Results for "8"

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  • Web
    How Effective is Google Personalized Search? 57% Say There’s No Difference, or it’s Worse!

    In Greg Linden's guest post defining Web personalization, he notes that Google Personalized Search uses technology acquired in 2003 from a small startup named Kaltix. He goes on to say that "the current version of Google Personalized Search learns from your search queries. Searchers do not have to do anything...

  • Web
    Eric Schmidt Defines Web 3.0

    Google CEO Eric Schmidt was recently at the Seoul Digital Forum and he was asked to define Web 3.0 by an audience member. After first joking that Web 2.0 is "a marketing term", Schmidt launched into a great definition of Web 3.0. He said that while Web 2.0 was based...

  • Mobile
    iPhone vs Mobile Web

    Recently a Forrester report was released stating that the iPhone "signals the beginning of the end for the mobile Web as we know it today". The report suggested that re-designing sites for the small screens of mobile phones would become "a thing of the past", because of the iPhone's advanced...

  • Web
    Personalized Search Primer – And Google’s Approach

    Guest article by Greg Linden, founder of personalized news service Findory and author of Geeking with Greg. Google has received much attention, not all of it positive, for its efforts to personalize search.In this article, I will briefly describe personalized search, why Google and other search engines are trying to...

  • Web
    Why Aren’t Alt Search Engines Crawling Websites?

    Based on log file evidence from a friend who runs a personal website, Rich Skrenta claims that only 11 search startups are actually crawling the web. He wonders where all the alt search engines are? For some reason, Rich doesn't link to Charles Knight's Top 100 Alt Search Engine List...

  • Web
    Online Ad Sales Growing, But Not At ‘Premium’ Sites

    According to an article in the Financial Times today, online ads are expected to outsell those in print newspapers in the US by 2011. A study by Veronis Suhler Stevenson (VSS), FT reports, predicts ad spending online will grow to $62 billion over the next three years, compared to $60...

  • Web
    Poll: Has Personalization Improved Your Google Search Results?

    This week's poll is part of our R/WW Files on Personalizing Google. We're asking if you've noticed much difference in your Google search results, now that Google claims you can "get more relevant search results" when signed into Google Accounts. Let us know what you think.

  • Web
    Personalizing Google: Read/WriteWeb Files

    This week we're opening a file on Google's efforts towards personalization, a trend that has become very apparent in Google over the past year. As we did with Yahoo last week, we'll publish a number of feature articles looking at how Google is implementing personalization into its products - and...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 30 July – 3 August 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Product Reviews This week's Web Product of the Week is Iceberg, which Phil Butler profiled for Read/WriteWeb. Iceberg is a private...

  • Web
    Blogging Ethics: When And What Should Bloggers Disclose?

    Is there a new blogger scandal brewing? Allen Stern over at CenterNetworks seems to think so. Allen takes issue with the new video blog Webb Alert (which mentioned Read/WriteWeb today), saying that the blog doesn't disclose its connection with advertising network Federated Media (which hosts it and sells advertising for...

  • Entertainment
    Sign O’ The Times: Billboard Adds Online Streaming Data to Charts

    Interesting news tidbit today that Billboard is adding online music streaming to its 'algorithm' for compiling the Weekly Billboard Top 100. As a Gen X person who grew up listening to the weekly American Top 40 (by Casey Kasem and then Shadoe Stevens), this struck a chord with me. According...

  • Web
    WebbAlert: Read/WriteWeb on TV

    A new online video show about web technology debuted this week, called WebbAlert. It is already making some waves in the blogosphere. Hosted by Morgan Webb, it's a daily 5-minute show on the latest web tech news. I watched the debut episode yesterday and immediately added the RSS feed to...

  • Web
    Yahoo! Plans a Run at YouTube

    A report yesterday from Bloomberg says that Yahoo! is planning to revamp its online video offering by year's end in an effort to compete with YouTube and MySpace TV. According to comScore, Yahoo! is actually third in the US in terms of total video streams, though their 4.6% market share...

  • Web
    Google Mashup Editor

    I just got in to the shiny new beta for the Google Mashup Editor and I wanted to share my thoughts on it with you. Like Yahoo! Pipes before it (our review here), the Google Mashup Editor provides a simple interface that enables developers to make basic web applications and...

  • Social
    Platform Wars: Netvibes Launches Facebook Widget

    In a cheeky move, Netvibes has released a Facebook widget. Both Netvibes and Facebook are leading Web platforms for widgets (i.e. mini web apps that can be plugged into web pages and sites). So Netvibes is neatly trying to entice Facebook users to use Netvibes instead of Facebook as their...

  • Web
    rollSense: Your Blogroll on Steroids

    Bloggers have long used the blogroll as a way of linking to their compatriots and sharing traffic. But a blogroll has always just been just a static list of links, that on some blogs (especially among political bloggers, where they might be most popular) have become so bloated and long...

  • Web
    Microsoft Works to be Offered as Free, Ad-Supported Desktop Suite – No Browser Version?

    A few reports are circulating that Microsoft will offer a free, ad supported version of Microsoft Works, its 'lite' office suite, within the next few months. However the kicker is that it won't be a browser-based offering - as the rumor was back in September 2006. The free version of...

  • Web
    Newser: Human Edited News Aggregation

    The web has a new news aggregation site today with the launch of Newser, a start up with an impressive team behind it. Newser is run by Highbeam CEO Patrick Spain, Vanity Fair columnist Michael Wolff, and Caroline Miller, who was the editor in chief of New York Magazine. According...

  • Web
    Amazon in Your Living Room

    Our network blog last100 has an excellent feature story on Amazon's digital living room product range, including Amazon Unbox (the company‚Äôs digital video download service), "information products" like Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and Digital Photography Review (, and how it could all be integrated via ‚Äúcloud services‚Ä?. The digital living...

  • Web
    VCs: Startups Are Too Reliant on the M&A Market

    I'm at the AlwaysOn Stanford Summit reporting for Read/WriteWeb. This afternoon there was an interesting presentation about the state of the venture capital market. Specifically, it started with a presentation by Paul Denninger, Vice Chairman of Jefferies & Co, entitled "Why Aren't VCs Happy?" and then Paul joined a panel...

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