Home Is PEPU The Next Big Meme Coin – Pepe Unchained Layer 2 ICO Raises $500k

Is PEPU The Next Big Meme Coin – Pepe Unchained Layer 2 ICO Raises $500k

Cryptocurrency analyst Crypto Gains highlights Pepe Unchained, a recent entrant in the meme coin market that has already surpassed $500,000 in presales.

This ambitious project aims to innovate within the space by leveraging its own Layer 2 blockchain technology. The unique approach promises faster transaction speeds, lower fees, and a dedicated ecosystem specifically designed for meme-based applications.

Notably, Pepe Unchained carves a unique path by centering itself around the iconic Pepe meme, thus distinguishing itself from the prevalent dog-themed tokens like those seen with DogeChain and Shiba Inu’s Shibarium.

Pepe Unchained: A Layer 2 meme coin with huge potential

Pepe Unchained is a Layer 2 meme blockchain that promises enhanced speed, lower transaction fees, and greater volume capacity compared to Ethereum.

Inspired by successful meme projects like Dogechain and Shibarium, Pepe Unchained aims to build a robust ecosystem around the beloved Pepe meme.

This innovative blockchain offers instant bridging for seamless transitions between Ethereum and Pepe Chain, significantly lower transaction fees, and the ability to handle volumes at speeds up to 100 times faster than Ethereum.

Additionally, it features a dedicated block explorer for tracking transactions and activities on the network.

Currently in its presale phase, Pepe Unchained has raised over $530,000, providing early investors with the opportunity to buy and stake $PEPU tokens, the native currency of the ecosystem.

With investments starting at $25, $50, or $100, participants can secure early positions and potentially see substantial long-term gains as the project develops.

PEPU token’s role in the future of DeFi and NFTs

Staking $PEPU tokens allows users to earn passive rewards, with an estimated annual reward rate currently at an impressive 4586% per year. This high rate is expected to decrease as more people join the staking pool, making the early phase a unique opportunity to maximize returns.

The total supply of $PEPU tokens is allocated as follows: 20% for presale, 30% for staking, 20% for marketing, 10% for liquidity, 10% for project finance, and 10% for chain inventory.

Pepe Unchained Tokenomics

Pepe Unchained aims to create a comprehensive blockchain ecosystem, moving beyond its origins as a meme coin. The platform will support new NFTs, memes, games, and DeFi projects, all powered by the $PEPU token.

This initiative could herald a new golden age for meme coins. With a dedicated community of 2,300 followers on X, Pepe Unchained is in its early stages but shows significant growth potential.

The roadmap includes ambitious plans to further develop Layer 2 technology and expand the ecosystem, making it an exciting project to watch. Investors can participate in the presale using Ethereum, USDT, or BNB by connecting their wallets, such as Metamask.

The staking platform, though new, offers impressive annual rewards that are expected to decline as the pool grows. To take part in the $PEPU token presale, visit pepeunchained.com.


Pepe Unchained stirs the pot in the meme coin market with its focus on Layer 2 blockchain technology. This innovative approach tackles the limitations plaguing meme coins, potentially making Pepe Unchained a serious contender.

While the cultural significance of Pepe the Frog can’t be ignored, investors, beginners or veterans alike, should carefully consider this project’s potential alongside established meme coins when making portfolio diversification decisions.


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Alvin Hemedez
Crypto Writer

Alvin Hemedez is a cryptocurrency analyst, finding a talent for the technical side of blockchain with his background and degree in Industrial Engineering. Hailing from Los Baños, Calabarzon in the Philippines, Alvin's work experience includes managing the eCommerce side of Shopee PH, Singapore and South East Asia's equivalent of Amazon with a base in the Philippines. Alvin's current news coverage on ReadWrite includes a special focus on emerging projects and new ICOs.

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