Results for "8"

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    Extraordinary Evidence

    It's Day 8 and my word count is 14,778. Here's the latest. I took yesterday off. Have got a bit of flu, but the show must go on. I'm trying not to take my novel too seriously, having a bit of fun with it. Today I came up with the...

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    Day 6

    12,288 words. Here it is. btw I accidentally discovered an error in the very first sentence today. How embarrassing. So I fixed it up...I thought about leaving it in there, as proof that I haven't done any revisions yet. But then there are probably plenty of other bits of evidence...

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    Day 4

    8,120 words. I'm wondering whether to post excerpts online. Hmmm.

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    Day 3

    6,086 words. Had to struggle to reach this. Started at 8.30pm and finished about 11.10pm. Man this is hard work and I'm only 3 days in. 27 more days to go! The good news is I'm still working at 2,000 words per day, but I suspect I'm going to have...

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    Nanowrimo Day 1

    It's just after 7pm on Saturday 1 November and I've finished my first day's writing in the NaNoWriMo challenge. I managed 2,108 words today, which I'm really pleased with. It took me about 3 hours, a little over 1 hour in the morning straight writing (about 1,000 words) and in...

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    Richard’s 30-day Feat of Endurance

    I've now officially entered NaNoWriMo, which is an annual challenge to write a 50,000 word novel over 30 days. It kicks off on 1 November, which is one day away for me. I checked into the official NaNoWriMo website tonight and I was surprised to see that 14 other people...

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    Writing a novel in 30 days

    I'm one of those people that regularly says: "One day, I'm going to write a novel." Well now may be my chance. NaNoWriMo is a an annual challenge to write a novel in 30 days, over the month of November. The novel must be at least 50,000 words, which is...

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    On Broadcasting

    The Two-Way Web is a very simple concept. It's all about normal everyday people having a publishing platform on the Web. Sounds reasonable to me, but a thread on Many-to-Many this week has complicated the issue. Here's my summary, based on how I first discovered and then tracked the thread...

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    The road to XHTML and tableless CSS designs

    I've been threatening to write an article about XHTML for a while now and so here goes. I'll also talk about CSS and table-less web designs, because in the Web world right now XHTML and CSS are as hot a couple as Ashton and Demi (who may've broken up now,...

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    Is this the beginning of the Age of Topic-focused Blogs?

    I read with interest Matt Haughey's essay Blogging for Dollars, where he relates his experiences running Google's Adsense adverts on his TiVo-focused weblog, PVRblog. Matt is making a pretty penny running the Google ads on his TiVo blog and one of the main reasons why is that it is focused...

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    Linkblog begun

    I've been playing around with some linkblog solutions. Firstly, on Phil Pearson's advice I tried Once I negotiated my way around the minimalist design and even more minimalist documentation, I liked However the problem is that it's a 3rd party hosted service and I want to host my...

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    The Drowned World of Data

    Too. Much. Information. Data floods my mind and my actions become water-logged. What to do? There's too much to do. Information washes over me, my head is submerged. Metadata fills my nostrils. I'm drowning, help!I'm being melodramatic :-) But actually I do feel this way sometimes. Right now I am...

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    I've been thinking about starting a linkblog, like Phil Pearson has just done. Two of my favourite daily reads are Anil Dash's Daily Links and Erik Benson's Morale-o-Meter. Both those guys post a daily list of external links, with a 1-2 line comment on each link, which pretty much align...

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    The will to publish

    2003 has so far been a year of hype for weblogs and k-logs. Blogging is on the cusp of the mainstream. Or is it? A few posts recently have me wondering: why would normal people want to publish to the Web?Mark Pilgrim: "... itís possible that an unfiltered... unedited... personal...

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    Topic of the Pops

    CSS and XHTML are still dominating my mind's attention.xml file. As you can see in my menu, they're numbers 1 and 2 in my Weekly Topic Top 10. btw the Topic Top 10 is going to be a weekly record (pardon the pun) of the most popular topics on my...

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    Tableless CSS project winds up

    I've been totally absorbed in my CSS re-design this past week. I did some final tinkering tonight, trying to find a solution to the "bottom horizontal bar" issue (outlined in my previous post). But CSS positioning is an abstract thing to get ones head around. It's not like good old...

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    Pirates of the Blogosphere – the curse of the protocols

    Andrew Chen wrote a response to my previous post about Syncato. He thinks I want to create something called a "distributed conversation protocol" and then take over the world. Actually creating a protocol would be the difficult part, given what is happening with Atom :-) So no, I'm not advocating...

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    Syncato and Microcontent Wiki

    Jon Udell is getting very excited about a new weblog product called Syncato, which is described here:"Syncato is a weblog system designed to extract the maximum potential from the content of your posts. All posts in Syncato are stored as XML within a native XML database and are searchable using...

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    11 Weblog Pieces

    Forgive me, it's the end of the day and I don't want to write my usual lengthy blog post. So I thought I'd do the blogging equivalent of "piano pieces", which in this case is a collection of various links and quotes that have caught my eye recently:Prelude No. 15...

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    Ted Nelson’s two-way links

    Matt Webb blogged the Hypertext03 conference and the resulting notes are a good scan. Thank goodness for people like Matt who blog conferences, because those of us who live on the other side of the world don't get to go to these flash harry conferences *sulk*. Matt's notes on Ted...

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