Results for "8"

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    Syncato and Microcontent Wiki

    Jon Udell is getting very excited about a new weblog product called Syncato, which is described here:"Syncato is a weblog system designed to extract the maximum potential from the content of your posts. All posts in Syncato are stored as XML within a native XML database and are searchable using...

  • Web
    11 Weblog Pieces

    Forgive me, it's the end of the day and I don't want to write my usual lengthy blog post. So I thought I'd do the blogging equivalent of "piano pieces", which in this case is a collection of various links and quotes that have caught my eye recently:Prelude No. 15...

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    Ted Nelson’s two-way links

    Matt Webb blogged the Hypertext03 conference and the resulting notes are a good scan. Thank goodness for people like Matt who blog conferences, because those of us who live on the other side of the world don't get to go to these flash harry conferences *sulk*. Matt's notes on Ted...

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    Rock n roll

    On a less serious note than my previous post, it also occured to me that bloggers are like rock n roll bands. The best bands explore a different theme each album, just like the best bloggers (imho) write on an ever-changing series of themes. My favourite band The Velvet Underground...

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    New School Blogroll example

    As per my previous post, I've updated my blogroll to include topics and conversations. I just manually updated my blogroll OPML file, but I envisage a web frontend for this in future - kinda like Phil Pearson's web form for his Feed Combiner.A bit more about the two new sections...

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    Tracking conversations with Wikis

    Don Park has come up with some promising ideas on how to link weblogs with wikis. One of his ideas is for weblog comments to be cross-posted to Wiki pages, via some scripting that "can create or find" a matching Wiki page for each comment. For this to work, comments on a weblog post will need to be assigned...

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    Organic stories

    Dave Winer links to an essay he wrote 4 years ago about decentralized syndication:"In our [UserLand's] system, each story has a *single* location, the site where it originated. We think this is the way the web was meant to work. Stories can live and grow while new information is obtained....

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    Google PageRank navel-gazing

    A few days ago John Robb complained about his Google PageRank being zero after he moved to his new domain. I was in the same situation, but this morning I noticed my weblog has a new Google PageRank of 5/10. I see John Robb's PageRank is back too (6/10). Another...

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    Political blogging

    Dave Winer, on political campaign blogging: "The first candidate that helps voters publish their own stories and ideas and drive the campaign is the one who really captures the energy of the Web."I agree, the essence of the Two-Way Web is that everyone has the right to publish. That could almost be "the...

  • Social
    Ideas swirling around – on Microcontent applications

    Soon I'm going to shut up and do some actual work on my Web of Ideas application. But I have to note a few interesting things that have surfaced recently on the topics of ideas and microcontent. Firstly, Erik Benson has just released his own Ideas Database. As to be...

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    The Microcontent Revolutions – a sequel to OpenDoc

    Yesterday I wrote about Sparrow Web, a 90's web application developed by Xerox Parc. I discovered that Sparrow Web was like a Microcontent authoring tool. It divvies up information on a webpage into discrete chunks. So when you edit content in Sparrow Web, you're editing a part of a webpage not the whole webpage (as...

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    Sparrow Web, webOutliner and Web of Ideas

    I'm doing some research into an Ideas Database web application, prompted by my recent Web of Ideas post (and its sequel). I have a Movable Type sandbox blog set up as a base for development. I'm planning on using XTM (XML Topic Maps) and/or ENT (Easy News Topics) as the engine...

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    Grade School Report for my weblog

    Actually in New Zealand, we don't have "grade schools" (they're called Primary and Secondary schools here). But I wanted to subtly reference Jon Udell's influential article called "Grade School CMS". i.e. I'm just being a smart ass :-)Things I want to do with my weblog:1. Contribute formal articles on the...

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    Browser-based RSS Aggregators

    A little while ago I wrote on the topic of "Smart Clients", a Microsoft catchphrase for non-browser-based web applications. In my article I mentioned an interesting browser-based RSS News Aggregator being built by Lucmo. Today I read the following post in the Lucmo weblog:"The Read/Write Web blog writes that Lucmo...

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    The Whiteness of the Whale – the Semantic Web

    Whenever I read about the Semantic Web, I am reminded of Herman Melville's classic novel Moby Dick. One of my favourite chapters of Moby Dick is chapter 42: The Whiteness of the Whale. Here's an excerpt:"Aside from those more obvious considerations touching Moby Dick, which could not but occasionally awaken...

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    Trackback enabled

    Excellent, I now have Radio Userland's Trackback enabled. There have been some interesting suggestions for other new Radio features too, so hopefully some of those ideas will get implemented soon. I especially like the idea of modular templates, suggested by John Robb.

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    In XML did Kubla Khan – XML as Literature

    Dave Winer says there are 2 ways to approach XML: "...people who think of XML as a programming space, and people who think of it as a literary space."The first group "love XML for its technical intricacy". The literary people however "use XML because it is a convenient way to...

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    My new domain name

    I have moved to a new domain name. Please update your records:New weblog address: http://www.readwriteweb.comNew RSS feed: the reason I am re-posting this, and my XML as Literature story below, is that my PC crashed tonight and I lost some of my recent posts. Not to mention MS Outlook...

  • Social

    The problem with blogging is it's easy to get distracted by ideas you can't do anything about. My previous post illustrates this. In it I railed against Microsoft for wanting to build its own proprietory platform for Web applications. I wrote about it because I'm concerned about the future of the World Wide Web, in...

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    The Web is no Model T

    Robert Scoble has written a couple of posts recently about Microsoft products being a platform:1. Robert quoting Kevin Warbach: "The Internet companies that have thrived while AOL faltered -- Microsoft,, eBay, Google -- have two things in commons. They are deeply technology-driven, but they see technology not as an...

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