Results for "9"

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    How my PDA is mobilising my read/write lifestyle

    I got my first PDA for Christmas, a Palm Tungsten T2 - cost about $700 in New Zealand dollars. It's already changed my reading/writing habits for the better. For a start, my information management has improved because I now have my goals and 'To Do' list on me all the...

  • Web
    Citizen Blogger

    I've been getting more and more interested in the concept of a "Citizen Blogger": a person who actively participates in politics via their weblog. For such a person, weblogging becomes a political act - an 'Uncle Sam Needs You' for the 21st Century. The term has been floating around for a...

  • Web
    RSS button – look Ma, no graphics!

    I've been meaning to add the orange RSS button back to my menu for a while. However I've been reluctant to upset my finely-tuned but fragile CSS/Radio Userland code synchronisation, by throwing a gauche graphic into the mix. But today I discovered a nice CSS method which solved the problem...

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    Portrait of a Geek as a young-ish man

    Note to self: don't bother with any more surveys, because I'm not popular enough. As Homer Simpson might say, Stupid A-List... :-) But seriously, I was a little disappointed more people didn't respond to my survey: what do I look like in real life. Particularly as the responses I did...

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    Last chance

    OK, so I'm not Kottke and my surveys don't attract hundreds of punters :-( But thank-you Rogers for linking to my survey. I'll keep the survey going till tonight NZ time, when I'll post my updated 'About Me' (with photo).Until then, click here to participate in the survey.

  • Web
    So come on then, what do I look like?

    So far I've gotten two very interesting responses to my informal survey: what do I look like? This is a fascinating experiment, because even from just two responses I can see that people form a definite image in their mind's eye of what a blogger looks like.What I'd really like...

  • Web
    Individualizing the Web

    Summary: I analyse a 1994 Personal Information Management program and compare its goals to what we want in in a similar tool in 2004. I discover the requirements are basically the same.The blogosphere is mostly a synchronous give-and-take of content. People largely comment on and link to things that other people are...

  • Web
    XSLT, 2004 goals, and general blather

    Man it gets quiet in the blogosphere over xmas. I've had to resort to some real work to keep myself occupied. I've been diving into XSLT to try and develop something interesting for my weblog's topic-based navigation. XSLT can be infuriating at times. I got most of what I wanted...

  • Social
    I am Game Neverending

    Summary: I analyse Game Neverending, a multi-player social software web application, and compare it to a virtual world that I created in my recent novel.One of those silly but addictive questionaires is doing the rounds: What kind of Social Software am I? You could be a Wiki, the Blogosphere, FOAF, or other varieties of Social Software....

  • Web
    Linkblog added to sidebar

    I'm doing some incremental changes to the site. First up, I added my linkblog to the sidebar. I use my linkblog to save links, ideas and memes that interest me. Hence its name: Web of Ideas. It's a Movable Type site and the search functionality in particular makes it very...

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    First read-through of my Nanowrimo novel

    I've just finished reading my Nanowrimo novel as a whole piece for the first time. I'm pretty pleased with the story, apart from one thing right at the end (which I'll address at the end of this post). The whole point of Nanowrimo for me, as a first-time novelist, was...

  • Web
    Do we really need Web Design and Taxonomy?

    Two recent memes from the blogosphere seem to me to be ripe for mixing:Meme 1) The current trend for tech blog re-designs to have a minimalist, lotsa-white-space look that places emphasis on the content. Dave Winer probably started this trend with his re-design, but I've seen it elsewhere before him...

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    The New Puritan Manifesto

    As I was browsing my local bookstore, ostensibly looking for a Christmas present for my Grandma, I came across a book called all hail the new puritans. It was a collection of short stories from young British writers circa 2000. So it was a few years old and probably collecting...

  • Web
    Aesthetic Morality in the 21st Century

    Morality in art has always been a fascination of mine. And by art I mean literature, music, movies - the works. Some weblogs even. A favourite artist of mine is the great Canadian pianist Glenn Gould. One of Gould's theories was that music should be judged on moral considerations rather...

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    Motivations: comparisons between novel-writing and blogging

    I had written a long post describing my motivations for writing my novel, but on reflection I won't publish it because it belongs more to my personal journal than on a public website. That is to say, it's probably only relevant to me. But to sum up in a sentence: my...

  • Web
    Re-design braindump 2: Ancillary or Primary

    What's your primary content?I felt a bit guilty about dissing Jason Kottke's new design yesterday. I didn't mean to be negative, actually I admire that he's put all his content in one feed. It has its merits - for example readers only need to subscribe to the one RSS feed....

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    Dirtside to Spaceside – my novel in PDF form

    I've released the 0.9 version of my Nanowrimo novel, which I wrote in 27 days during November 2003. Apparently there were 3680 people all over the world crazy enough to successfully complete the Nanowrimo contest in 2003. So here's my effort:Dirtside to Spaceside (PDF - 344KB)Shortly I will begin to...

  • Web
    Dirtside to Spaceside – the novel

    I've published my Nanowrimo novel on Read/Write Web as an HTML file. The PDF version will have to wait till Monday. I tried to use the Adobe Online Conversion service, but I couldn't get the file size under 600KB for some reason (which is odd because the Word file is...

  • Web
    Nanowrimo Novel Finished!!!

    50,060 words. Completed in 27 days. The new name of my novel is: Dirt-side to Space-side. This is a NASA term for the Interplanetary Internet. I'll post a PDF version of my novel in the next day or two (once I correct the spelling mistakes).Looks like I'm the second Nanowrimo...

  • Web
    Day 22 (Sat morning)

    Saturday morning as I write this. I will have more words to contribute later this weekend, but for now I'm at 39,564 words. Here's the latest (ch. 44 onwards).

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