Results for "7"

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    One Year On: Part 2

    In my previous post, I wrote about my early blogging efforts in March 2002 and the birth of Read/Write Web just over 1 year ago. In this post I review the past year and pick out some highlights. I'll finish with some thoughts about what the next year may bring.Highlights of...

  • Web
    Combined project for topic mapping in blogging?

    I mentioned in my last post that one of my ongoing interests is topic mapping in weblogs. Topic Exchange and K-Collector are two initiatives that I've hyped a lot over the last year. However the blogosphere still doesn't have a mainstream topic-mapping application - and I mean mainstream as in Technorati or...

  • Web
    I guess this makes me a journalist

    Today I got my first article in print. My interview with Marc Canter made it into Computerworld New Zealand (pg 16, April 19 edition - right over the page from Jon Udell). It was one of my goals at the start of this year to get my writing published in...

  • Entertainment
    Media Literacy and How Blogs Should Evolve

    I'm currently reading Lawrence Lessig's new book, Free Culture, which is available as a free download under a Creative Commons license. I'm only up to pg 64, but already I've discovered some great new ideas. One of them is "media literacy". This is the best definition I've found so far...

  • Web
    Napoleon’s Glance – the Art of Web Strategy

    In my day job I'm currently working on a Web Strategy for my company. I've created web strategies in the past and I enjoy doing them. At the previous company I worked for, a telecommunications multinational, I wrote a Web Strategy to merge the websites of the New Zealand and...

  • Entertainment
    Kill Blog

    Hands up who wants to get rid of the word "blog"? I'm beginning to wonder whether the word "weblog" has outlived its purpose. But before you call the white coats, let me try and explain.You see, blogging to me has always meant writing and linking. Seb Paquet has a much more comprehensive definition,...

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    Doin’ it for the People

    My first reaction when I looked at my referer logs and saw I'd been slashdotted was: Holy Shit! Actually it was Marc Canter'sPeopleAggregator that was the main link in the Slashdot article, but it was my interview with Marc that caused it. I've gotten 2000-odd visits from Slashdot so far...

  • Web
    Interview with Marc Canter

    Read/Write Web is pleased to bring you this special feature, an interview with software pioneer Marc Canter. Marc is one of the founding fathers of multimedia, having created tools and content in the medium since the late 70's and early 80's. He formed a company called MacroMind in 1984 and...

  • Web
    CSS Libraries – Making CSS Layouts Easier for Web Designers

    Interesting comment from Lucas Gonze in the comments to my post regarding Lockergnome's CSS-to-Tables re-design. Incidentally, Lockergnome is in the process of moving back to CSS - good on ya! But here's what Lucas said about my pro-CSS rark-up, replicated in full:Lockergnome went back not because it preferred tables but because they're...

  • Web
    Update on my Weblog Goals for 2004

    I've been relatively quiet on the blogging front lately, for two reasons. Firstly I've been busily reading as much of Heath Row's SXSW transcriptions as possible (thanks Heath!) - so I've been in Read mode rather than Write mode. But I've also been taking a good look at my goals...

  • Web
    CSS layouts vs Tables: What’s the Pragmatic Choice?

    There's a debate going on in the Web world about Lockergnome's backwards conversion from a modern CSS design to a 1997-era HTML tables design. The web design community is outraged by the decision, because it's basically a slap in the face to the Web Standards movement. Photo Matt compares table-based...

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    Permutation City

    I've just finished reading a fantastic science-fiction book: Permutation City, by Greg Egan. It covers a lot of the themes that interest me - computer technology, virtual reality, avatars, evolution, alternate and parallel universes, philosophy, self-programming. Heck it even has an alien race (created by humans though). Now I realise...

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    There is no End User

    That is the revelation that hit me a couple of days ago. There is no End User in Information Flow (which is a term I am using a lot these days, along with "Bottom-Up Knowledge Management"). It took a 1997 presentation to tell me this.In the article I'm currently writing...

  • Entertainment
    Remix Culture

    I might Go Quiet for a week or two following this post. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by blog reading and writing and maintenance. Time to set my focus back on family, work, contemplative writing (read: not seat-of-the-pants writing as blogging can get for me when Info Overload hits). Besides,...

  • Web
    Moving your Radio Userland comments system to PyCS

    I've now swapped my comments system from Radio Userland's comments server to the Python Community Server, developed and hosted by Phil Pearson. The reason I did this was because I've experienced frequent problems with Radio Userland's comments server, causing slow downloads of my webpages and sometimes no service. This is...

  • Web
    The Passion of the Information Flow

    I've begun the push to introduce wiki and weblog technologies into the company I work for. As I wrote in my last post, I'm aiming to enhance Information Flow within my company. There is some initial skepticism from my colleagues about wikis and weblogs, but mainly due to unfamiliarity with these...

  • Web
    Subscriber Stats in Bloglines

    The RSS Aggregator Bloglines is starting to build a lot of whuffie on the Web and it's justly deserved. I signed up to Bloglines at the beginning of August 2003 and at the time I raved about the benefits of having a browser-based RSS Aggregator - as opposed to the...

  • Web
    Information Flow

    Dina Mehta wrote today about implementing Weblog, Wiki, IM, and other collaboration technologies into an Intranet environment, to replace an "archaic" Knowledge Management system and improve inter-office communication. I'm embarking on similar activities with the company I work for, so I'm eagar to read about others experiences. In my work, I've made a...

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    Real Live Book

    One of my goals this year is to get my writing published professionally. I called it "Paper-publishing" when I wrote down the goal at the beginning of 2004, but I include online publications in this definition as well. I've taken my first steps to publish a non-fiction article, by submitting a...

  • Web
    To ebook or not to ebook, that is the question

    Over the past week I've been devouring a bunch of Etech 2004 session notes, including one I read today from Cory Doctorow on the subject of e-books. Cory wrote the book Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom and released it as a free download on his website in early 2003, under a...

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