Results for "Analysis"

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    Obama Inauguration: Check Out These Real-Time Visualizations

    The MIT SENSEable City Lab recently released visualizations of mobile phone call activity over the week of President Obama's inauguration on January 20, 2009. The visualizations are of course stunning, but they also aim to answer the questions: Who was in Washington, D.C. for President Obama's Inauguration Day, when did...

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    Web 3.0 Might Be Really Stupid

    What are you doing? How about now? Has anything changed since you started reading this blog post? Every story has a who, what, where, when, and why - but the event-driven nature of the social Web may be putting such a premium on broadcasting about what we're doing, that software...

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    Why the Web 3.0 Conference Was a Success

    The Web 3.0 Conference in New York last week was a visible success. Attendance was good, and so it seems that the organizers are making money. That is significant in a recession, when many conferences that were announced have had to be suddenly canceled due to lack of interest. At...

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    App Mapping War Casualties Debuts for Memorial Day Weekend

    Every age brings new wars, and every war brings public expressions of collective grief and respect for the dead. My parents' generation had the Vietnam Memorial, and their parents' generation now have the National World War II Memorial. Our generation has fought a very different, very difficult war in the...

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    Shopping 2.0: Current E-commerce Trends (Redux)

    In a RWW Live podcast from last December, we discussed 'shopping 2.0'. In this analysis of the show, we explore how e-commerce has evolved over the past few years - what web technologies our expert guests are currently using, and the trends they've picked up on.We had 4 expert guests...

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    Searchology: State of the Union of Search at Google

    While Google CEO Eric Schmidt is over on the East Coast helping the Washington Post and the New York Times work out how best to make money out of their content, Marissa Mayer, VP of Search Products and User Experience, along with a team of Googlers is in building 40...

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    Weekly Wrapup: Real Time Web, Larger Kindle, CloneCloud, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we analyze the Real Time Web, interview the founder of a venture tech firm, report on a new and larger version of Amazon's Kindle eBook reader, look at a cloud computing product for the...

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    Google Execs: Twitter-like Functionality Could Be Added to Search

    While taking questions yesterday about alleged violation of anti-trust laws, Google execs including CEO Eric Schmidt reportedly told press that the company is, in the words of Reuters scribe Alexei Oreskovic, "looking at ... ways of integrating microblogging capabilities, such as those popularized by Twitter, into its search product."That's news...

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    Making Decisions With Machines and People: 3 New Cyborg Q&A Services

    The following post was originally titled The Robot Made Me Do It: Comparing Three New Cyborg Q&A Services and ran a week and a half ago. It's a slow morning around here and we thought readers who missed this the first time might appreciate a chance to see it now.One...

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    3 Reasons Why Twitter Will NOT Index the Links You Share (Updated)

    Techmeme is on fire this morning with discussion of Rafe Needleman's CNet post about Twitter's supposed plans to index the content of links shared over the microblogging service. Ex-Googler turned Twitter exec, Santosh Jayaram, said as much last night, as well as mentioning plans to rank search results by the...

  • Social
    Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger

    Firefox doesn't keep track of the number of users it has but Asa Dotzler, Mozilla's director of community development, said today that the company estimates that there are 270 million people using the browser. That's 35% more users than Facebook has signed up for accounts (200 million), and almost triple...

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    The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What’s Next

    Paul Buchheit built the first version of Gmail in one day. Then, he built the first prototype of Google's contextual advertising service, Adsense, in one day as well. Now, he's working on a much-watched startup called FriendFeed that he believes just brought to market the next big form of communication...

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    The Robot Made Me Do It: Comparing Three New Cyborg Q&A Services

    One part people, one part machine. Is that a formula for more effective decision making? A number of high-profile entrepreneurs believe it is, and they are starting companies based on the idea. In the following post we take a look at three of the most exciting startups entering this emerging...

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    Journalism 2.0: Don’t Throw Out the Baby

    When I was a kid, I wanted to be a journalist. My heroes were people like Woodward and Bernstein and the people reporting from war zones. The profession seemed to be both glamorous and worthwhile. Faced with a real decision as a young adult, I went into the IT industry....

  • Web
    Google Begins to Make Public Data Searchable

    Google just announced its first foray into making public data searchable and viewable in graph form. The company is starting with population and unemployment data from around the US but promises to make far more data sets searchable in the future. The potential significance of making aggregate data about our...

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    Do You Want Facebook to Open Up? (POLL)

    Facebook made a big move today to open up user activity streams to outside applications and websites. We argued that the site remains fundamentally closed because outside developers can't access the full stream of all users' activity and information due to limiting privacy controls and friend connections. A very interesting...

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    Despite New Openness, Facebook Remains Fundamentally Closed

    What are people saying on Facebook about the swine flu? Facebook knows, but they won't tell you. The company made a major move today to open up some of the data on the site in some interesting ways - but the conversation on Facebook remains fundamentally closed due to extensive...

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    LinkWithin: A Prettier and Smarter Way to Feature Related Stories on Your Blog

    Most blogging platforms now feature a number of third-party plugins that can display a list of related stories on your blog, or even on other blogs on the Internet. Typically, these plugins will look at how a story was tagged and then display a short list of similar stories that...

  • Social
    A Better Calling Card: Twitter Challenges Facebook Connect

    In the old days, self-important people use to carry calling cards. Now we have Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites to turn us all into mini-celebrities. So what's the new calling card online? That position's being jockeyed for as we speak, and different contenders are taking very different approaches.Twitter...

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    ReBoxed Prioritizes Your Gmail Inbox

    Former Gmail engineer Gabor Cselle has been working on improving email for years. This week he built a new system for prioritizing all the emails in your inbox. It's called ReBoxed, and it relies on crowdsourced A/B preference voting on email senders, and Cselle built it in just 3 days.I'm...

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