Results for "internet of things"

We found 4754 results for your search.
  • Hack
    KORE Telematics’ Alex Brisbourne (Part 3): An Internet of Things API?

    The picture recently painted of a network of ubiquitous connectivity for each and every class of processor-endowed device on the planet goes so far as to suggest that things such as shipping tags, pacemakers, pipeline stress sensors, thermometers, and nuclear radiation monitors expose their methods to the world - perhaps...

  • Hack
    KORE Telematics’ Alex Brisbourne (Part 2): Marketing the Internet of Things

    It is no surprise to anyone who has covered either the computing or telecommunications markets for any length of time that manufacturers' visions of the future are centered around the ubiquity of the products they create. The 2007 vision of ubiquitous communications among carriers revolved around a kind of flip-phone...

  • Hack
    KORE Telematics’ Alex Brisbourne: The Existing Internet of Things

    The way IBM sells the concept of the "Internet of Things" is as a new, fully functional, and perhaps even separate Web for the exchange of data between devices. "It makes it possible, potentially, for every device on the network to communicate and share information with every other device," reads...

  • Web
    Amazing Kickstarter Project Twine: Cheap and Easy Internet of Things

    David Carr and John Kestner are hoping to raise $35,000 to "connect your things to the Internet, without a nerd degree." The project, Twine, promises "the simplest possible way to get the objects in your life texting, tweeting or emailing." No programming required. Twine as pictured on the Kickstarter page...

  • Hack
    IBM’s Andy Piper: Negotiating the Internet of Things

    He is officially called the "Messaging Community Lead" for IBM's WebSphere message queue (MQ) architecture, which is a title that grants some modicum of honor without claiming too much authority. Andy Piper has become IBM's point man for the concept of a planet enmeshed in billions, perhaps trillions, of signal-sending,...

  • Work
    UCSD Study: Not Enough Bandwidth for an ‘Internet of Things’

    Yesterday's groundbreaking proposal by IBM for a new and open-source asynchronous protocol for machine-to-machine (M2M) Internet communication, called MQTT, cites a projected 1000x (put another way, 100,000%) increase in broadband device-generated traffic by the year 2020, and the need for a formal protocol for managing it all. Now, a study...

  • Hack
    IBM Open-Sources Potential “Internet of Things” Protocol

    The openly stated goal from IBM is to produce a completely new world-wide web, one comprised of the messages that digitally empowered devices would send to one another. It is the same Internet, but not the same Web. This morning in Ludwigsburg, Germany, IBM announced it is joining with Italy-based...

  • Web
    Inspiring The Internet Of Things: A Comic Book

    The Internet of Things is one of our favorite trends at RWW. When it finally becomes ubiquitous, we'll be that hipster blog that liked IoT before it was cool. To help usher in the future, the Danish Alexandra Institute has just released a comic book called "Inspiring the Internet of...

  • Work
    Gartner Adds Big Data, Gamification, and Internet of Things to Its Hype Cycle

    Gartner is once again taking a look at the "hype cycle" for technologies and trying to assess where technologies lie along the bumpy road from technology trigger to productivity. This year, Gartner is adding big data, Internet of Things, gamification and consumerization to the Hype Cycle that weren't present in...

  • Web
    Web 1.0 Winners Aim For Lucky Strike #2 With Internet of Things Startup, ThingWorx

    What would you do after building a successful Dot Com business that was acquired by SAP in 2005? Many entrepreneurs would do their earn-out in the bigger company, then repeat the same formula with a new startup in the next Web era. That's exactly what the founders of a forward-thinking...

  • Web
    Toy Robots and Programmed Light Bulbs – Google Embraces the Internet of Things

    Google is making a significant investment in the Internet of Things, with everything ranging from toy robots to programmable light bulbs. The news came at Google I/O today. Among other things, Google introduced Android@Home, which will turn Android devices into home controllers - to do everything from dimming the lights...

  • Web
    The State of the Internet of Things – Is There Enough Commercial Activity?

    Over the weekend there was a hackathon held to promote the Internet of Things (IoT), when real world objects get connected to the Internet. The event was run by London-based IoT platform company Pachube. So what got created at this hackathon and what does it tell us about how the...

  • Web
    European Union Signs Internet of Things Privacy Framework

    The executive body of the European Union signed an agreement today titled Privacy and Data Protection Impact Assessment (PIA) Framework for RFID Applications (PDF), intended to safeguard consumer privacy and offer assurances to citizens that RFID [Radio Frequency Identification] and connected devices are safe for industry to develop. The agreement...

  • Web
    It’s Time to Hack the Internet of Things

    Pioneering Internet of Things startup, Pachube, is running a global hackathon starting on April 8, 2011 at 2pm U.K. time. Internet of Things (IoT) is a term for when real world objects and environments get connected to the Internet. The hackathon runs for 24 hours and will bring together over...

  • Web
    How the Internet of Things Helps Us Understand Radiation Levels

    The need to just do something is a real reason people aggregate data from real-time sensors, create maps and share their findings online. Crowdsourcing is a manifestation of that desire to contribute in a way that helps us understand and better define the overwhelming amount of data available.In Japan, crowdsourcing...

  • Web
    How the Internet of Things is Changing the Way We Work

    Several years ago, before the Web had become as ever-present as it is now, Wal-Mart was the shining example of a future where inanimate objects communicated, aka the Internet of Things. The company had a plan to implement RFID tags to better optimize its supply chain. The problem? The RFID...

  • Mobile
    Embedded SIM Standard First Step to Building Internet of Things

    At this week's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, a task force consisting of a group of international mobile operators announced it will submit its plans for an embedded SIM solution to telecommunication standards body ETSI for consideration by month-end. The standard would allow for an embedded (as opposed to removable)...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Phones Will Serve as Central Hub to “Internet of Things”

    At a keynote event during this week's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Qualcomm Chairman and CEO Dr. Paul Jacobs talked about how mobile technology could be used to connect non-phone, non-tablet devices and objects to the Internet. This concept is generally referred to as the "Internet of Things," or, as...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Phones Will Serve as Central Hub to “Internet of Things”

    At a keynote event during this week's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Qualcomm Chairman and CEO Dr. Paul Jacobs talked about how mobile technology could be used to connect non-phone, non-tablet devices and objects to the Internet. This concept is generally referred to as the "Internet of Things," or, as...

  • Web
    Internet of Things Innovators: ThingMagic

    Every Thursday evening PT we shine a spotlight on the Internet of Things, which is when everyday objects are connected to the Internet. Today we look at one of many companies making 'things' happen in the evolving Internet of Things. Based out of Cambridge, MA, the aptly named ThingMagic makes...

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