4 key platforms, which are all set to ramp up over the next 6-12...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in India

    Co-written with Neeraj Kumar of India Upcoming It's an exciting time for the economy in India, which is also reflected in its Web market. India has 1.1 Billion people and the average age of the nation is just 24.9 years. The Indian GDP is growing at 8% + and after...

  • Web
    Neil Rimer from Index Ventures: Great Entrepreneurs Can Emerge From Anywhere

    To continue our interview series on VCs and next generation web, today we speak to Neil Rimer - a co-founder and General Partner of Index Ventures. Neil's firm Index Ventures is probably best known in the web 2.0 world for investing in these innovative VoIP or WiFi services: Skype, Rebtel...

  • Web
    Thank you R/WW Sponsors

    Thanks once again to Read/WriteWeb's excellent sponsors, who I'm very grateful to for supporting the aims and ideals of this blog. The goal of R/WW is to provide quality analysis about web technology - and we think this focus on quality reflects very well on our sponsors. It also (may...

  • Entertainment
    Online Gaming: Xbox And Peter Jackson Team Up

    Last week at X06, an Xbox event in Barcelona, New Zealand movie director Peter Jackson announced a new games development studio called Wingnut Interactive - an offshoot of his highly successful movie production company Wingnut. The new venture will develop a "Halo series" for the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live....

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