Results for "8"

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  • Web
    The Shrinking Long Tail – Top 10 Web Domains Increasing in Reach

    Last week I was following the De-Portalization of the Internet thread, started by Fred Wilson and then extended by Keith Teare. I was struck by one observation in particular by Fred:"I don't have the data to prove it, but my guess is if you looked at the percent of all...

  • Web
    edgeio and China: A Chat With Keith Teare

    In a recent blog post, Wenzhi Lai of online listings company edgeio noted that their China operation - called mulu100 - has become the second largest source of traffic for edgeio. I was curious to know more about edgeio's activities in China - and also to tap CEO Keith Teare's...

  • Web
    Prediction Markets at

    A report from the yahoo.confab event on Prediction Markets, held Wed Dec 13 in Silicon Valley. Written by Nitin Karandikar from The Software Abstractions Blog and edited by Richard MacManus. All photos are by David Rout for Yodel Anecdotal.Can Prediction Markets make it easier to get at the knowledge that...

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    Gotuit SceneMaker and The Online Video Holy Grail

    Last week I was briefed about a new product just released by Gotuit, called SceneMaker. It enables people to cut up and tag videos from platforms like YouTube or Metacafe. SceneMaker essentially allows users to embed e.g. a YouTube video in a Gotuit page, then add metadata around it. I...

  • Web
    2006 Web Technology Trends

    It's December already and so it's about that time to reflect on what has happened in Web Technology during 2006 - and ponder what 2007 may bring. Over the next few weeks Read/WriteWeb is going to publish some in-depth posts analyzing the trends and new products we've seen in 2006,...

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    Firefox TV Commercials Go Live: Interview with Mozilla’s Asa Dotzler

    Later today Firefox will begin broadcasting, for the first time, four "fan-produced" commercials on prime time television. Initially the ads will only run in the San Francisco and Boston regions, but this will be expanded over time. The 4 video ads are a sampling of approximately 300 clips which were...

  • Mobile
    Understanding Mobile 2.0

    Written by Rudy De Waele of and edited by Richard MacManus. This kicks off a mini-series of posts on the topic of Mobile 2.0, which we will explore on R/WW this week. On the eve of Le Web 3 in Paris - and one month after the Web 2.0...

  • Web
    Paul Graham – Under the Microscope

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus.Paul Graham, as a combination of investor and uber geek, is a unique figure in the web industry. There's an increasing trend of entrepreneur-friendly blogging among investors; Guy Kawasaki, Baris Karadogan and Fred Wilson are perhaps the best examples of this. But...

  • Web
    Are you an “Out There” Person?

    Adam Carstens from the Attention Company emailed today to tell me about some new research they've just published. It's a report entitled “Out There” and surveys the attitudes of people who participate in online communities. Here is the report as a PDF.I'd not heard of them before, but the Attention...

  • Web
    Top 20 Websites in US

    Web metrics firm Compete has an interesting post, outlining the top 20 websites (for US traffic). According to Compete, all 20 of them got over 20 million unique visitors in October 2006. Here is the chart:A couple of people noted in the comments that if you add Microsoft's 4 top...

  • Web
    Hakia – First Meaning-based Search Engine

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. There has been a lot of talk lately about 2007 being the year when we will see companies roll out Semantic Web technologies. The wave started with John Markoff's article in NY Times and got picked up by Dan Farber of...

  • Web
    Trend Watch: P2P Traffic Much Bigger Than Web Traffic

    While looking through Mary Meeker's 2006 Web 2.0 Summit presentation, I was struck by the figures on page 19: "Peer-to-Peer (P2P) traffic was 60% (and rising) of Internet traffic in 2004, with BitTorrent accounting for 30% of traffic, per CacheLogic". You can definitely see why this is the case, as...

  • Web
    Part 2: Changing Climates for Microsoft and Google, Desktops and Webs

    Written by John Milan and edited by Richard MacManus. Images by Jon Cornforth. This is the second article of a two-part series - see Part 1 here.Turning the Tide The other day I was trying out IE 7. It has a nifty feature that downloads all the elements of a...

  • Web
    Web Office APIs – Embracing and Extending Microsoft Office

    Zoho recently released a set of APIs that lets anyone write their own program to use Zoho Writer and Zoho Sheet data [disclosure: Zoho is a sponsor of Read/WriteWeb]. As Matthew Ingram explained, it "means that other companies -- online storage providers such as, Carbonite or Mozy, for example...

  • Web
    Poll: What mid-90s company is Google most like?

    John Milan's latest article for Read/WriteWeb explores the evolving software environment, with particular focus on Microsoft and Google. The article gets us to thinking: is Google the latest manifestation of an Internet bubble, or is it really different this time?Although comparing two different decades is a little dangerous, perhaps even...

  • Web
    Avantoure: A Magazine for the Web Age

    Recently I came across a new magazine that is delivered via the Web - and utilizes a lot of Web native functionality in the process. It's called Avantoure and the tagline is "life is a game". The contents of the magazine appeal to me, but in this post I'll focus...

  • Web
    Virtual Shopping Malls Making a Comeback?

    Via Geekzone comes news of a 3D shopping mall, called The Mall Plus, that has just been released in New Zealand. After seeing this, memories of the mid to late 90's came flooding back to me - a time when websites built on real world metaphors filled the Web landscape....

  • Web
    Changing Climates for Microsoft and Google, Desktops and Webs

    Written by John Milan and edited by Richard MacManus. This is the first in a two-part series. Update:Part 2 is now available. The most insidious thing about global warming is that it's everywhere, but not right in front of you. And really, it has more to do with things disappearing...

  • Web Predictive Markets for Web Technology

    Yahoo has announced an event around Predictive Markets, called It's described as an "open micro-conference series" and is being run by Yahoo!’s Technology Development Group. The reason it caught my eye was this:"We started because we want to push the web and its applications up to the next...

  • Web
    JotSpot Case Casts Doubt on Future of Web Office Startups

    Recent Google acquisition JotSpot found itself the subject of unwanted attention this week, when an early customer complained of being shut out after the Google deal. A blog post by someone named Kevin (no last name supplied) had all the gory details, but Kevin then subsequently deleted it (note: I'd...

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