Results for "casino"

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  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 21 Aug. 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of something taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or...

  • Web
    Every Machine Can Be Used To Watch You. Interested in Privacy?

    What if your activities were watched and recorded so we could not only catch you for any crime but could maximize how much money we make selling you stuff? An editorial by Toby Considine over at Automated Buildings suggests that this is fast becoming the future we're moving into.Considine gives...

  • Work
    XBRL: Accounting Geeks Get Radical

    It is not often that something as deeply geeky as XBRL gets onto the front page of Wired magazine. Daniel Roth's superb article about radical transparency raised the profile of those four letters. What could be more boring than an XML standard for accountants that has been around for a...

  • Social
    5 Ways To Have Fun with Twitter When You’re Bored

    We've all had one of those days when the universe seems to be playing games with us. Things haven't quite worked out all day, there's nothing good on TV, all your friends are out with each other and forgot (didn't want?!) to call you. Even 10 years ago this sort...

  • Web
    Criticker – Movie Recommendations Based on Taste

    Born out of a closet dislike for "Shrek 2," Criticker is a new movie review community and recommendation engine that aims to match users with like-minded individuals who share the same cinematic taste. Once you've rated 10 movies at Criticker it begins to form what they call a Taste Compatibility...

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