Results for "8"

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  • Web
    Online Classifieds Market Overview

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.A few weeks ago we were briefed by the co-founder of vFlyer, Oliver Muoto, about the changes and new features in their upcoming release. Oliver gave us a great overview of the service (which we will talk about a bit later) but...

  • Web
    Yahoo Ramping Up Content Networks – But Scaling Back on RSS?

    This week Yahoo has released some new initiatives and polished up the design of existing content properties. Here is R/WW's summary of the action, along with some commentary...Yahoo TV re-design - and is Yahoo scaling back RSS?Yahoo TV has had a re-design, giving it a liberal sprinkling of Ajax and...

  • Web
    Second Tier PPC Search Advertising – Growing, But Dogged by Click Fraud Concerns is one of a large group of so-called "second tier" PPC (Pay-Per-Click) search advertising networks - others include Kanoodle, InfoSeek, and Looksmart. SearchEngineWatch lists some more on this page (nb: it's 3 years old, but I couldn't find a more up-to-date list). The first tier services are Google AdWords...

  • Web
    Amazon Web Services Success Stories

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.We have written before about the innovative Amazon Web Services Platform. This stack was officially announced by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos during the recent Web 2.0 summit and is now considered part of the core business strategy for Amazon. While analysts, competitors...

  • Social
    Sex and Social Networking Sells: Fake User Profiles in Marketing Campaigns

    Increasingly marketing firms are using popular social networks on the Web as part of their campaigns - creating fake user profiles to sell their products. On one hand this is not a good thing for social networks, because the last thing they want is to be clogged up with marketing...

  • Entertainment
    Virtual Ticket: Media Player for Rock Band Websites

    Ultrastar is a music fan site management company, started by David Bowie in the late 90's. They create and manage sites for a range of pop music acts - such as The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Sting, INXS and about 9 other acts. They emailed me today to...

  • Web
    Holotof – Crowdsourcing Creativity

    Holotof is a network of "advertising creatives", which enables businesses to come and pitch them work - in the form of ad projects and campaigns. The idea then is that creatives submit ideas for the pitch and the client chooses the best one to work with. The site was launched...

  • Web
    R/WW Trend Watch: User-generated Sites Define This Era of the Web

    Lloyd Sakazaki has written a good overview of recent trends in global websites. It is based on Alexa data, a stats source which comes under regular fire for its faults (most recently ex-Netscape boss Jason Calacanis took aim). Nevertheless, there are some interesting underlying trends in the Seeking Alpha article....

  • Web
    Laszlo To Release a WebOS

    While in San Francisco earlier this month, I met up with Laszlo’s Founder and CTO, David Temkin, along with CMO Kent Libbey. Laszlo has an open source Ajax application development platform called OpenLaszlo - which has been used for external apps like Pandora (online radio and music sharing) and

  • Web
    Poll: Will Google develop a GoogleOS?

    Our post this week about GoogleOS led to some vigorous and fascinating discussion in Read/WriteWeb. 87 mostly thoughtful comments were left here, plus many more on Slashdot and Digg. To get a final, more succinct, picture of whether R/WW readers expect to see a GoogleOS - here is a poll...

  • Web
    Microsoft vs Google Heats Up

    I know, a predictable (almost tabloid-y) blog headline. But in this case, there really is some interesting back and forth going on between Microsoft and Google currently - especially with regards to office software.Firstly Google CEO Eric Schmidt wrote an article for The Economist, in which he takes aim at...

  • Web
    GoogleOS: What To Expect

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus.There's no such thing as the GoogleOS in reality - but despite that, it is one of the most talkedabout Web products. People can't stop discussing it - and even imagining screenshots for it! Seems like everyone expects Google to get into...

  • Web
    Web Office Widgets and Intranet Dashboards

    On my ZDNet blog last night I took a look at the evolving world of Web Office widgets. I noted that the personalized start page Pageflakes has just introduced a couple of new office "flakes" - a Calendar Flake and a Notepad Flake. They also have an existing Mail Flake,...

  • Mobile
    3 Trumpets Mobile Web Breakthrough with X-Series

    The BBC wonders if British mobile operator 3 has "discovered the holy grail of the mobile phone industry", simply by bundling some mobile web services together and making it flat rate pricing. Mobile Web expert Ajit Jaokar is very bullish on this news.3's new package is called X-Series and here's...

  • Web
    WordPress Takes On SixApart With Enterprise Edition and

    While I was in San Francisco I sat down to talk to Toni Schneider, CEO of Automattic Inc - the company set up to leverage the popular open source blogging tool Wordpress. One of their main projects is, described as "a more limited version of WordPress that is hosted...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Hungary

    In the latest in Read/WriteWeb's coverage of international Web markets, we explore Hungary - a central European country of 10 million people. The information in this post was supplied by Hírbehozó, a professional journalist for online media company Hírbehozó told me there are not too many startups in Hungary....

  • Web
    Yahoo: Time to Kill Off Flickr, and Other Web 2.0 Brands

    The big news over the weekend is the publication of an internal memo by Yahoo senior VP Brad Garlinghouse, dubbed the 'Peanut Butter Manifesto'. The crux of it is that Garlinghouse says Yahoo as a company is unfocused and has too many product lines that cross over. Here is how...

  • Web
    In B.E.D. with TechCrunch – literally…

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. A pure TechCrunch goodness has descended on New York on this rainy evening. Ignoring the rain, hundreds of web 2.0 fans, venture capitalists and sponsors rushed to the sought after New York venue called B.E.D.The venue is famous for serving out-of-this-world...

  • Web
    Demand Media aims to Capitalize on Web Content

    Bambi Francisco from MarketWatch has an interesting interview with Richard Rosenblatt of Demand Media. Rosenblatt was chairman of MySpace at the time it was sold to News Corp and it appears as if he's aiming just as big with Demand Media. According to MarketWatch:"Rosenblatt has raised more than $200 million...

  • Web
    Gates on Next 10 Years – Microsoft wants to be OS for Entertainment

    Bill Gates spoke yesterday at the TechNet event at Stanford University. Here are his thoughts on what changes IT will make in society over the next 10 years:"Changes are now coming faster than ever. We'll be seeing more and more students using tablets instead of stacks of books in schools...

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