Results for "alicia eler"

We found 33 results for your search.
  • Web
    What Happens When Everything’s Measured?

    Anything that can be measured can be optimized, and sometimes that optimization can lead to competitive advantage in inefficient markets. That's the lesson of the book and popular new movie Moneyball, about the Oakland A's baseball team and its use of statistics to overcome the limitations of its budget. It's...

  • Mobile
    Who’s Gonna Buy the iPhone 4S? Not Us!

    With all the hussle and tussle over the iOS5 and iPhone 4S announcements earlier this week, we thought we would take our own unscientific and idiosyncratic poll of our RWW staffers and see whether they would be ready to plunk down their own hard cash money (we have to pay...

  • Developer
    Tizen 2.1b Release Notes

      Tizen is an open source, standards-based software platform supported by leading mobile operators, device manufacturers, and chip suppliers for multiple device categories, including smartphones, tablets, netbooks, in-vehicle infotainment devices, and smart TVs. The Tizen Platform consists of the Web framework (APIs), native framework (APIs), and core system. The Tizen...

  • Social
    15 Clever Responses to Facebook Buying Instagram

    By now you've heard the news. Earlier today Facebook announced it had acquired Instagram for a meaty sum of $1 billion. We've written about who the sale is really about (it's the investors) and how to get some more followers. But what does the Twitterverse say about this? Here are...

  • Social
    Why Time Isn’t Linear on Facebook

    I have been using Facebook less. I don't care as much about what my friends are up to on the Internet, I guess. I've been calling people more, and emailing. It actually feels a lot better. But one morning I logged on to Facebook and noticed a thought-provoking status update...

  • Social
    On Facebook, What You Give is What You Get

    It's your best friend from 5th grade's birthday, and you almost missed it because you were stalking your 7th grade best friend on Facebook. The time is now 9pm, in your time zone. In a moment of freedom, you return to and notice the tiny birthday notifications in the...

  • Social
    On Facebook, What You Give is What You Get

    It's your best friend from 5th grade's birthday, and you almost missed it because you were stalking your 7th grade best friend on Facebook. The time is now 9pm, in your time zone. In a moment of freedom, you return to and notice the tiny birthday notifications in the...

  • Web
    10 Ways to Win Over Writers

    As a PR person, product developer, CEO or whatever, you're probably more interested in getting noticed by the media than developing a relationship with a particular writer. That's one way to go about it. Then there's that old-fashioned "building a relationship with a real person not a robot" idea. You...

  • Social
    How to Take Better Food Porn Photos

    Admit it. You're an amateur food porn photographer. But don't worry, you're certainly not alone.Last week, my esteemed Internet ReadWriteWeb-y colleagues Jon Mitchell and Curt Hopkins cooked up this insanely hilarious story about the grossness of amateur food porn. Amazingly, every single photograph in his story was shot by an...

  • Social
    How to Take Better Food Porn Photos

    Admit it. You're an amateur food porn photographer. But don't worry, you're certainly not alone.Last week, my esteemed Internet ReadWriteWeb-y colleagues Jon Mitchell and Curt Hopkins cooked up this insanely hilarious story about the grossness of amateur food porn. Amazingly, every single photograph in his story was shot by an...

  • Social
    Why People Have Fake Facebook Profiles

    It's late afternoon, and you're clicking around on Facebook. Then you stumble upon a person who appears to be Facebook friends with many of your mutual friends. This person is active on Facebook, posting links, videos, images and status updates. Still, something just seems off. A bit more digging reveals...

  • Social
    Another Reason To Become Facebook Friends With Strangers

    A few weeks ago, I found myself at Chicago's New Wave Cafe in the very hip, artsy neighborhood of Logan Square. After ordering my requisite sandwich and coffee, I searched for a table. It was the lunchtime hour, and the place was packed. So I did what any normal person...

  • Mobile
    ArtSpotter Aims To Become Largest Arts Venue Database In The World

    Picture this: You're in a new city and forgot to research its art scene before arriving. Does your iPhone have a solution to this first world problem? Thanks to the new app, ArtSpotter, it just might. ArtSpotter was created by UK-based Raphaëlle Heaf, who has worked in the contemporary art...

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