Results for "Fifa"

We found 82 results for your search.
  • california sports betting
    Best California Sports Betting Sites 2024 – Compare CA Sportsbooks

    California is one of the states in the US that is not only sports-crazed but also has one of the highest concentrations of professional sports teams as well. Naturally, this means there are plenty in the state looking for the best California sports betting platforms. In the following guide, we...

  • Data to Create Viral Content
    Leveraging Google Trends and AI to Create Viral Content

    By definition, viral trends are fleeting. But hopping on them at just the right time can yield massive, long-lasting success in marketing a product, brand, or service. With an estimated 328.77 million terabytes of data created each day, it can be difficult for brands to find unique ways to reach...

  • AI Revolutionize Game Development
    5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize Game Development

    Game developers use AI in various ways, and this trend will only continue. Video games are no longer the only enjoyable leisure but an integral part of everyday life. According to recent trend reports, those who play video games are looking for immersive experiences and cutting-edge technology in the things...

  • best airports
    FlightHub and JustFly Reveal the World’s 5 Best Airports

    Airports are vital to domestic and international travel. Typically, airports are central hubs for all things relating to air travel: arrivals, departures, layovers, and more. That said, not all airports offer the same experiences. Some countries pride themselves on providing travelers with creative, hospitable, and fun airports. Here are the...

  • sports in virtual reality
    4 Ways Big Data & VR Are Changing Professional Sports

    Whether from home, in the stands, or over the radio—Americans love their sports. Today, part of that All-American sports experience involves big data and new immersive technology like virtual reality (VR) to draw in more fans and improve gameplay. There are dozens of ways sports teams can use data to...

  • Connected Devices
    What if the Super Bowl had AI referees and other smart technologies?

    It’s late in the 4th quarter of Super Bowl LI. The Falcons are facing 3rd and goal on the Patriots’ 5 yard line. Matt Ryan takes the snap and hands off to Devonta Freeman, already running hard at the goal line. Then, with a crunch audible to the topmost rows...

  • Connected Devices
    How the Euro Cup is keeping connected devices in the game

    While the media buzz around wearables has died down somewhat, due in part to the noise of VR and AR, they still have a place to play. I live in Germany where Fußball -- you call it soccer or football -- is the national passion. Every spati, or convenience store,...

  • Entertainment
    The Case For Microsoft’s Xbox One

    You’ve seen the Xbox One's glossy black chassis. You’ve followed its ups and downs—and the ups again. You’ve heard the argument for the competition. Now it’s time to take a look at Microsoft’s feature-packed console on its own merits.Like we’ve mentioned before, the Xbox One is making a full court press...

  • Work
    How HP Champions Modern Storage Needs

    The Internet has evolved from a virtual buffet of content to a hyper-connected network of people and things creating massive amounts of information. Businesses continue to struggle finding ways to store all this data in a way that makes it available anywhere and anytime it’s needed.Historically, adding storage space was...

  • Entertainment
    Gaming Industy Numbers Keep Sliding – So Why Isn’t Everyone Panicking?

    The latest numbers on the video game industry aren't encouraging. But don't worry, you can probably ignore them.In a preview of its upcoming report, research firm NPD announced its November gaming numbers. The results? Despite strong sales for the top five titles (led by Call of Duty), the industry continues...

  • Entertainment
    ReadWriteWeb DeathWatch: Electronic Arts

    The game publisher that brought the world Madden NFL, The Sims and Battlefield has shed nearly 60% of its value in the last year, and its stock is down more than 80% from its all-time high. Why are investors so sour? Because despite being one of the world’s largest game...

  • Entertainment
    5 Signposts to the Future of Gaming

    At their best, video games are bite-sized experiments. The virtual world of a game is a miniaturized space where our imaginations can clash horns with psychology, culture and the technological horizon, often to addictively playable ends. We take a look at how five compelling trends from E3 2012 are pioneering...

  • Smartphone
    Nokia N900 Photo Stream – Irfan Samuel

      The Nokia N900 has always been known for its stunning optics but Irfan Samuel does bring out a bit of extra special magic out of them as can be seen from the pictures below. Irfan works as a 3D animator at weRplay, who develop games for facebook, iPhone and...

  • Mobile
    The Top Mobile Apps of 2010, According to Apple, GetJar and Others

    Today, Apple has released its annual "iTunes Rewind" feature, a listing of the most popular content in music, movies, TV shows and mobile applications in its iTunes marketplace. This year, Apple has placed a large focus on mobile apps, providing lists like the top free and top paid iPhone and...

  • Web
    BBC World Cup Website Showcases Semantic Technologies

    The soccer World Cup has now ended, with Spain the victor. England was unceremoniously dumped out before the quarter finals - but if there was a World Cup for the Semantic Web, then the BBC may have lifted the trophy for its country. A post on the BBC Internet site...

  • Mobile
    On Mobile Flash, Apple Stands Alone

    Adobe Systems announced today that its Flash Player 10.1 software for mobile devices is now being released to its platform partners. The plugin-based technology, which allows for a range of interactive elements including video, games and even advertising, is already available for Google Android phones running the latest operating system...

  • Social
    World Cup Becomes Most Popular Web Event Ever

    The 2010 FIFA World Cup is now the most popular event in Web history. Record usage began last Friday before the wins and losses. Not since Obama's election day victory has the Web swayed under a greater burden of Internet-connected hope.The official FIFA World Cup website is currently receiving as...

  • Entertainment
    World Cup 2010 Promotions to Use Augmented Reality

    There's still 142 days, 18 hours and a few minutes until the 2010 World Cup launches in South Africa but the first use of cutting-edge promotional technology is already making an appearance. Sports have been where a lot of technology in the new Augmented Reality category first went mainstream -...

  • Web
    Big Internet Companies (Except Google) Brought Into Line – Thoughts on News Corp/NBC Online Video Deal

    The big news today is News Corporation and NBC Universal launching what they claim will be "the largest Internet video distribution network ever assembled", with AOL, MSN, MySpace and Yahoo! as the site’s initial distribution partners. It will launch this summer (US). The benefits obviously work both ways - News...

  • Web
    Top Italian Web Apps

    As well as being reigning world football champions, Italy has a number of world class web apps. Yes, Italy is the 10th country to be profiled in Read/WriteWeb's Top International Web Apps series. The others so far have been Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, China and Turkey....

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