Results for "internet of things"

We found 4758 results for your search.
  • CRM
    Customer Relationships: The Benefits of Using CRM Software for Startups

    Are you in the process of bootstrapping a startup? Or, are you perhaps down the business growth and development road heading towards a mature SME? Are you using CRM software to manage your customers? What is Customer Relationship Management software? Here is: customer relationships -- the benefits of using CRM...

  • cybersecurity
    Connected Devices
    Manufacturers: Approach Cybersecurity Like Your Assembly Line

    To combat cyberattacks, which pose a growing threat during the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturers should take a page out of their own book and apply an assembly line approach to their cybersecurity. More connected devices on the factory floor mean more opportunities for hackers to attack. Even after the infamous cyberattacks...

  • hyperlocal data collection
    The Increasing Need for Hyperlocal Data Collection

    The ability to collect and harness big data has transformed businesses worldwide. This process, which is continually improved by data scientists and companies that heavily invest in big data, has allowed for dramatic changes to numerous industries. The benefits of using big data include improved processes, data-driven business decisions, and...

  • iot open ecosystem
    Connected Devices
    Why IoT Needs an Open Ecosystem to Succeed

    Imagine if the internet had been built as a closed ecosystem controlled by a small set of organizations. It would look very different from the internet we know and rely on today. Perhaps this alternate version would run on a pay-per-use model, or lack tools and services that have been...

  • IIot trends
    IIoT Trends and Challenges to Watch

    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the application of IoT in an industrial setting. IIoT is sometimes referred to as Industry 4.0, though the latter primarily focuses on the manufacturing sector, using upgraded technologies to reduce waste and increase value in this field. Here are the IIoT trends and...

  • advantage of iot
    The Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT

    How far have we come from the moment when the IoT term was coined in 1999, by Kevin Ashton? Well, the usage has certainly improved by leaps and bounds from the toaster, the very first IoT device. The Internet of Things definitely took off in 2014 and it is still...

  • location intelligence smart cities
    How Location Intelligence Will Create Even Smarter Cities

    Location intelligence has gained much attention lately, especially as more businesses harness the power of this technology. Location intelligence builds on geographical information systems (GIS) tools, and its definition goes beyond the analysis of geospatial or geographic information. Here is how location intelligence will create even smarter cities. Location Intelligence...

  • cloud-based future
    How COVID-19 is Driving Us into a Cloud-Based Future

    With the advent of the COVID-19 global pandemic, many organizations have had to re-adjust the way they operate. Remote working is now a reality for large sections of the workforce. Remote collaboration through cloud-based platforms is an accepted part of most workdays. But the utility of cloud-based technology does not...

  • AIoT in industries
    These Three Industries are About to be Hit by AIoT

    Artificial intelligence and the Internet of things (AIoT) is one of the newest players on the tech scene, and it's already garnered attention at a rapid pace. That’s thanks to its compelling combination of intelligent cognition, edge computing, and autonomous capabilities. While IoT on its own is no doubt powerful,...

  • smart cities pandemic
    Connected Devices
    How Smart Cities Can Help Build a Better Post-Pandemic World

    If we look back on the past five years, we would find many breath-taking tech advancements. Smart cities, micro-drones, Internet of Things, connected logistics, artificial intelligence, etc. have put us on a platform where pride comes naturally. We can talk about the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns all we want. However,...

  • cybersecurity
    Connected Devices
    75 Billion Reasons to Talk About Cybersecurity

    Recent events have reminded all of us how much we rely on smart connected devices to accomplish daily tasks, get work done, and stay in touch with our families and friends. It’s very likely that many of these experiences will remain as examples for us in the future. It’s a...

  • latest accounting trends
    Latest Accounting Trends: Transforming the Retail Industry

    As digital disruption is spreading across industries worldwide, consumer expectations are growing at each stage. The adoption of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Big Data, Blockchain, etc., can help retailers effectively adapt to the continuously changing consumer expectations. Modern Customers Expectations from Retailers Innovation Personalized Interactions...

  • smart warehouse
    IoT Ecosystem Creates an Optimized Smart Warehouse

    IoT has potential in nearly every conceivable sector. As new technology spurs IoT growth across both commercial and industrial markets, the possibilities of this interconnectivity become increasingly evident. The organizations that see the most development in the coming years will be those that leverage this advancement. Here is the right...

  • Operate
    How the Tech Revolution Is Reshaping Shipping and Logistics

    People around the globe depend on access to various goods and products, from food and drink to office supplies to lifesaving medical equipment. Amid the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, that’s truer than ever. And the shipping and logistics industry is responsible for granting that access. Today, a...

  • iot
    Non-Device Industries that are Going to be Ruled by IoT

    Not so long ago, you thought that if you could tell your house to play you a song or your fridge to check up on the groceries and make you a list -- you must be a Jetson -- or some other science fiction person. To those of us who...

  • fear of ai
    AI’s Man Behind the Curtain

    As the world grows increasingly connected, growing concern regarding the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) has been bubbling to the surface, affecting perceptions by industries big and small along with the general populace. Spurred on by sensationalized media predictions of AI taking over human decision-making and silver-screen tales of robot...

  • iot healthcare tech converge
    IoT and Healthcare Technologies Converge for Better Patient Care

    The healthcare sector is thriving by making health services and medical system more efficient for patients. The integration of technological advancements and the convergence of emerging technologies have expanded the reach of proactive and preventive care worldwide. Still, there is a lot of room left for improving healthcare facilities and...

  • 5 Healthcare Tech Trends Worth Keeping an Eye On
    5 Healthcare Tech Trends Worth Keeping an Eye On

    The healthcare industry is experiencing rapid shifts. Some of this is due to the current pandemic, but much of this evolution was happening even before the COVID-19 outbreak. Understanding and embracing the introduction of new technology into the market will be important for healthcare professionals and patients alike. Here are...

  • iot startups
    How Will IoT Improve the way Startups do Business in 2020?

    I know I know what you might be thinking. Not another blog post on IoT. But if you are using Fitbit, an alarm system in your home, or an auto lights system that operates by your phone -- you are already using the Internet of things (IoT) in ways you...

  • digital thread value industrial
    Connected Devices
    Digital Thread: 5 Ways to Drive Value in Industrial Enterprise

    In the industrial market place, the prevalence of connected devices through the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is expanding the possibilities of the digital thread. Streamlining and democratizing this information to specific functions drives attainable value from engineering through sales and marketing. What is a digital thread? A digital thread is a...

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