Results for "8"

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  • Social
    How Social Sites Reveal What Your Audience Likes

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus Understanding your audience is the key to success in any business - including blogging. Lately the Read/WriteWeb authors have been discussing what it is that keeps readers coming back here. Our recent poll indicated that most of you come back to...

  • Web
    Stray Cinema: Open Source Film-making on the Web

    While YouTube and online video is all the rage currently, I often wonder if there's anything on these video websites other than mentos-coke explosions and bad singing. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy YouTube as much as the next person - but I am also a bit artsy-fartsy, so I...

  • Web
    Web 3.0 = (4C + P + VS)

    Written by Sramana MitraI have written a few pieces already addressing the disjointed nature of the web, whereby, you go one place for content, another for community, and a third for commerce, the most notable of these is the popular, 4C: Yahoo’s Turnaround Formula.Let’s quickly recap the terminology:3C = Content,...

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    Five Key Takeaways From Microsoft, OpenID Announcement

    Written by Jitendra Gupta of Karmaweb and edited by Richard MacManus Bill Gates of Microsoft just announced a deal with Jan Rain, VeriSign and Sxip to develop integration between Microsoft CardSpace and the open source project, OpenID. This is an interesting deal between the software giant in Redmond and a...

  • Web
    Web News: Mozilla Manifesto, Offline Firefox, Yahoo IM/Mail, President 2.0, SNS APIs, Web Safety

    - The Mozilla Manifesto; rather generic new manifesto. It reminds us of an old Jeff Bezos quote... when someone asked him 'What do u think about Google's moto - don't be evil?' Bezos is said to have replied: 'I assumed this was obvious'. We couldn't track down the exact quote,...

  • Web
    Online Video Industry Index

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManusThere are now so many companies vying to be the next YouTube, it's easy to lose track of them all. So let's take a look at the entire online video industry and categorize the major players. Our thanks to Ali Dagli of...

  • Web
    Poll: Does Location Matter in Web Innovation?

    This week's poll relates to a somewhat controversial NY Times article over the weekend, which suggested that Silicon Valley is more likely to create innovative and successful tech products than elsewhere in the world. Obviously Silicon Valley has a lot going for it - it's a hub for smart Web...

  • Web
    Mozilla Upgrades Firefox Add-ons Site; Interview with Mike Shaver, Mozilla Add-ons Guru

    Later today Mozilla is launching an upgrade to its Add-Ons website. Add-ons are extensions to the Firefox browser and Mozilla is aiming to make them more accessible to mainstream users with this upgrade. Last week I spoke with Mike Shaver, Mozilla's Director of Ecosystem Development and "add-ons guru", about the...

  • Web
    Firefox 3 To Support Offline Apps

    An interesting tidbit came out of the recent Foo Camp New Zealand (which unfortunately I wasn't able to attend). Robert O’Callahan from Mozilla, who is based in NZ but drives the rendering engine of Mozilla/FireFox, spoke about how Firefox 3 will deliver support for offline applications. This is significant because...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Latvia

    Latvia is a small country in Northern Europe, next to Estonia, Lithuania, Russia and Belarus. It has a population of 2.3 million, around 38% of whom have Internet access. The ethnicity of the population (Latvians 60%; Russian 30%) is reflected in the small internet market, because most local web sites...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 5-9 February 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsAll of the big Web companies were in the news this week, but probably the one that made the most impact (as usual) was Apple. Steve Jobs is the master of getting attention, and his call for...

  • Web
    Pre-Teens and the Web: An Overview of Popular Websites, Trends and Online Activities

    Written by Sramana Mitra. Note: this is an excerpt from a report written by Sramana Mitra, an entrepreneur and strategy consultant in Silicon Valley.Worried your kid is spending too much time in front of the computer? Blame it on websites like,, and, which are attracting kids...

  • Web
    Customized Video Advertising Disrupts Ad Industry

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManus The New York Times has an interesting report about companies that offer customized video advertising, such as Spot Runner and Visible World. Marketers are excited about this technology, because it means they can utilize demographics to deliver targeted advertising across several...

  • Web
    Web News: Pipes, Windows Live Hotmail & Mobile 6, Baidu Video Search, IBM QEDWiki

    - Is that a pipe in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?; as expected, geeks (myself included) are drooling over Yahoo Pipes, the new RSS Remix service. Indeed the demand has caused some outages. I particularly recommend the following coverage: O'Reilly Radar (although "milestone in the...

  • Web
    Yahoo Launches Pipes, an RSS Remixer

    RSS feed remixing has been a pet topic of mine for quite some time, so tonight it was a pleasure to discover Yahoo's new Pipes service (hat-tip Thejesh). It's a beta service from Yahoo and the name, which pays tribute to Unix pipes, betrays that it's designed for geeks and...

  • Web
    Web News: Microsoft Supports OpenID, Gmail Opens Up, Amazon/TiVo, Google and Cable Operators

    - Microsoft to Support OpenID; details are sketchy at this point, but Microsoft looks likely to utilize OpenID (the open, decentralized identity system) in some of its products. Brady Forrest has more info at O'Reilly Radar. If this turns out to be true, it'll be a huge step forward and...

  • Web
    MySpace Love Triangle With Google and eBay

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManusMySpace has some hard decisions to make, as last year they entered into an advertising relationship with Google and now they find themselves unable to make similar deals with other companies. An alliance between MySpace and Google last year, where Google became...

  • Web
    6 Startup Lessons For The Year 2007

    By guest author Jawad Shuaib, the founder of The social network for geeks.Startups have been multiplying like rabbits over the past three years. Due to the added competition, many startups are beginning to narrow their focus to a much smaller demographic. The year 2007 will mark the transition from...

  • Web
    30 Boxes Turns One: Review of a Best of Breed Web App

    The 30 Boxes blog celebrated today the first anniversary of their product launch. The online calendar space has been a tough one, ever since Google released its calendar app in April last year. But right from the start 30 Boxes has been recognized as an innovative app and not just...

  • Web
    Next Generation of Online Invitation Sites

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManusAfter the Super Bowl and the defeat of my team the Chicago Bears, I checked my inbox to see how many Evite invitations I'd received for Super Bowl parties. Evite has been around for a relatively long time (1998), with very little...

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