Results for "cryptocurrencies"

We found 517 results for your search.
  • making money from blockchain
    Past Bitcoin to Making Money from the Blockchain

    Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but it can do so much more than just digital payments. There are currently applications being developed to use blockchain for many more activities than previously thought possible. We are heading past Bitcoin to making money from blockchain -- and the whole...

  • How Can Blockchain Help Secure IoT Data?
    How Can Blockchain Help Secure IoT Data?

    Everyone has heard all of the terms such as blockchain, security, secure IoT data, cryptocurrency, etc. But the popularity of these technologies has been on the rise and will continue to be an issue in the future. But, how can blockchain help secure IoT data? Blockchain was earlier associated only...

  • Blockchain
    How Blockchain Can Put an End to Conflict Minerals

    Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of where their products are coming from. Ethically sourced materials have become a selling point for companies around the world. More and more companies are working on ditching conflict minerals and ensuring that their products are not associated with human rights abuses. Blockchain can put...

  • What to Expect from a Modern IoT Platform in 2019
    What to Expect from a Modern IoT Platform in 2019

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at an unprecedented rate and can help businesses deliver new opportunities and be successful in the long run. The promise of a vibrant future that IoT holds can be deciphered from the following facts: 7 billion active IoT devices on a global level...

  • gamers, gaming, mobile games blockchain
    Why Mobile Games and App Stores Should Opt for Blockchain

    The mobile game and app ecosystem is extremely saturated. The mobile gaming markets are still growing and already worth more than $40 billion -- but only a few developers are reaping benefits from this growth. Let's address why mobile games and app stores should opt for blockchain. The success of...

  • Blockchain
    Samsung’s Blockchain KeyStore coming to more Galaxy smartphones soon

    Samsung, the world's largest smartphone vendor, has newly ventured into blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. The company recently invested $2.9 million into a hardware cryptocurrency wallet manufacturer Ledger. It is also reportedly working on an Ethereum-based blockchain network, and a cryptocurrency token of its own called Samsung Coin. Earlier this year, Samsung launched its...

  • bitcoin and global warming
    Is Bitcoin Accelerating Our Global Warming?

    The Bitcoin is by far the most popular cryptocurrency in the world. Cryptocurrencies were primarily designed to facilitate faster and more secure financial transactions over the web. They were meant to make the world a better place. However, there are worrying studies that show that the rise of Bitcoin alone...

  • blockchain can teach regulatory
    What the Rise of Blockchain can Teach the Regulatory Environment

    There’s a lot of speculation around whether blockchain technology will fundamentally transform the regulatory processes and requirements for companies raising money on public markets — but that may not be the best way to frame the conversation. The rise of blockchain can teach the regulatory environment. Certainly, there are aspects of...

  • The Bright Future of Online Banking
    The Bright Future of Online Banking

    Technology has facilitated all aspects of life – transport, cooking, shopping, studying, entertainment, you name it. Long gone are the days of going through much trouble to do. You can watch a movie with 3D characters stepping out of the screen and cook a healthy super fast meal in under...

  • Blockchain
    Samsung invests $2.9 million in crypto hardware maker Ledger

    Samsung has invested 2.6 million euros (roughly $2.9 million) into hardware cryptocurrency wallet manufacturer Ledger. The investment gives the startup a valuation of about $290 million. Ledger had previously raised $7 million in Series A funding round in 2017, and a whopping $75 million in Series B in 2018. The...

  • Blockchain
    Evolving from Decentralization to Centralization – Back to a Decentralized Future

    Believe it or not, decentralization is nothing new. It first began with the social organization of ancient human societies. They lived together in small Neolithic decentralized communities of less than 100 people where everyone was accountable for one another. Small populations directly made management easier. Such small communities could easily...

  • another idea about Blockchain
    Blockchain’s Mainstream Debut Awaits Dev Ecosystem Evolution

     Blockchain is seemingly forever on the cusp of mainstream adoption, but not for long. For those who have a broader perspective on the technology’s current capabilities and history, the idea that blockchain is anywhere close to reaching critical mass is laughable. Despite retail investor interest in cryptocurrencies, the things that...

  • Leverage IoT and AI for business success
    10 Ways Smart Businesses Are Leveraging IoT And AI To Bolster Business Conversion In 2019

    As a business owner, you must understand that creating awareness for your brand, product or services online and converting this awareness into actual product sales or service registrations are two different things. The latter entails that you have a compelling business structure that would convince potential customers into giving your...

  • Decentralized-Web-banner
    Moving Towards web3.0 Using Blockchain as Core Tech

    The invention of Bitcoin and blockchain technology sets the foundations for the next generations of web applications. The applications which will run on peer to peer network model with existing networking and routing protocols. The applications where centralized Servers would be obsolete and data will be controlled by the entity...

  • could supercharged AI be the next revolution?
    Blockchain Supercharged with AI: The Next Revolution

    In the last decade, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are among the rare developments in technology that is poised to become so disruptive that they’ve become synonymous with innovation and the future. Startups have begun aiming to bring an amalgamation of these technologies onboard and have raised a whopping $437...

  • Entrepreneurs and startups can earn massive returns
    Top 5 Industries Providing Massive Returns Over the Next 5 Years

    When Eileen Lee is a founder of Cowboy Ventures and one of the best investors in Silicon Valley, published an article on unicorns (privately-held companies with a valuation exceeding $1 Billion), she estimated there were around 39 unicorns at the time. That article was over five years ago, and as...

  • Blockchain
    Is Blockchain Winning or Losing? — 4 Stages of Blockchain Evolution

    The hype over blockchain has picked up steam and enterprises rush to apply blockchain to their industry or even just add it to their initiatives of the year. Blockchain becAme a buzzword of 2018 and seems to be buzzing pretty well in 2019 so far, as well. The blockchain appears...

  • decentralized p2p lending services
    Decentralized P2P Lending Services vs Networks

    Peer-to-peer lending (crowdfunding) is an alternative financial system, the essence of which is to provide individual lenders and borrowers with a way of lending money to unrelated persons, or equal parties, without involving a traditional financial intermediary. What is traditional P2P lending? This method of private lending has a long...

  • IoT
    6 Emerging Cyber Threats to Lookout for in 2019

    2018 showed us an accelerated growth in cyber threat activities. Data breaches, attacks using malicious software and insider threats were among the most familiar forms of attack. Many well-known organizations suffered from these cybersecurity disasters and compromised data of millions of users. Exactis, a marketing and data aggregation firm suffered...

  • blockchain advertising
    Is the Blockchain Role in Advertising Too Overrated?

    Society has long been associating blockchain with bitcoin. Although Bitcoin was indeed the first product of its kind, the possibilities of this technology are found far beyond cryptocurrency production. Today, blockchain has become key to advertising transparency and decentralization. The late decade of the twentieth century signified the birth of...

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