Results for "4"

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    Yahoo not scaling back on ‘original content’ – just re-defining it

    The NYTimes reports that Yahoo! is backing off its big plans to create television-style original content for the Web. Fears that Yahoo original content will alienate movie studios and television networks appears to be behind this shift in strategy. In that sense, I can understand Yahoo focusing more on the...

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    OPML: key for personalization in 2006

    Dave Winer has announced OPML 2.0 (in public review status currently). OPML stands for Outline Processor Markup Language. In semi-laymens terms, OMPL is a common XML data format for outlines and subscription lists - just as RSS is a common data format for content syndication.So why is OPML significant? Its...

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    AJAX homepages – Portals 2.0?

    I've been tracking the development of all the personalized start pages that have flowered up over the past year., Google Personalized Homepage, Netvibes, PageFlakes, et al. These are services that don't just offer a place to store all your content and links - but house your widgets, gadgets and...

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    Slow news day

    Seems reporting new media news gets a bit dreary sometimes. This from"BlogMedia Acquires The Blog Herald [by rafat] : Blog blog blog blog blag blag blah...blah. [by rafat] [Feb.27, 06]"I have to admit, the press release Rafat linked to made me yawn too. Oh well, at least the blogosphere...

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    Feedburner introduces Dashboard and Item Use Stats

    Feedburner's just released a pretty significant upgrade to their service, including a new "Feed Stats Dashboard" and some much needed drill-down stats on individual posts. TechCrunch has the early scoop as well.The best new feature for me is the feed item stats, so I'll start with that. Now you can...

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    The Value of Feeds (is shifting…)

    Summary: While full-text feeds are under-valued today, they will be an integral part of the content ecosystem in the near future. And that's when their true value will be recognized.James Gross from the Feedster blog has an interesting post about how full-text feeds will provide much more value in future...

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    Why you need a Web Office

    When my post about Web Office Suite products got Slashdotted, one of the main issues amongst Slashdot commenters was: why do we even need a Web Office? This comment by Eightyford put it best:"What are the advantages of having an online Office Suite? I'd say that the disadvantages include: security...

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    The Tyranny of Distance

    Quote from Rod Drury, founder and CEO of kiwi web email company AfterMail (which was acquired by Quest Software for US$45 million in January 2006): "We demonstrate globally from our office in Wellington, install our products remotely and receive funds electronically. We have US phone numbers in our office. The...

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    Fragmenting Attention

    Excellent quote from Joshua Schachter of"Aggregation is often a focus of attention (latest, most active, etc.)As the population gets larger, the bias drifts; becomes less interesting to the original community members. Work out ways to let the system fragment in to different areas of attention."This sums up why...

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    The Communist Web

    I've read some absurd things in my time, but this one really takes the cake. It's by a 'big media' guy at CBS News, who has written an astonishing spiel about what he regards as 'Web 2.0'. It's actually the first compelling thing I've read about Web 2.0 all year,...

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    Personalized Clustering: It’s too hard, say developers

    After my post about Personalized Megite, I got taken to task by both Gabe Rivera from Memeorandum and Nik Cubrilovic from OmniDrive - two developers who have had a lot of experience trying to develop such systems. As Gabe wrote in Scoble's comments:"I agree with Nik that there’s a huge...

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    ZDNet: Is Firefox dropping the ball, like Netscape in 97?

    Lately I've been noticing a number of people criticising the performance of the latest versions of Firefox, since 1.5. With IE7 coming very soon, with many of the features that Firefox has (tabs, RSS integration, etc), now is not a good time for Firefox to lose developer support. I don't...

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    Megite Testing Personalized Meme Tracker

    One of Memeorandum's new competitors, Megite, is testing out a Personalized version of their product. You will be able to upload your OPML file and a personalized news cluster will be created for you, based on the RSS feeds you already track. Here's the demo page for my Personalized Megite.In...

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    On Sensationalism and New Media

    Martijn van Osch did an experiment with digg, in which he submitted a story about a company that made a girl undress in the shopping window of its store in Copenhagen.In his post he linked to a short movie available of the girl undressing and the people gathering to get...

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    Feedburner releases API into the wild

    Feedburner, inaugural winner of the R/WW Best Web LittleCo award in 2004 (current holder is 37Signals) has just released the final stage of their FeedFlare rollout. FeedFlare is a set of web services plug-ins. I wrote about it in December when they released stage 1 and at the time I...

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    Guide to Startups – and a note about Feedster

    Ex-Feedster Scott Johnson has an interesting podcast entitled The Young Engineer’s Guide to Startups. It gives a nice overview of the startup life, especially things like equity and the 'risk to reward ratio'. The latter can be summarized as: the earlier you join a startup, the higher the risk... but...

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    Convergence dreams are now reality

    Irving Wladawsky-Berger, VP of technical strategy and innovation at IBM, has a post up on AlwaysOn about how the Internet is finally delivering on the long-held promise of convergence:"There is no question in my mind that convergence is now coming to digital entertainment and consumer electronics. Consumer electronics products are...

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    Rating the Meme Trackers – Memeorandum still tops, but Topix and TailRank up there too

    TechCrunch recently rounded up a list of Memeorandum hunters, or what Don Dodge is calling meme trackers (I like that term). Seeing as I was one of the first off the blocks with a rave memeorandum review back in September 05, right behind Robert Scoble, and I've been gushing about...

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    Feed Grazers and disposable RSS feeds

    Interesting notion of "feed grazing" from James Corbett and Danny Ayers. James actually came up with the concept - this explanation is from a comment he left on Danny's blog:"I’m actually coming to the conclusion that the whole subscriptions mindset is a problem and that in future we’ll ‘graze’ for...

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    Memeorandum: what Google News should’ve been

    I listened to the Gillmor Gang today, because it featured Gabe Rivera talking about Memeorandum. After wading through all the Gang's talk about, which didn't interest me in the slightest (what was that about?!), I noted this gem of a quote from Doc Searls:"Memeorandum is what google news should've...

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