Results for "nest"

We found 1899 results for your search.
  • Web
    Melbourne Long Tail BBQ and podcast

    Last night my friends in Melbourne held a Long Tail BBQ, as part of the worldwide Long Tail Camp. Seeing as I live across the ditch in New Zealand, I participated virtually via a Skype call - which Cameron Reilly from The Podcast Network recorded. The MP3 is here (10MB...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 31 Oct – 6 Nov 2005

    This week: Microsoft Live, Flash Maps and the Mechanical Turk, Web 2.0 meet-ups all over the world, 2.0 Blog of the Week - by:Microsoft Live wrap-upThe big news of the week was Microsoft's announcement of Windows Live and Office Live. My post entitled Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0 summarized...

  • Web
    My Million Dollar Blog

    Tristan Louis did the numbers on the AOL-WeblogsInc deal. My blog Read/WriteWeb has 1,938 inbound links on Technorati as of today, so according to Tristan's calculations Read/WriteWeb is worth over $1 million.OK, so there were other factors that contributed to the weblogsinc deal - the value of network effects etc....

  • Web
    Good Blogs

    For some reason, three of my favourite blogs posted self-referential reflection posts at pretty much the same time. An excuse for me to pay homage to them (and some other blogs I enjoy). In no particular order:a) is the most professional blog that I know of and I've been...

  • Web
    Google Search in Books goes live – And Amazon has it too

    Google has just released its beta book search product Google Print (hat tip Diablo). The new service lets people search within the text of a book. Interestingly, I note that Amazon has a search inside this book feature too (how long has that been live? first time I've seen it)....

  • Web
    2.0 News

    I'm trying again with a branded daily update of Web 2.0 news and views. Not content with cornering the "Web 2.0" niche in blogs, I'm now making a play for the term "2.0" ;-) Let me know what you think of the new format.Backpack: Web 2.0 Email?Popular Web Design firm...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 28 Feb – 6 Mar 2005

    Time for your weekly dose of Web 2.0. This week: Yahoo yahoo yahoo (is there an echo in here?), Wikipedia, Web 2.0 start-ups, AutoLink (I know, but bear with me...), Ruby on Rails. btw what's the best time of the week to publish this regular feature of R/WW? OK let's...

  • Web
    What’s wrong with Technorati?

    What, my links not good enough for you Technorati? ;-) I say that with a wink, but to be honest I'm pissed off with Technorati. My main weblog, Read/Write Web, is not being indexed there and so none of my outbound links show up in Technorati. Therefore nobody would know...

  • Web
    Design for Data II

    Quick follow-up on my post from last night. Over the past week James Enck has been writing a series of posts about 'analyst blogging'. Ross Mayfield called it a "blog-based research model" and I wrote about it too. Now to be honest I'm not too sure what a "sell-side analyst"...

  • Web
    Interview with Lucas Gonze of Webjay

    Welcome to the first in a very special series of Web 2.0 interviews I'm conducting on Read/Write Web. My goal is to interview at least half a dozen people in the Web community who are building or shaping Web 2.0 - i.e. the Web as Platform.My first guest is Lucas...

  • Web
    Beginning to see the light

    I've always wanted to namecheck that great Velvet Underground song. I wore my teeth in my hands...So I could mess the hair of the night. Anyway, Sébastien Paquet has posted a suggestion to improve the Topic Exchange - which reminded me of my own efforts to ignite the topics community...

  • Web
    Mama don’t let your baby grow up to be a Generalist

    It's fun to be a Generalist, you get to explore a variety of different topics and it often makes for good blogging. People don't really know what to expect when they see a new Read/Write Web item in their RSS Aggregator (although given my current experiment to try and blog...

  • Social
    I am Game Neverending

    Summary: I analyse Game Neverending, a multi-player social software web application, and compare it to a virtual world that I created in my recent novel.One of those silly but addictive questionaires is doing the rounds: What kind of Social Software am I? You could be a Wiki, the Blogosphere, FOAF, or other varieties of Social Software....

  • Web
    Weblog Ontologies, Part 1

    I've been jotting down re-design ideas in my trusty paper notebook. On the Web there is an unwritten maxim: learn (steal?) from the best. So I decided to review some of the weblog ontologies/taxonomies on the Web that I admire. My method of review is informal and non-judgmental. I try...

  • Web
    Nanowrimo Day 15 – plus some thoughts on categories and topics

    27,563 words. Here's the latest (ch. 34 onwards). I'm hoping to reach the 30,000 mark by end of tomorrow. That will give me a nice round figure to aim for of 10,000 words per week for the final two weeks.I'm enjoying having two storylines intertwining now. On the one hand,...

  • Web
    The road to XHTML and tableless CSS designs

    I've been threatening to write an article about XHTML for a while now and so here goes. I'll also talk about CSS and table-less web designs, because in the Web world right now XHTML and CSS are as hot a couple as Ashton and Demi (who may've broken up now,...

  • Web
    11 Weblog Pieces

    Forgive me, it's the end of the day and I don't want to write my usual lengthy blog post. So I thought I'd do the blogging equivalent of "piano pieces", which in this case is a collection of various links and quotes that have caught my eye recently:Prelude No. 15...

  • Web
    In XML did Kubla Khan – XML as Literature

    Dave Winer says there are 2 ways to approach XML: "...people who think of XML as a programming space, and people who think of it as a literary space."The first group "love XML for its technical intricacy". The literary people however "use XML because it is a convenient way to...

  • Web
    How to implement ENT into your Radio RSS feed

    After a few late nights, I've successfully implemented Easy News Topics (ENT) tags to my Radio Userland RSS feed. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. It involved rooting around in the Radio.root file of my weblog and upskilling myself in UserTalk, Radio Userland's scripting language. But...

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