Results for "9"

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    Here Are All My Points: I’m In Like With You

    Every once in awhile a private beta comes along that is so hot, that it can literally whip people into a frenzy over the prospect of securing an invite. First it was GMail, then it was the The Venice Project (Joost), and now comes i'm in like with you, the...

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    Yahoo! Pushes Green Living

    Yahoo! announced two initiatives today to become, in their words, the "go-to resource for all topics green." That's green as in, environmentally friendly. The first is a competition called Be a Better Planet to find the most eco-friendly city in America. The prize? Carbon credits and a fleet of hybrid...

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    CBS’ New Online Video Strategy: Court Web 2.0

    Last May CBS launched Innertube, an online video site that would allow the network's viewers to watch popular television shows like "CSI" and "Survivor" online for free, as well as bonus content and original mini shows. The site, which was ad supported and used RealPlayer, was ill-conceived from the start...

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    Understanding Apollo

    During my recent visit to the US, I popped into the Adobe office in San Francisco to find out more about Apollo - the company's new RIA (Rich Internet Application) runtime and development platform. I sat down with Mike Chambers - Apollo Senior Product Manager, developer relations - to figure...

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    Enterprise RSS – 3 Major Vendors Show The Way

    Forrester has just released a new report on Enterprise RSS. Specifically it tackles the issue of information overload in the corporate environment, now that RSS feeds are an important source of information in the workplace. Also it covers how IT departments are becoming more interested in enterprise RSS solutions, particularly...

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    Simply Google – All You Can Eat Google, On One Page

    Simply Google is an unofficial portal for Google apps and services. Charles Knight mentioned it in his original Top 100 Alt Search Engines List, as an example of how the famously sparse Google homepage could be enhanced. In Charles' words:"Instead of squeezing through the keyhole in order to reach Google's...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 7-11 May 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Apologies for missing last week's wrapup, due to travel.Note that you can subscribe to the weekly wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email:Subscribe to the Weekly Wrapup Email NewsletterEnter your email address:Delivered by FeedBurnerTop Web...

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    The Art of Chart – Bringing Wall Street Ideas to the Masses

    In this post we analyze how web 2.0 companies are bringing price trending tools, traditionally found on Wall St, to the masses. We take a look at these latest consumer internet innovations, and try to understand if they are useful and if they can succeed. The companies reviewed in this...

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    The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines – SPECIAL UPDATE

    I have just returned from my jaunt to Italy, and I'd like to share the amazing new search engines that were introduced in the comments section of the Top 100 Alternative Search Engines for April; they are a veritable treasure trove of new discoveries! These new entrants will likely cause...

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    Facebook to Launch Classifieds Service

    Social network Facebook is set to launch a classified service to its users on Friday, according to the New York Times. The service will be free, though Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told the Times that the classifieds, which will launch under the name 'Facebook Marketplace,' might someday provide a source...

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    On Mozilla and The Evolution of the Browser

    Interesting posts recently from two people who have an important role in defining the future of the browser. Firstly, I missed it while I was in transit in the US, but Mozilla developer Alex Faaborg posted the slides of his presentation at the recent Web 2.0 Expo. They are fascinating...

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    Building An Open Source, Distributed Google Clone

    Disclosure: the writer of this article, Emre Sokullu, joined Hakia as a Search Evangelist in March 2007. The following article in no way represents Hakia's views - it is Emre's personal opinions only.Google is like a young mammoth, already very strong but still growing. Healthy quarter results and rising expectations...

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    How Much Textual Information Do We Consume Daily?

    In this post we examine how much textual information we consume in a typical day, focusing in particular on blogs, news, email, IMs, Twitter. In a follow-up post, we will explore visual information consumption.At a high level, information is a fascinating concept. Each year we learn more and more profound...

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    ShareOffice Launches – Open Standards Based Web Office Suite

    At the Software 2007 conference on Tuesday in San Jose CA, on-demand document management provider ShareMethods will announce the launch of an open standards Web Office suite called ShareOffice. The company says it is the world's first open standards online office suite. What's more, ShareOffice is an excellent example of...

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    Top 17 Search Innovations Outside Of Google

    Written by Nitin KarandikarThere are an abundance of new search engines (100+ at last count ) - each pioneering some innovation in search technology. Here is a list of the top 17 innovations that, in our opinion, will prove disruptivein the future. These innovations are classified into four types: Query...

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    Silverlight Poll Results: Majority Impressed, But Not a Flash Killer Yet

    Last week's Read/WriteWeb poll asked what you thought of Silverlight, Microsoft's newly improved rich internet app plug-in that was launched to (unusually) rave blog reviews at MIX on Monday. Some people even said that Silverlight leaves Adobe's Flash technology in the dust, which is a big claim to make given...

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    What Happened At Digg?

    The firestorm that erupted at Digg earlier this week over a censored post has led to a lot of discussion about the nature of censorship in a world where everyone is a publisher. Called "The Great Digg Revolt," by some, the incident illustrated how much power users have over the...

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    Flickr Eats Yahoo! Photos (Not The Other Way Round)

    Yahoo! is set to announce that it will close its online photosharing website Yahoo! Photos in favor of Flickr, the web 2.0 darling that it purchased two years ago. According to web metrics firm Hitwise, Yahoo! Photos is currently the number 2 photo website on the web, behind Photobucket, which...

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    Review Of Product Research Engine Wize – Needs Integrated User Experience

    Following my analysis of TheFind, a lifestyle shopping service, in this post I will explore Wize - product research engine. Note that I have also reviewed the business story of Wize on my personal blog. So now let's take a look at their actual product using my Web 3.0 framework.ContextThe...

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    Google’s Personalization Push: iGoogle, Localization, Gadget Maker

    The announcement last night of iGoogle (the new name for Google Personalized Homepage), Gadget Maker and other localization features, shows that Google is ramping up its personalization efforts once again. Google Blogoscoped has excellent coverage from the Google Personalization Workshop, held yesterday at Mountain View for a select group of...

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