Results for "acl"

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  • Hack
    Oracle Formally Embraces NoSQL, Implies It Invented NoSQL

    Whether the acronym "NoSQL" stands for "not only SQL," as some database architects content, or literally "no SQL," up until this month, it has been taken to imply "no Oracle." One of the many hallmarks of Oracle's SQL RDBMS technology, historically, has been consistency -- the notion that every client...

  • Web
    Why Ellison Really Bumped Benioff: Oracle to Buy Salesforce Competitor RightNow

    If anyone knew the real reason behind the much-hyped kerfuffle a few weeks ago between Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and his would-be OpenWorld conference guest, CEO Marc Benioff, she kept it to herself rather skillfully. As it turns out, Oracle executives held an all-hands-on-deck meeting late last week; and...

  • Hack
    With Endeca Buyout, Oracle Edges Closer to Embracing Unstructured Data

    Up until the point where data starts making sense, by definition, it doesn't make much sense. Information requires analysis. And despite its name and its mission, the Web presents more unstructured, unrelated data than any information source ever created.So it shouldn't surprise anyone that the biggest trend in data management...

  • Hack
    Oracle Pushes Its Idea of JavaFX, Replaces Script with XML

    Is HTML5 a common platform for rich Internet applications, or a common toolkit for building rich applications on varying platforms? Oracle's response to that question came yesterday, and in typical Larry Ellison fashion, it essentially boiled down to, "We don't give a rip."When Sun Microsystems produced the first go-round of...

  • Work
    Larry Ellison Leads Oracle Into the 1990s and Beyond

    Certainly the theory that Oracle had no plans for Sun Microsystems following its acquisition, has been completely deflated. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison always wanted to be able to deliver database devices that come pre-configured, and Sun has given him the resources to deliver it. But besides a guest appearance by...

  • Computers
    OpenMobile's ACL brings over 250,000 Android apps to MeeGo

      OpenMobile's Application Compatibility Layer (ACL™) brings over 250,000 Android apps to your MeeGo device. ACL for MeeGo performs seamlessly on Smartphones, Tablets, eReaders, Connected TVs and IVIs. ACL powers MeeGo devices with an Apps Ecosystem touting over 250,000 Android apps. The Video below is a demo of ACL running...

  • Work
    Sun Fire and UltraSPARC Live On in Oracle Database Appliance

    Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has been in love with the idea of "all-in-one" and "out-of-the-box" since before the turn of the century. In Matthew Symonds' portrait of Ellison entitled Softwar, he noted how four years prior to the book's publication, Ellison had had an epiphany: the software and hardware industries...

  • Hack
    Judge: Neither Google Nor Oracle Has Defined an ‘API’

    The second round of talks between chief executives from Google and Oracle commences today, with the possibility of a settlement between the two over Google's use of Java in Android, as Bloomberg reports this morning. This just days after the latest rebuke of Google by Judge William Alsup, who last...

  • Work
    SAP to Settle Copyright Abuse Charges by Oracle

    It will amount to being publicly shamed, and although Oracle gave SAP an escape hatch, it purposely made that hatch too small to crawl though. In a deal announced yesterday, SAP is likely to plead guilty on behalf of its former customer support unit, TomorrowNow (TN), on charges that it...

  • Work
    Friday Roundup: Court Tosses Oracle Award, App Engine Pricing, Fake IDs, Seesmic and More…

    It's been a crazy conference week with VMworld and Dreamforce '11 going on at the same time. News from those shows have been all over ReadWriteWeb's channels this week, like the VMware vFabric Data Director announcement, and CloudStack going 100% open source.We also looked at storing Salesforce data locally, and...

  • Work
    Court Tosses $1.3 B Oracle Award, SAP Gets a Second Chance

    The changes in U.S. copyright law over the past three years affect the way damages are assessed. When a party is found guilty of infringement of copyright (which runs deeper than mere violation), the test now is the extent to which the infringed party is less able to license its...

  • Web
    Citrix FOSS Cloud Infrastructure Extends to VMware, Oracle

    The cloud looks less cloudy by the week. This week's story line for the VMworld 2011 conference in Las Vegas, which opens today, appears to be "cloud definition." One of this week's most defining moments may have already happened, as Citrix Systems made good on its pledge last month, in...

  • Work
    What’s New in Oracle VM 3?

    Earlier this week Oracle took the wraps off of Oracle VM 3. Oracle's Adam Hawley, senior director of product management, says that Oracle VM 3 is ready to roll out across the entire data center, and not just for managing Oracle's applications.Oracle VM 3 doesn't quite have the same name...

  • Web
    ACLU Questioning Local Law Enforcement’s Use of Location Data

    On Monday, 34 American Civil Liberties Union affiliates across the U.S. sent 379 records requests to local law enforcement agencies seeking to know when, how and why they are using cellphone location data to track American citizens. The ACLU wants to know if law enforcement is going over the heads...

  • Developer
    Google accuses Apple, Oracle and Microsoft of an Android patent war

      In Googles official blog Google's Chief Legal Officer and Senior VP, David Drummond accused Microsoft, Apple and Oracle of campaign of patent war against Android. ... Although there are numerous patent cases surrounding Google's mostly open source mobile operating system Android, only one of them, Oracle's case, directly addresses...

  • Work
    Oracle Aims for Zero Downtime with Ksplice Acquisition

    Oracle continued its acquisition spree this week by snapping up Ksplice, a company that sells a zero downtime update technology for Linux. Ksplice enabled system administrators to apply updates and patches without rebooting or otherwise taking a server down.According to the announcement, "Oracle believes it will be the only enterprise...

  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: Oracle Virtual Desktop Client for iPad and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.It was a short business week...

  • Web
    Oracle Going Acquisition Bazonkers, Buys Pillar Data

    Just last Tuesday Oracle acquired CMS company FatWire and data quality software vendor Datanomic.Today Oracle bought Pillar Data, a SAN storage company majority owned by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison.In addition to being owned by Oracle's CEO, Pillar has had a long standing partnership with Oracle, providing an extension to its...

  • Work
    Fatwire’s Yogesh Gupta on Becoming Part of Oracle

    Yesterday the news about Oracle acquiring Fatwire motivated me to reconnect with Fatwire's CEO, Yogesh Gupta. Gupta is an interesting guy on several levels. First, he has been around tech for quite some time and can play in the major leagues. This is the second time that a company of...

  • Work
    Oracle Gets More Social and Takes on Adobe with FatWire Acquisition

    Oracle announced today that it will acquire FatWire. Financial details were not disclosed. FatWire bills itself as customer experience management company and provides tools for content management, community forums, analytics, digital asset management, etc. It sounds very much like what Adobe is doing with its Digital Enterprise Platform (formerly LiveCycle),...

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