Results for "8"

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  • Web
    The Road to the Semantic Web

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.John Markoff's recent article in NY Times has generated an interesting discussion about Web 3.0 being the long-promised Semantic Web. For instance, a short post on Fred Wilson's blog had a lot of lengthy comments attempting to define Web 1.0, Web 2.0...

  • Web
    Social and Enterprise Groupware Primer

    Written by Ebrahim Ezzy and edited by Richard MacManus.The term groupware refers to applications that facilitate real-time communication, coordination and collaboration amongst groups of people. A number of startups are working hard to develop the nascent groupware market, so in this post we identify some of those startups and provide an overview...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Summit Wrap-up

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!It's the end of a hectic week of conference-going for your R/WW correspondent - and so time for a wrap-up of my thoughts on the Web 2.0 Summit. Firstly, my overriding feeling is that this year's conference was a lot different from last...

  • Web
    David Filo and Bradley Horowitz of Yahoo

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!This is the final session at the Web 2.0 Summit this year, a conversation with Yahoo co-founder David Filo and Bradley Horowitz (Yahoo's head of innovation).John says there's a vibe that Y! has slowed down somewhat in public perception, as opposed to Google....

  • Web
    Marissa Mayer’s Need for Speed

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!Marissa Mayer from Google only has 10 minutes to speak at Web 2.0 Summit, so she gives a high level look at Google's use of Ajax in applications. She notes that the key reason they created Gmail in Ajax was speed. This is...

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    Web 2.0 Summit Notes, Day 3

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!Today has already had a flurry of announcements and news. Here's a brief wrap of them:Microsoft Live Labs Photosynth was introduced by Gary Flake at the conference. It's an impressive 3D and photo analysis tool. Currently you can't upload your own photos, so...

  • Web
    Adobe’s World of Web/Desktop Integration

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!I'm at a session at the Web 2.0 Summit called 'Breaking Free: Working with Real Time Data, Online, Offline, and Outside of the Browser'. The speaker is Christophe Coenraets, a Senior Technical Evangelist from Adobe. He starts off by saying that Adobe is...

  • Web
    Microsoft’s 3D Web: A Chat with Steve Berkowitz and Christopher Payne

    Tonight I sat down with Microsoft executives Steve Berkowitz (Senior Vice President, Online Services Group) and Christopher Payne (Corporate Vice President, Live Search) to talk about their new 3D version of Virtual Earth. Microsoft is positioning Virtual Earth as "the beginning of the 3D Web", a quote I heard from...

  • Web
    Amazon Rolls Out its Visionary WebOS Strategy

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.WebOS services are going to be utilized by thousands of companies - and will power the next generation of web applications. Amazon is at this point leading the charge of the big Internet companies to capture this potentially huge market.There is a...

  • Web
    Parakey: WebOS for Mom and Pop

    Those of you who read John Milan's insightful article on R/WW about the coming convergence of Web apps and desktop apps, will be interested in a new development by Blake Ross - famous in the Web world for co-founding Firefox. Blake has an intriguing new startup called Parakey, which is...

  • Web
    Reality Digital: YouTube for Businesses

    Reality Digital is an online video and social networking platform for business websites, for example those with a media and entertainment focus. Crudely put, Reality Digital enables businesses to set up their own branded YouTube. They view their competition as being the likes of VideoEgg, VidaVee, BlipTV - which are...

  • Web
    Elephants and Evolution – How the Landscape is Changing for Google, Microsoft, Mozilla and Adobe

    Written by John Milan and edited by Richard MacManus. John is Senior Software Architect and founder of TeamDirection. The days of purely desktop-based applications are clearly numbered, but so are the days of exclusively web-based apps... The two elephants of personal computing these days are Microsoft and Google. Microsoft rose to...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Australia

    Written by Vishal Sharma and edited by Richard MacManus Richard's intro: Australia is a country of 20.75 million people, 14,663,622 of whom are Internet users according to a Nielsen//NR report from August 2006. That gives Australia an Internet penetration of 70.7%, which is about average for the Western world. Not...

  • Web
    Microsoft’s Live Search – Next Generation, or Competitive Bluster?

    "Why on earth does the world need another search engine?", asks the new Live Search promotional site. In addition to that website, as John Battelle's Searchblog reports, Microsoft has launched a campaign for Live Search with digital and print ads in major newspapers - New York Times, Wall Street Journal,...

  • Web
    Metacafe’s Online Video Revenue Sharing Goes Live

    Metacafe, a YouTube-like video sharing site originally from Israel, has just gone live with a revenue sharing program called Producer Rewards. The payments are on a sliding scale and based on 'views'. Payments start at 20,000 views ($100) and go up from there - e.g. 2 million views is $10,000....

  • Web
    Tamago: The Only P2P eCommerce Market

    Tamago recently launched a peer-to-peer commerce system that enables people to sell digital media directly to customers. It's designed for semi-professional and amateur people who publish music, videos, photos, e-books, etc. to earn royalties whenever their creative content is downloaded. Meanwhile the buyers can also earn commissions, for distributing media...

  • Web
    Google Re-Org Rumors: Google Maturing As Media Business

    There's an interesting rumor doing the rounds about Google doing a re-org of their advertising business. Jeff Molander wrote:"Three of my most credible resources, including DM News’s Giselle Abramovich, are indicating plans for a significant re-organization at Google (Nasdaq: GOOG). [...] On the re-org, says Ms. Abramovich,“What this means is...

  • Mobile
    Transclick: Mobile Translation For Borderless Business

    Transclick is a mobile enterprise application that translates text in email, SMS and IM. The software has been around for a while (see this article from March 2005), but is now starting to make waves as a business productivity tool. RIM Blackberry just announced Transclick as the winner of...

  • Web
    Review of Firefox Recommended Add-ons

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. Disclaimer: Alex's company AdaptiveBlue has a product called The blueorganizer, which was one of the twenty "Recommended add-ons" selected by Mozilla for the Firefox 2 launch.This week the spotlight is on Firefox as it launches its milestone 2.0 release. We've covered...

  • Web
    Adobe Digital Editions Beta Launched – Digital Reading Market Hots Up

    Following hot on the heels of the Microsoft-powered NY Times Reader, Adobe has released Adobe Digital Editions Beta - a Rich Internet Application (RIA) for digital publishing and reading. The product enables users to acquire, read, and manage content such as eBooks and other digital publications. This market is ramping...

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