Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • Social
    ViralHeat: Social Media Analysis for the Budget-Minded Soul

    These days, the words "social media campaign" are on the lips of everyone around, from media professionals to small business owners to college students in coffee shops. While the idea of a social media campaign is becoming widespread, the tools to manage one are often left for the former, while...

  • Web
    Facebook Becomes More Racially Diverse, Ought To Release Data for Outside Analysis

    Facebook used to be dominated by white and Asian users, but tonight the company announced results of a demographic study of its users concluding that the percentages of black and Hispanic users of the site are now approaching their percentages of the population in the general U.S. public. Hear that?...

  • Web
    Emerging Internet Trends: An Analysis of Mary Meeker’s Web 2.0 Summit Presentation

    Yesterday we wrote about Mary Meeker's annual overview of Internet trends at the Web 2.0 Summit. In this post we do a deeper dive into the Web themes that Meeker explored. In particular we'll analyze mobile social networking, compare 2009 to previous years and look at the impact of Apple...

  • Web
    Business Models of The Internet of Things – An Analysis of Pachube’s Open Source Platform

    Yesterday we analyzed some of the applications being built with Pachube, an open source platform enabling developers to connect sensor data to the Web. We at ReadWriteWeb think that Pachube is an excellent example of one of our Top 5 Trends of 2009: Internet of Things. So we're exploring Pachube...

  • Web
    Applications From The Internet of Things – An Analysis of Pachube

    Last week we reported that Pachube, an open source platform enabling developers to connect sensor data to the Web, had released a real-time notifications feature. We at ReadWriteWeb think that Pachube is an excellent example of one of our Top 5 Trends of 2009: Internet of Things. So we're going...

  • Web
    5 Ways Sentiment Analysis is Ramping Up in 2009

    The New York Times has an article today about sentiment analysis, a trend which has been accelerating on the back of the Real-time Web - and Twitter in particular. Sentiment analysis is no short-term hot trend. It will eventually become a key feature of search engines, which will integrate the...

  • Web
    Timetric Makes Web Data Useful with Time Series Analysis

    A winner at this year's mini-Seedcamp in London, Timetric is an app from Inkling Software, a three-principal shop composed of chemistry and physics PhDs.The premise is fairly simple: Timetric was created to store, share, and analyze data over time. For predicting trends, proving assertions, and recommending actions, time series analysis...

  • Social
    What the Little Bird Told Me About You: Three Twitter Apps for Psych Analysis

    Tomorrow morning, social media and marketing researcher Dan Zarrella is debuting a new way to see into the minds of Twitter users by analyzing their most recent 1,000 tweets.TweetPsych uses two linguistic analysis methods to build a psychological profile of a person based on the content of their tweets. It...

  • Web
    Pro Tools for Social Media Monitoring and Analysis: Sysomos Launches MAP and Heartbeat

    Sysomos, a Toronto-based startup, officially launched its two flagship products this morning: MAP (which stands for 'Media Analysis Platform') and Heartbeat. Both products are incredibly powerful (but costly) social media monitoring and analysis tools. In many ways, it is probably best to think of MAP and Heartbeat as companion pieces....

  • Web
    Word Cloud Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Speech Compared to Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Lincoln’s

    Barack Obama was just sworn in as President of the US and though he stumbled in repeating his oath, the speech that followed was delivered flawlessly and was widely praised around the web. (Several readers have told us that it wasn't Obama that stumbled, it was Justice Roberts.) There were...

  • Web
    Last100 Macworld Coverage: Analysis of Keynote, Jobs on Kindle, BBC on iTunes

    With the Macworld conference in full effect at the Moscone Center in San Fancisco, our network blog last100 has been keeping tabs on all the juicy tid-bits to emerge from Apple's annual party. While we already know about the big announcements to come out of Macworld -- like the Apple...

  • Web
    Microsoft Advances XBRL Data Standard in the US, Paving Way for Big Innovation In Financial Analysis

    Microsoft says it's the first US company to file financial records using a newly released XML data standard this week, the GAAP (U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) taxonomy for XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language), according to a report by IDG News in London. XBRL is an XML standard that makes...

  • Social
    Confirmed: MySpace Joins Google’s OpenSocial (More Analysis from R/WW to Follow)

    The big news of the day is that MySpace, the leading social networking platform, has joined Google's OpenSocial project as a partner. OpenSocial is a set of common APIs for building social applications across the web - and it will be officially released tonight here. The press release today states...

  • Social
    Facebook Grows Up – An Analysis of Today’s News

    Today in San Francisco social networking site Facebook officially announced their much talked about open platform, for companies wanting to hook into the Facebook network. There's plenty of blog coverage of this event, so in this post I hope to synthesize it all and explore what it means...What has Facebook...

  • Web
    Linguistic Analysis of Top 100 Alt Search Engines

    The mashups of our Top 100 Alternative Search Engines list continue! The Name Inspector, a fun and interesting blog run by a PhD in Linguistics, has done a linguistic analysis of the 100 search engine names on the list. His conclusion is that "the search for search engine names has...

  • Social
    Flixster: Analysis Of A Movie Social Network On The Rise

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusLast week there was a post on TechCrunch entitled Flixster is growing like weed, which described how a trendy new startup called Flixster has seen phenomenal growth over the last few months. Flixster is a social network based around movies. Why is...

  • Web
    Google vs Yahoo Stock Analysis: Is Yahoo The One To Buy?

    I'm no stock market expert, but Adam Hewison from MarketClub has produced a 9-minute video that even I can follow. It uses stock chart theory to predict the fortunes of Google and Yahoo stocks this year - concluding that Yahoo will probably have the most percentage gain:The chart above is...

  • Entertainment
    Orange Launches Online Music Analysis and Recommendations

    Orange Spain, a mobile operator, has two new music services - 'New Talents' and 'Enjoy your Music'. Both are powered by Music Intelligence Solutions, a provider of AI (artificial intelligence) software for music recommendation and discovery.Music Intelligence Solutions is an intriguing company. It was founded in 2002 and is based...

  • Web
    Digg stats analysis is not only a thriving community and great source for news, it's also an increasingly influential website for bloggers and website owners. It can be a heavy driver of revenue-generating traffic and can also help make your website viral (= popular). Given its growing importance then, I thought I'd...

  • Poker Hand Three Of A Kind
    What is Three Of A Kind in Poker and How Does This Hand Rank?

    There is a fairly good chance that you will land a three-of-a-kind in poker at some point. Our guide unpacks this hand, what it is, what beats it, and also reveals some probabilities so you can play confidently. Sounds good? Let’s first examine what this poker hand looks like. What...

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