Results for "8"

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    Poll: *Really* Alt Search Engines

    Charles Knight, Read/WriteWeb's search engine authority, has provided another list of weird search engines. We're interested in getting your opinion on this, as a bit of weekend geeky fun. So which one of these 10 really alt search engines do you think is the silliest/funniest/oddest? Here is the list, with the...

  • Web
    Big Internet Companies (Except Google) Brought Into Line – Thoughts on News Corp/NBC Online Video Deal

    The big news today is News Corporation and NBC Universal launching what they claim will be "the largest Internet video distribution network ever assembled", with AOL, MSN, MySpace and Yahoo! as the site’s initial distribution partners. It will launch this summer (US). The benefits obviously work both ways - News...

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    Google’s CPA Move: Will Microsoft & Yahoo Have To Buy Their Way Into CPA Game?

    One of the big pieces of news this week was Google announcing their CPA (Cost-Per-Action) product, or as they're calling it - PPA (Pay-Per-Action). There are good analysis posts about the news from Techcrunch and Microsoft's Don Dodge. It's been expected for some time now that Google will move into...

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    Crowdsourcing: A Million Heads is Better than One

    The "wisdom of crowds" is a popular web 2.0 buzzword, popularized by James Surowiecki’s book of the same name. At its most basic, the term means that two heads are better than one, and that still more heads will yield even better results.The wisdom of crowds is all around us...

  • Web
    Current Mashup and API Trends

    Web 2.0 has brought us a flock of APIs and the wonderful new concept of a Web mashup. Thanks to apps like Google Maps, and Flickr, we have started to think a lot about remixing the web. In the figure below is a classic example of a mashup -...

  • Web
    CIOs Spurn Web 2.0 Startups – Enterprises Want Suites and Large, Incumbent Software Vendors

    Forrester Research has just released two reports concerning 'web 2.0' in the enterprise. Forrester recently surveyed 119 CIOs on the topic and their answers illustrate what IT honchos want – and don't want – from social software technologies such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS, social networking, and content tagging.According to...

  • Web
    Caption Contest: ETech Ticket Giveaway

    Earlier this week we gave away a free ticket to Office 2.0 and today we have a a free ticket to next week's ETech to offer as a prize. ETech is O'Reilly's Emerging Technology conference and it'll be held next week, March 26-29, in San Diego. An important note about...

  • Web
    Winner of Office 2.0 Caption Contest

    We had an awesome response to our caption contest on Monday - over 80 comments! The Under The Radar folks and myself had a tough choice deciding... but the winner of the free ticket to the Under The Radar Office 2.0 conference, to be held this Friday March 23 at...

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    How to Build a Profitable Startup by Knowing Your Users Better

    How to build a $50M online company is a topic that Dan Mitchell at the NYT explored recently, taking his cue from Jeremy Liew of Lightspeed. A few weeks ago Jeremy wrote about the scale a business has to achieve to get to $50M in revenue. I have summarized the...

  • Web
    P2P Lender Zopa Gets $13M Funding – Expands into US

    One of the more innovative web apps around has just gotten another big injection of funds, and a new CEO to boot. Zopa describes itself as a "marketplace for Social Lending", where people lend and borrow money with each other - sidestepping the middleman, i.e. banks. They recently advertised for...

  • Web
    Userplane Releases Userlist – IM for Websites a Trend to Watch

    Disclosure: Userplane is a sponsor of Read/WriteWebUserplane, the provider of community web apps that was acquired by AOL in August last year, is today releasing Userplane Userlist - a Flash-based instant messaging app that you can integrate into web sites. Basically Userlist enables users on a site to view other...

  • Mobile
    Exclusive: Yahoo oneSearch Launches on US Mobile Web

    On Tuesday Yahoo will significantly expand the reach of their new mobile search product, Yahoo! oneSearch, by making it the default mobile Yahoo homepage at for US users. In effect this brings oneSearch, which Yahoo launched in January 2007, to the Mobile Web masses. The US masses anyway -...

  • Web
    Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services

    Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process. The so called Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real...

  • Web
    Netvibes Launches “Coriander Edition” – a SUPER Personalized Homepage

    Netvibes, one of the leading 'personalized homepage' products on the market, today officially released its new version - nicknamed the "Coriander Edition". This edition has been under discussion for the past month on the Netvibes blog, but today it is being officially launched. Incidentally Netvibes is now using the term...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 12-16 March 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Analysis PostsGoogle InterviewThis week Read/WriteWeb finally got an interview with Google, something I've been wanting for a long time. Matt Cutts, head of Google's web spam operations, talked to me on the topic of next-generation search. Unfortunately I published...

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    Adobe Remix on Photobucket

    Adobe recently announced they are to bring out online versions of some of their desktop software suite, including Photoshop, within the next 6 months. The first place we can get a glimpse of these offerings is on the popular photo and video sharing site Photobucket. Since last month, pro users...

  • Web
    Rating the Memetrackers: Redux

    13 months ago Read/WriteWeb published a review post about the leading "meme trackers" - i.e. sites that cluster and filter the latest tech news. My conclusion at that time was that Techmeme came out on top, closely followed by Tailrank and My summary back then:"All in all, Memeorandum still...

  • Web
    Weird Search Engines II: Beam Me Up, Scotty

    Last Friday we posted about weird search engines. We got some good comments and found some new weird search engines to add to our list. Note that we mean weird in a good way - as in something a bit different.To remind you, here are the original 'weird' search

  • Web
    Video PageRank: Google Searches for The Holy Grail

    In yesterday's interview with Matt Cutts from Google, on the topic of next-generation search, we touched on how Google is tackling the issue of indexing (and advertising around) online video. Matt implied that Google is looking for an equivalent to PageRank for online video:" the Web we have this notion...

  • Web
    Yahoo! Personal Finance: A for Content, B for Personalization

    Yahoo! launched its Personal Finance site earlier this year, on January 19, 2007. In this piece, we will analyze the site based on my Web 3.0 framework. Yahoo Personal Finance is a part of Yahoo! Finance and has nine sub-categories. The site provides financial information, tools, and advice on personal financial...

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