Results for "Tizen"

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    Page Views 2.0

    It's funny that I posted the post not long before the Scoble-leaving-Microsoft announcement predictably blanketed Techmeme. Because reading Robert's latest post about his decision made me think about the fundamental reason why 'Web 2.0' is (dare I say it) in bubble phase right now. It's the exact same reason...

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    Feedburner Ramps Up Ad Network

    Feedburner has been running ads in feeds for a little while now. They have a slick self-service system for publishers to select which ads run in their feeds, which personally I've been happy with (it allows me to delete any 'offers' of ads with a $1 CPM gross - there...

  • Web
    Rating the Meme Trackers – Memeorandum still tops, but Topix and TailRank up there too

    TechCrunch recently rounded up a list of Memeorandum hunters, or what Don Dodge is calling meme trackers (I like that term). Seeing as I was one of the first off the blocks with a rave memeorandum review back in September 05, right behind Robert Scoble, and I've been gushing about...

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    FeedBurner makes RSS interactive, with FeedFlare

    Feedburner has integrated Web services with feeds, in a new product released just now called FeedFlare. I got a sneak preview of FeedFlare and it's currently activated in my RSS feed. You may have noticed some new active and contextual links at the bottom of each of my posts, in...

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    Ah, the Boom and Bust – those were the days…

    The dotcom boom and bust has been voted the most influential Internet moment of the past 10 years, by organisers of the annual Webby Awards:"Launched by Netscape's IPO in 1995, the dotcom boom spurred trillions of dollars in private investments into the Internet, new technologies, marketing, and fiber optic cable...

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    Web 2.0 Cultural Homogeneity and Class Systems

    Whether you love or hate the Web 2.0 meme, you have to admit it's gained a lot of traction in both tech and business circles. Now we're beginning to see cultural and sociological posts about Web 2.0, although Danah Boyd and Barb Dybwad have both written great posts on similar...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 13-19 June 2005 – International Special

    sponsored by:This week: An International Web 2.0 Special!In this week's Wrap-Up, I'm going to focus on international (read: non-US) Web 2.0 activities. The US and San Francisco in particular will always be the center of Web Technology business, but it's good to take notice of the rest of the world...

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    Testing Google AdSense for feeds

    I've been approved as one of the beta testers for Google's new AdSense for RSS feeds. So I'm going to be running Google ads in my feed for a few weeks at least - purely for research purposes of course ;-)Now before you get all righteous on me, remember this...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 2-8 May 2005

    sponsored by:This week: business folk getting interested in Web 2.0, Adam Curry podcasting from 2.0 perspective, cool Web 2.0 'mini-apps', wrap-up of the adverts in RSS debate, Bosworth's Web of Data.From MBA to Master of Web 2.0?I get accused of being too geeky sometimes on Read/Write Web (no argument there!)....

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 25 Apr – 1 May 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Google turns up the heat, Yahoo burns to be a media bigco, Microsoft's 64-bit light at the end of the tunnel, blogging media empires warm their hands by the advertising fire, Craigslist - GoogleMaps make a combustible combo.Google's Preemptive StrikeIn the Mojo Cold War, Yahoo took the...

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    3 Questions about Ads in RSS

    Dave Winer has posted a comment by Jason Calacanis about adverts in RSS feeds. In a nutshell, Dave doesn't want ads in RSS feeds and Jason does. I found this comment from Dave to be very curious:"BTW, what exactly is wrong with the way the BBC and NY Times do...

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    US Elections – Global Mind

    My fellow bloggers: like a lot of you, I'm disappointed that Kerry lost. FWIW here are some quick thoughts from a non-US citizen:- I watched the coverage on CNN and BBC yesterday (yes we get both tv networks in New Zealand). CNN seemed to be very cautious about predicting results......

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    C For Content

    Last night I proclaimed we're in a Content Renaissance and this morning, what do I stumble across but a bunch of articles saying the very same thing! It's either a case of 'great minds think alike', or there really is a content renaissance happening. :-) For example, Robert Scoble wrote...

  • Web
    The Fractal Blogosphere

    In this article I draft guidelines for a Fractal Blogosphere and suggest that it be used as a measure of scale in the weblogging world. The goal is to help bloggers, particularly new ones, easily fit into a suitable blogging pattern. Joi Ito wrote an interesting post today in response to Clay Shirky's Inequality post. It's about...

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    Fractal Web applied to Blogging

    I review Tim Berners-Lee's recent interview with Christopher Lydon and analyse how the Fractal Society impacts on the world of blogging.Today I listened to Christopher Lydon's recent interview with Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web. In it Berners-Lee discussed the state of the Web and outlined his vision of...

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    Culture of Celebrity and Weblogs

    I judge the quality of a weblog by its IDEAS, but it seems some people equate quality with popularity. Is the 'culture of celebrity' that afflicts Western movies, television and radio creeping in to weblogs as well?These thoughts were prompted by the recent weblog discussion on power laws and how...

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