Results for "8"

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    Bloglines’ Search-based Makeover – In The Big League Now

    A couple of weeks ago Microsoft's new web-based RSS Aggregator prototype was discovered. I wrote then (also in my weekly wrap-up) that even though technically the prototype wasn't that special, it did reveal Microsoft's business strategy for RSS. Which is that Microsoft intends to integrate RSS Aggregation with its MSN...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 7-13 Mar 2005

    This week: Microsoft's RSS Aggregator, mobile web 2.0, open source web 2.0 (stats, adverts, topics), Structured Blogging, ETech.Well this week has been a blur of activity for me and my server. First off I launched an RSS statistics project with Jon Udell and Feedburner, then later in the week I...

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    Microsoft’s Web-based RSS Aggregator?

    SiliconBeat has a scoop. They point to a sandbox version of a working web-based RSS Aggregator - from Microsoft! I had a very quick play-round (note it doesn't work in Firefox) and it's similar to MyYahoo, but what's most interesting is the strong integration with MSN Search. Hmmmm.Click to enlargeNB:...

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    Open Source RSS Statistics

    A collaborative stats project using Feedburner data was launched on this blog yesterday. It's an informal project, but I really hope the blogosphere gets behind it. I've even brought out the old Uncle Sam Needs You! image :-) Basically we need: a) your Feedburner data, and/or b) your analysis. It...

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    Collaborative Feedburner Stats Project

    Last week I wrote about my blog's subscription growth, inspired by Jon Udell's analysis of Bloglines Public Subscribers. In a subsequent email discussion with Jon Udell, we both wondered whether Feedburner data would show similar trends to the Bloglines data. Jon suggested a collaborative project could be launched in the...

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    Long Tail And Blog Subscription Growth

    Update 2: After email discussions with Jon, I've discovered my figures were a bit out and so I've fixed that up now. In my updated figures, I now see evidence of what Jon pointed out in his post - i.e. a general tapering-off in new public subs added in December...

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    How Yahoo’s Web Services Support Their Media Strategy

    Tomorrow, 2 March 2005, marks the 10-year anniversary of Yahoo. According to a recent AP article:"Yahoo already has amassed an audience of 345 million, including 165 million registered users who rely on the company's Web sites for e-mail, e-commerce, news, entertainment, driving directions, matchmaking, weather forecasts, job leads and search...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 21-27 Feb 2005

    This week: AP's RSS feeds, Enterprise RSS developments (Newsgator, Nooked), professional bloggers (Kottke, Darren Rowse), Odeo (podcasting), Ajax. p.s. headers in honour of the Oscars.Best Use of RSS Feeds by a News CollectiveAnd the winner is: Associated Press!, or Reuters. Because they both have RSS feeds. Hmm, seems the...

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    'Journey to the (Revolutionary, Evil-Hating, Cash-Crazy, and Possibly Self-Destructive) Center of Google'. That must go down as the silliest title for a tech article this year, nevertheless GQ's profile of Google was an interesting read. After that I happened to browse around the GQ website and saw an interview with...

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    Blog Branding: and Kottke

    First, some context...Jay Rosen, in the "after matter" of his article on the New York Times purchase of, posts an email response from Jakob Nielsen. Nielsen said:"The real secret of is that they have figured out a way to get 500 domain experts to work for peanuts, in...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 14-20 Feb 2005

    A look back at the week that was in the world of Web 2.0. This week: Google's AutoLinks feature, IE7, NY Times buys, more Big Media blogging coverage, Bloglines hacks.AutoLinks and AnnotationEver since Google made it big, many people have been looking for a chance to pin the 'evil'...

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    5 Book Reviews

    It's been a while since I've published a book review on R/WW, so I'm going to briefly review 5 books that I've read during the past few months. Four of them are Web Technology-related and the other was an eBook that I bought. The Nudist on the Late Shift :...

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    What Is The Data Matrix? Machines and Humans Coexist

    Andrew Nachison from The Media Centre raises some interesting issues regarding RSS content aggregation. He boils it down to these 3 questions:1. Machines vs. humans? [in regards to aggregation]I agree with Andrew's conclusion: "This isn't an “either/or” theory but a “both/and” reality." P.S. also check out The Media Center Matrix....

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    Weblog Authoring Tools Market Share

    Elise Bauer has posted a comprehensive analysis of Weblog Authoring Tools market share. As with RSS Aggregator market share stats, there are a lot of caveats. But much can be gleaned from Elise's post, which is a continuation of an analysis she did in August 2004. The data is gathered...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 7-13 Feb 2005

    What's been happening in the world of "Web two dot oh" (as Jeff Bezos pronounces it) this week? Let's find out.Bloglines Sale (my last comment on it, I promise)The Bloglines sale to Ask Jeeves continued to generate chatter in the blogosphere, including from yours truly. To sum up: Bloglines got...

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    Aggregation Advertising Aggravation

    Try saying that three times fast! Jupiter Research analyst Eric Peterson recently had another chat with Bloglines CEO Mark Fletcher. The resulting post from Eric pretty much confirms my theory that Bloglines was scared off its contextual advertising strategy by vocal publishers (big and small). Here's what Eric wrote:"[...] It...

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    Blogging 2.0

    You may be getting sick of '2.0' being stuck onto the end of everything, but I can't resist pointing to this excellent post by VC Fred Wilson. He characterises the mid-to-late 90's era of Web content creation companies like (ex-The Mining Company), Geocities and Tripod as "blogging 1.0". The...

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    Bloglines Was Scared Off Advertising Strategy

    Provocative post by Jason Calacanis on the Bloglines sale. He says it's "a horrible business and it will never make money." The reason? He reckons "95-99% of the RSS reader market" will belong to the Big 3 of Yahoo, Microsoft and Google within 2 years. That's the 'bigco will crush...

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    How To Subscribe To Topic Or Tag RSS feeds

    Last week I wrote about topic/tag/remix feeds. I think these may in future become more popular than people feeds. So to follow that up, here are some practical tips on how to get started with topic and tag feeds (I'll address remix feeds in a separate post).The first thing I...

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    Bloglines acquired by Ask Jeeves?

    Mary Hodder has the scoop, which if true is huge news in the Web 2.0 world. Also quite eerie given what I wrote yesterday! Here's what Mary blogged:"Ask Jeeves Buys Bloglines(Updated 12:30pm. This was apparently going to be announced Tuesday, not Monday.)That's the scoop. Ask Jeeves is integrating Bloglines into...

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