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  • Entertainment
    Douglas Coupland – Hey Nostradamus!

    Douglas Coupland returns to form big-time with this sensitive and soulful book, Hey Nostradamus!. Before I get to the review, I'll go over my background as a long-time Coupland fan - because it's especially relevant to my thoughts on Hey Nostradamus!. I discovered him during the 90's and he was...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Web – Watch This Space!

    I've mentioned that September is Month of Mobility at Read/Write Web, but I haven't posted about it as much as I wanted to. Why? It's because the mobile world is mostly new to me, which means I've had to batch process a whole bunch of information about it over the...

  • Web
    Bit of a Re-design

    I've been mucking around with my CSS over the past few days. Gone are the vertical grey lines and greeny colour scheme. I've kept the pacific green colour in the site title though, as a keepsake of the old style. Plus that colour is sort of identified with me now...

  • Social
    On Collaboration

    Today I had a meeting with a large multinational content and document management vendor (who shall remain nameless). I was struck by how many times they used the word "collaboration" to describe their current software. Collaboration is also a trendy word in the world of social software. But the difference...

  • Web
    Baby names for bloggers – comments

    Excellent response to my light-hearted Friday post Suggested baby names for bloggers. The comments are still open if you want to add your suggestions. As for me, I have the following names lined up should I need them:Foaf Http 201 Alist MacManus (if it's a boy)Note: I think 'Foaf' could...

  • Web
    Suggested baby names for bloggers

    Warning: This post is frivolous and NOT topic-focused! May the blogosphere have mercy on me. So here are those baby names...Girls: Bloggia Blerta Post Ping (could work as a boys name too) Dot Blogatha Rebecca AggieBoys: Blogbert Atom Alist Zeldman Pilgrim Blog-Blog (i.e. like Jon-Jon) Permalink DaveAny other suggestions?

  • Web
    Pens, Weblogs & Knowledge Management

    There's an interesting meme doing the rounds about using pens as a metaphor for weblogs. Of course I can't resist adding my 2 cents when it comes to that topic :-) Lilia began with a post that explored the 'weblog as a pen' metaphor in relation to how weblogs serve...

  • Mobile
    Portable Internet

    The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) has just released a report entitled The Portable Internet. From the press release:"A new set of advanced wireless technologies now promises to bring affordable, high-speed Internet connectivity to the masses. This set of technologies, and the market opportunity they create, has been termed the "Portable...

  • Entertainment
    Digital Lifestyle Mobile Jigsaw

    In my post about internet-based mobility earlier this week, I mentioned that the hype around mobile devices we endured during the 90's and early 21st century is finally being realized in 2004. Mobile phone market penetration is running at 70% where I live, up from 10% in the mid-90's. Other...

  • Web
    Gmail Invite Giveaway Galore!


  • Web
    eBook Culture Strategy, Part 1

    It's about time I published my strategy for my new topic-focused blog, eBook Culture. Although upon reading Erik Benson's post tonight about getting on and building something rather than "talking about it but never building it", I now feel a bit guilty about writing yet another grand plan instead of...

  • Mobile

    September is the Month of Mobility at Read/Write Web, I've decided. This month I'm going to explore the intersection between the Web and mobile devices. Principally mobile phones and PDA's, although there's also a trend of convergence of those two devices into "smart phones". And let's not forget new ground-breaking...

  • Web
    Case Study of a Non-Geek Topic-Focused Blog: Fast Machines

    Last week I wrote about some examples of topic-focused blogs, all of which had technology-focused content. Josh Katinger left a comment pointing to his blog about motor racing, called Fast Machines. It didn't look like spam, so I clicked through and discovered that Josh runs a very good topic-focused blog....

  • Web
    New Strategy for Read/Write Web

    Before I blog the eBook Culture strategy I've been promising, I really need to get the strategy of Read/Write Web confirmed. Long-suffering readers will know that I periodically go through a hand-wringing phase where I question the meaning of my blog. I'm sure this is testing the patience of my...

  • Web
    What are your Google Number 1’s?

    Andrew left a great comment on my previous post about blog branding. I'd mentioned I was number 1 for the Google phrase "two way web blog". Andrew also informed me I'm the number 1 search result in Google for these phrases:"microcontent wiki" "fractal blogosphere" "picked a fight with clay shirky"I...

  • Web
    What’s Your Brand?

    Keith Robinson is going through a re-branding exercise for his weblog. Even though I'm not focused on web design, I identify strongly with what Keith is trying to do - because I've been doing much the same thing over here. A few weeks ago I updated my About Me to...

  • Web
    Elvis and Me

    Elvis Costello and I share a birthday today. He's the big 5-0, while I'm the next generation down (I'd tell you my age, but I'm not ready for Google to know). Elvis and I also share the same name. He was born Declan MacManus and I was born - and...

  • Social
    RVW Reviews on Read/Write Web

    I've been meaning to add the RVW module for reviews for a wee while now and tonight I did it. RVW is an RSS module created by Alf Eaton. It's basically some extra metadata you add to your RSS feed that describes reviews - of books, music, anything you like...

  • Entertainment
    The Coma – Alex Garland

    First impressions. Short book, more of a novella than a novel. I finished it in one day (a day off work). Alex Garland, if you don't know his work, wrote a famous novel called The Beach in the 90's. The book was much better than the Leonardo Di Caprio movie...

  • Web
    Topic-focused Blogs: Examples

    So I've started a topic-focused blog, eBook Culture. Yesterday I outlined my personal goals for the site. Today I'm going to review examples of successful topic-focused blogs, from two people who are leading the way in this type of blog.PVRblog: product-centered contentProbably the most well known example of a topic-focused...

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