ReadWrite is seeking relevant content with current, valuable information about topics like transport, smart cities, fintech, connected devices, industrial, health and more. All content shared is intended to assist our community of readers understand today’s technology, including how to invest in, apply, and benefit from it.
We welcome high-quality guest contributions from experts who fit our content style. The content should attract those founders and inventors who are building the disruptive technologies and bringing those solutions to the masses around the world!
Step 1. Apply to Become a Contributor
- Apply to become a guest contributor (Free, long wait-time, less rigorous vetting process.)
- Apply to become an expert contributor. (Annual Fee, small wait-time, More rigorous vetting process.)
Step 2. Write and Submit Your Contributor Bio/Profile
When you establish an author profile with us, please include the following information:
- Biographical information: This will be attached to every post that is published on ReadWrite. This should be a short and sweet “tweet” type bio of who you are and why you’re important. We like to limit this to 200 characters.
- Twitter profile: This allows us to tag you online so that you can share your post.
- LinkedIn profile. This helps readers see your expertise, background, and credentials as well as connect with you.
- Other socials: Your other social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, Medium, YouTube, etc.
- Personal site: Your personal website or company name along with role and URL.
Step 3. Learn about our Editorial Guidelines
View our full list of editorial guidelines. Before publishing, please ensure you follow our guidelines. Otherwise, RW editors editors will have no choice but to deny your submission.
Here is a quick overview of what is expected:
- Word Count: 1000+ words (strict minimum)
- Audience: Entrepreneurs, tech professionals, tech-interested consumers
- Tone: Conversational, informative, intriguing. E.g., “Yes, software vulnerabilities can be patched. But sooner or later, tech companies stop supporting older operating systems. And even properly patched operating systems aren’t as secure as current ones.”
- Other notable guidelines: – Add one ReadWrite link to every 300 words. (3-4 per article) Make sure one of these is the first in the article. – Add one link to Forbes, NYTimes, Wall Street Journal, or other publication of the same esteem.
- Feature example: Security, Connectivity, and Privacy: Plume’s CEO on the Importance of Smart Homes in the World of Remote Work
Step 4. Publishing your Article!
After you hit the “Submit for Review” button, here’s how our process works for reviewing the content:
- Editorial assistant review: Our Editorial Assistant checks that it follows our editorial guidelines.
- Copy editor review: The post undergoes copyeditor review. Grammar, spelling mistakes, and content flow are checked. Links and references are reviewed for accuracy, relevance, and adherence to our linking guidelines.
- Final edits: If the editorial staff has requested that you make changes, it will go on Editorial Hold. Your post will be published faster if you quickly respond and make the required changes. If you see “Editor Hold” on your post’s status but have not received an email with requested changes, please contact us.
- Ready for publishing: Once all editorial changes are completed, your post will be changed to “Ready for Publishing” status. Please note, RW currently has a 2-3 month queue for guest posts.
Things to Note About Being a ReadWrite Contributor
- Purpose: You’re here to provide your expertise, not sell to others.
- Payments: You should not accept payment from third parties for anything published on ReadWrite.
- Non-employee: You are a contributor, not an employee. Please make sure you clarify that when you talk about your relationship with ReadWrite.
- Original content: We only accept original content. That means no reposts from your blog.
- Sharing: We will share the most valuable and popular pieces across our social media. Certain pieces will republish with our syndication partners!
- Activity: You must submit at least one post per month to be considered an active contributor to ReadWrite.
What To Write About?
Our Focus:
- We cover new topics that no one has covered or even thought of yet
- We also cover existing topics, but with a new angle or insight
- We are provocative, but backed by data and rigor
- We are controversial and sometimes combative, but always driving towards a conclusion
- Why does someone need to read this (in other words, did we answer a question)
Not Our Focus:
- We don’t cover apps (RARE exception: An app that has connected a whole of new things into a community…which probably means it’s not really an app story, right?)
- We don’t follow individual crowdfunding campaigns (although we do periodic roundups of interesting crowdfunding campaigns)
- We don’t do games (sadly)
- We cover AR (as a great interface topic) but not VR (see “games” above)
Content Republishing
- To maximize the search ranking potential, there should be no duplicate content issues.
- Content can only be republished on Medium. You may not republish content from our site on your company or personal site until two weeks after being live on our site.
- If we see a post published anywhere besides our site or your company or personal site, then we may remove your post from our site.